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Everything posted by WCML100

  1. Some great service from Footplate / Flangeway to ensure a missing item from my order turned up. All 6 now with me and I am very impressed! A nice bag of accessories came with each wagon in a re-sealable bag - not someting you see very often these days which is good. I also noted that these come with the bolster to add if you so wish as well as 3 hook couplings (though these maybe for aesthetic purposes). Few other little bits in there too. the outer box is very nice however the plastic ice cube was a little odd with its separate pieces but not really an issue just not to my preference. The other odd thing i noticed was the new pockets. The new couplers don’t seem to go all the way in? Is this just me being stupid or are others having this issue too? I will most likely fit kadees or something similar to bring the gap closer in between wagons. Other than these minor points, the weight of the model is impressive for a wagon with such little (if anything) above the sole-bar level! The run freely and well across my code 75 track work. The printing is great and the variations between each one is very nice too! The yellow seems to be a good shade and the ews maroon looks spot on too! The deck material is very nice and I look forward to weathering these! Over all I’m very happy and may add another 2 to the rake in time. Some photos of them up close and a video of them running below!
  2. They look great! Fantastic inspiration, I must start on mine. MENTOR is on the hit list, anyone know if they are still available as a kit on ebay?
  3. Some great photos there, weathering is spot on and I am loving the shots with the lights reflecting along the rails! Just lavvvely!
  4. Hi James, so I understand, will you be using the newly released TTA chassis to upgrade the Bachmann MTA wagons? TIA
  5. Me too… the 166’s always seem to command a high price too. Would be great to see someone tackle the full suite of the 165’s and 166’s across both Great Western and Chiltern variants from NSE up until current day!
  6. Thanks! I quite enjoy the track laying and the satisfaction of running the trains over it once a section is complete. Especially if you can get a prototypical ‘flow’. What we don’t enjoy is the wiring or soldering that goes along with the territory! Nothing fun about that bit! 😂
  7. Thanks, and i think we will, but not 100% sure if or how much of it we will rust them. Yes, a nice ebay find around 10 years or so ago! Perfect for the short formed Bicester MOD - Didcot (& return) runs that went via Greenford. Most of these runs were 1,2 or 3 VGA/VKA vans. Some of them had an odd wagon within the rake, either a FAA, OCA, or KWA warwell wagon. Makes for a great train to model! We will be doing all variants! Some longer ones (another few wagons or so) also included FCA’s (hopefully a manufacturer will release these at some point, I’d take a few for the various MOD workings + the various Binliners they were used on through Greenford!) which all make for interesting rakes and workings! I have added some below for reference which happened during the Bicester - Oxford upgrade works during 2015ish. VGA/VKA van + x2 FCA pairs + FAA + VGA/FKA @ South Greenford on a Bicester MOD to Didcot run x2 FCA Pairs + VGA/VKA van also on a Bicester MOD to Didcot run seen at Castle Bar Park Passing Waddesdon is a Bicester MOD to Didcot working with x3 VGA/VKA’s At Princess Risborough a Royal 67 pulls a singular VGA/VKA on the same working. A great example of the typical setup i remember regular seeing is a VGA/VKA, FAA*, x2 VGA/VKA passing Hanwell heading back towards Oxfordshire. It is seen coming off the Greenford branch having already passed our Greenford itself. *The FAA can sometimes be an OCA wagon or KWA warwell too. See in the video below from 02:00. Just the other side of Greenford seen heading in the opposite direction from Didcot for Bicester with 2 VGA/VKA’s in tow past Northolt. & for a bonus… the shortest binliner working you will ever see through Hanwell..!
  8. A short update on some slow but painful progress. More work was done on the track work to get it closer to being finished on the main national rail section of the New North Main Line. With the ‘re-jig’ of the down main track bed alignment to be closer to the up main as previously mentioned - it was time to start putting back the point-work in. This has now been done and point motors back in place too. We have also trimmed some more track to fit in where we made adjustments too. We have also now wired up and tested the two sidings, not that these will ever see use in our operating period but its good to be thorough! They will mostly be over grown once we get to the scenic phase. We did some ‘testing’ to make sure everything was in order - see video below for some movements over the junction! I also had time to re fix down the remaining sleepers on lifted down main section on the original station board. Again as mentioned before all based on what is left there as of today by using drivers eye view videos ok youtube. I have adjusted slightly as to what how I laid it previously too! That is all for now, more updates im sure will follow soon 🙂
  9. Real quality this is mate! It may take an age but oh it really is worth the results! Will be amazing once all completed! I can imagine the satisfaction once your putting the final details on the station like signage and benches etc! Will be great 😅
  10. Very impressive mate, certainly will be taking some inspiration from your work! May I ask, as I have missed it during the thread… who is this yoda like person you mention, Roland? He sounds incredibly knowledgeable 😃
  11. Wow a packed full update mate! Balfour Beatty FEA’s are top notch mate and look great now they’re finished! The 3D prints look really good and really make a difference once all painted! A unique model for sure - Deffo needs a second set to match! The metal sleeper loads look good, I am currently weighing up options for my bass loads - this is great inspiration! Which is the number of the SPA pictured? Looks like 460272. @Chris37044 is planning to model that one for a rake on Greenford! The BDA looks good too, looking forward to seeing that progress. The Rapido OAA look great, had a close up look at some during my trip to my local model shop this week. Quality detailed wagon! Tempted to get one and hack the sides off for a mesh sided conversion! If not I may get an EWS example once they hit the shelves! The Flangeway Salmons look great, looking forward to seeing you tackle them with your weathering! Keep up the good work 👍🏻
  12. Bachmann have done that livery on their 47 and I think if the accura release or 37609 is anything to go by I am pretty sure they have the skills to do it!
  13. Yes 313 (& family) have been noted by accurascale as one in the works but not by them...
  14. If the rumour mill is true - there is a 325 in the works by someone...
  15. Great thanks - Looking forward to them arriving on the layout!
  16. Fantastic news! Do we know when these will start to be shipped out to customers who pre-ordered? 😄
  17. wow! just caught up on this thread and your work is amazing! the attention to detail is great - first time i have seen anyone use a Bachmann MK2F for network rail conversions too which is nice to see! Some real great work and so much in a short space of time too! I also really like the support coach, I too have this on my list of conversions! This has provided me with some great inspiration to get cracking with my Network Rail conversions now! thanks for sharing 😀
  18. Wow that looks amazing! How did you manage to 3d print it? Would be great if you could share would come in might handy! Cheers
  19. ahh DR98008! The very same as what I am working on! Any more pics of yours? And how you made it?
  20. Id be interested in a full layout update too. Guy have you ever thought about filming the layout or uploading to youtube. I am sure plenty of people would find it very interesting on the why’s, how’s of everything to do with the layout and your rolling stock etc. It would be great for it to reach a new audience and see running sessions! Just my two pence! Look forward to seeing the next update 🙂
  21. thats the type! Thanks thanks for the helpful info, happy to compromise on the scale issue if its only minimal!
  22. Hi all, currently myself and my brother are building a replica of Greenford, West London in 00 gauge. We are using a mix of code 75 in bullhead, and flat-bottom wood, steel, and concrete (as per the prototype). Although recently I came across an image showing a section where the track where it had a different type of wooden sleeper chair which I would like to use if possible. It has a key like look effectively the same as the concrete type peco produce in code 75. prototype shown below: i am only looking to replicate it on the sections other than points. Can anyone point me in the right direction to anyone who produces sleepers with this key style chair on wooden sleepers? (If there actually is one available) or advise me on options that we can work on! It would be great to get this prototype correct! thanks
  23. all this talk is really wetting the appetite! Can't wait for our 180 in Dynamic Lines livery to arrive on Greenford!
  24. Ordered mine - excited for them to arrive :)
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