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Everything posted by Clearwater

  1. Yes - suspect these will get onto the "must have" list fairly shortly... Am I right, though, in thinking the class would have been an unlikely sighting in the West Midlands? Could they plausibly have been overhauled at Stafford Road for example?
  2. I didn't think I needed one of these. Now seeing the CADs, I'm again getting confused between "need" and "want"!
  3. As a child I used to have a couple of annuals published pre Britt Allcroft, a quick google confirmed my memory that they were 1979 to 1981: http://ttte.wikia.com/wiki/Annuals Although the above contents are a bit vague, I recollect that these covered Awdry's layout and how the engines were built. In particular, I recall how he built his Toby. I think there was an article in one and due to its popularity more on the railway and its construction was in the following year. Perhaps worth a look in light of your project if you've not seen them? David
  4. I think it is possible to change but given you've established a strong following, why would you? I guess "Georgian" would have covered both 1912-14 and 1935...
  5. I thought MarkSg answered the what happens if people don't play along with the pricing strategy question in his earlier post: they go bust....
  6. Have just whizzed through Peterborough so captured a quick shot of the bridge. Apols for any blurriness and reflection but I didn't think I could ask the driver to stop... Pic taken about 10 minutes ago David Edit: for some unknown reason picture is right way up on my phone album but wrong way up when I upload..
  7. My son, four,and I really enjoyed the video. I explained it was set in Cornwall, where we're holidaying next month, and he asked to see the layout. I then explained you were a little further away but that hasn't dampened his enthusiasm! David
  8. I think the advice point is, in part, also met by the Internet. I caveat with the line that not all people use the web but for me, and a lot of other people, my first thought if I have a modelling query is to post a question here and often get best in class advice from the users here. Certainly the immediacy and interaction on Tony Wright's thread, coachmann's (although he seems to have stopped posting?), Allan downes etc offers tutorials to people in a way not even the best shop could hope to match. Others blogs and threads on building, dcc, track etc which are usually more detailed than magazines can provide and, like a club, people are generally happy to explain how they've done things. Personally I read stuff, then google the item and buy it like that often. David [edit: I should have also remembered to mention the often erudite and informative discourses on prototype practice]
  9. Spotted in this week's private eye. Let's not tell the Gresley Society
  10. Joining the "me too" themes, I have Hatton's King on order (which I hope arrives in stages) but equally I couldn't resist the kernow King offer. Fully accept the criticism of the Hornby gwr free but at least it matches my Lode Star and Caerphilly Castle... I have double red disks to affix for its highly visible error On the demand front, in an odd way, a bit more delay may help Hattons /DJM. Plus if there model is excellent, it will sell and given they're not subject to the same reporting standards as Hornby, they may feel happier not waiting. I guess by comparison the Garrett did eventually sell out through it seems to have taken a good year or so David
  11. Fair points Michael - I think I misread Canham continuing his executive position as delaying Cooke assuming full CEO responsibility. I agree with your question as to who's in charge. I do find it odd, though, to say you're specifically looking for an interim FD
  12. Given the share price fell c75% in one day, there's not much more for them to get jittery about... Normally I'd agree that announcing something positive like an appointment is calming. However, both the appointment of the FD and the use of the word "interim" for his successor throws up more questions. Were there external candidates? Why appointment someone who'd been on the bridge when the ship hit the rocks? Why can't you find a permanent replacement? Why can't you give a timeframe for Canham reverting to non-executive status? Etc Of course, as said before, we're not privy to the direct discussions between the bank, the shareholders and the company and don't know what other pressures may have driven this announcement
  13. It's a slightly odd announcement in my view. If he isn't taking the role immediately, why not wait until you can announce the new CFO at same time? Interesting they said only an "Interim" CFO though.
  14. Could also mean that they were struggling to find anyone externally who wanted the job and given he's there, in post, free to hire (no agency fees) made an easy choice.
  15. Given I'm (slightly) younger than some contributors and consequently missed mainline steam on the ecml (I started train spotting in 1982 so just missed the deltics too), I was wondering whether Silver Fox was a higher profile A4 than others, I guess Mallard excepted, in the same way KGV seemed to have the highest profile on the WR? Certainly for me, I always noticed picture of a Silver Fox more than other A4s and recall from a young age seeing the fox attached to the wall of the NRM hence whether I wonder if it is as iconic to the generation who saw the loco in service David
  16. Are you going to commission one of the nameplate etchers to make your new avatar into a WC style crest for 34111 Sir Mallard Drake?
  17. Wouldnt it be more likely to be the other way around? you sell the C class to finance the cost of someone taking your mother-in-law into slavery
  18. Good of Amazon to provide mock-up materials! Looks good David
  19. Perhaps Duck can explain the pricing philosophy.... Like most, i guess, I clicked on the link. eBay 'helpfully' suggests similar items. All of them are less. Surely if you're trying to sell, you have a good look and see what others are getting for similar items?
  20. I don't think that's necessarily inconsistent. If someone is prepared to pay several hundred to a thousand pounds on a bespoke loco, chances are they want something precise and accurate. Eg Lode Star as out shopped from Swindon in July 1934 or whatever. Therefore they will pay through the nose for that. eBay, like any auction, relies on at least two people both wanting that precise model and given that's unlikely I can see why prices might be lower On a different but related topic, I'd note that if you ask someone like Philip Hawkins for a commission, his price will be in the thousands. I think I've seen his work go at auction for significantly lower however you don't get he choice of subject David
  21. Given anything now goes, is next weekend's photo shoot of a Thunderbird towing a Pendolino through Brent? David
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