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Blog Comments posted by Bryn

  1. There are plenty of people who will make a lot of noise about the need to build strictly to 2mm - but I tend to find that noise is about all they do make - the numerous 'I'm planning to.........', who we have all met at shows.Jerry


    Never has a truer statement been made. If I had a penny for every foot long piece of pure scale track and test wagon chassis I've seen... ;) Sadly it is the assumption that active 2FS modellers are the ones kicking up the fuss about "1:152 only" modelling, the reality couldn't be further from the truth. Pure 1:152 is the goal, but normally only achieved by the dedicated few.


    Every modeller is part artist and part engineer, sometimes the balance has to tip back and forwards to find a happy medium for a finished project. There is no point being micron perfect if it still looks like a bag of ****.


    2FS - Modelling by any means necessary :good:

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