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big jim

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Everything posted by big jim

  1. been having a trawl through some of my pics on the hard drive and thought i'd start a thread (as i couldn't find an existing one) with a few prototype pics of class 08 shunters i've seen on my travels feel free to add your own pics (not limited to the last 10 years!) details and dates are vague sorry as i dont keep notes this is the image that prompted me to look through my old photos, ews 08 on a trip working between kingmoor and currock (i think) crewe LNWR derby etches park a real multi coloured swap shop this one, really fancied repainting a Hornby 08 like this at one point, this shunter is fully working!! i seem to remember this shunter was a non runner and a very rarely photographed 08 in fastline freight colours sat on roberts road and another more recent one, LM livery 08 on tyseley
  2. Cliffhanger is pretty damn good, saw it for the first time at warley and it really had that wow factor for me
  3. they have certainly made a mess of the unit in the bay, the whole side of one unit has been tagged
  4. peep show on christmas eve featured a chiltern 165 starting at marylebone with various cut away filmed between what looked like great missenden and aylesbury
  5. i believe 67029 has ventured out on the banbury set this week which has been running a relief train to moor st apparently, been off since the 20th and not back in til the 27th so not had a chance to have a go of it!
  6. i didn't see it in the lists, time to trawl back through....... EDIT: found it, available through hattons, lovely...
  7. good news, any chance of a chiltern one or is it too modified? (ie no end exhausts, CDL lights, step protectors etc)
  8. wow! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/200861766503?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649 this badge was actually comissioned by a couple of marylebone drivers with 50% (iirc) of the monies going to the railway children charity they comission different badges quite regularly, the latest is a wembley lmd badge with a 168, 165 and 67 on, they also did a class 165 25th anniversary badge in green and gwr colours as well as the 67 badge in the listing if anyone is interested in any i could possibly get some, i know there are certainly the wembley and this 67 badge are available, and you would be helping the charity too, if there is any interest i'll see what i can get
  9. not sure if ive put this in this thread so if i have appologies, if not enjoy...
  10. That is one of the more sensible ones!
  11. a bit spurious this one, the view of wembley looking from white horse bridge which carries the pedestrian route to the stadium over wembley stadium station and the chiltern mainline Edit: spelling mistakes and ive slightly edited the picture to remove the colour from the stadium
  12. i wish we knew what he was asking for coz he hasn't told us what he wants yet
  13. i had a play with the one on the gaugemaster stand with my iphone4 and ipad2 and ive got to say im very impressed, the gaugemaster guys let me do all sorts with the system, programmed locos, took photos of loco for roster, set up the accessory decoder to control points , photographed the layout and moved round the points icons to suit, all of which i managed to do within a couple of minutes of joining their network i'd already set my heart on one before warley but i have a few niggling doubts about it before i commit to getting one, my main one is that i'd be buying one for the gimmic factor and i could end up with an out of date system after a year or so should the company decide not to develop the system any futher, as it stands now the system cannot do route setting, detection etc, hopefully with futher updates that may appear in the future but if it didnt happen then i'd be stuck one thing id like to see it do would be to be able to have an ip addressed camera feed on a loco that could be streamed to the pad/pod/apple tv etc so you get a drivers eye view of your layout, maybe add a few uk loco cab interiors to the drivers view function once my new layout is up and running in the shed i think ill be getting one anyway
  14. One from leamington yesterday, while atuck in the bay for an hour coz of points failure
  15. found this in the instructions.... 3. If you have an Internet connection, you can optionally cable the WLAN router via a WAN port to the router of your Internet provider. This allows accessing the existing connection to the Inter- net from your smartphone or tablet PC to download updates or information. looks like you can get updates etc via your existing connection not really up on how networks work but going on the way some of my current devices work (ie my tv, 2 sky boxes and tower pc are all ethernet wired) then i should, as you suspect nigel be able to join the network providing the garage/shed power suppy is on the same ringmain as the one the homehub is plugged into
  16. had a look at this in trident trains earlier, looks very impressive, once may layout is housed in its shed i may well consider having a "serious" look at it as a replacment for my lenz 100 system not looked at the spec but i wonder if it can be set up in your home network rather than using the supplied router? for example if i had it in the shed and used an ethernet cable from the z21 plugged into a "netricity" mains internet adapter would it work, much as my tower pc and sky boxes do (all running through mains internet adapters with a unit plugged into the BT infinity hub), that way the controlling ipad/iphone would not need switching between home and z21 networks
  17. and to top it all off its arrived this morning and its the dcc fitted version, sweet!
  18. im well pleased, just won a brand new Hornby class 67 in wrexham livery for £80, another for the fleet, going to rename and renumber this one to 67014 i recon it was really badly listed, just said "Hornby wrexham and shropshire" in the title
  19. been listening to the Who as i picked up the ultimate collection for 50p, not quite sure what to make of it really, just ended up fast forwarding to baba o'reilly and wont get fooled again in the end also got the legend of johnny cash, superb, great covers of U2s one and of course hurt as well as the classics listened to shed seven earlier too, seen them live many years ago, had forgotten just how good they are picked up a load of REM cd singles too, mainly for the "b sides", lots of live tracks and demo tunes
  20. currently in the travelodge in birmingham airport, got a couple of days RDW and didnt feel like going home tonight as the last train back to crewe from new st on a saturday goes via shrewsbury, departs brum at 22:55 and gets into crewe at 00:40! tomorrow im in at 12:30 but i'd have to leave crewe at 10:20 to get in in time, for the sake of £30 its far better to get a good night sleep than spend the whole weekend sleeping and commuting relaxing with a berry magners and celebrity juice on the tv, looking forward to seeing the view in the morning as im on the 3rd floor and the room overlooks the runway and terminal
  21. you are sad, it is ian allan manchester
  22. Well it is next to crewe station!!
  23. should be fun, a few years away yet though, marylebone to oxford will be first of course, although i should imagine us moor st drivers won't sign it
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