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Everything posted by Islesy

  1. As yet, I haven’t been 3D scanned...
  2. Islesy

    Dawn over Margate

    Funnily enough, yes. Was at the Metro Radio Arena on Sunday evening...
  3. Islesy

    Dawn over Margate

    I should also point out that I’ve been in Newcastle an awful lot this year, as well as the West Country, the Isle of Wight, North Yorkshire and, of course, God’s greatest county; Hertfordshire...
  4. You won’t find many HSTs in North Queensferry I’m afraid, although you will find a rather nice pub and an incredible viewpoint of the Firth of Forth...
  5. The Caledonian Blue Coronations were employed on Mid-day Scot runs, so would pair up with standard PIII Stanier stock...
  6. And how, exactly, would you know that?
  7. That’s enough now, that kind of comment is a bloody disgrace and deserves no place on this forum...
  8. Really??? Where on earth did you pick that up from?
  9. At the risk of creating a whole world of froth, I have a lot of love for the Leader, Bulleid’s mind was in the right place, it’s just that the drawing board took precedence over common sense when it came to designing it. It would never have appeared in BR Green though, as a mixed traffic type it was liveried in BR’s Lined Black. Unfortunately, a mysterious decision was taken to overpaint the BR livery in prototype grey the night before it was unveiled, and so it never actually ran ‘in livery’. One of those historical ‘what if’ scenarios...
  10. Reference from ‘HST – The Second Millennium’
  11. Thanks for that slice of reality Ian, as you all should know, Engine Shed is meant to be a little more ‘raw’, by virtue of its subject matter. We have taken great pains to point out that there are areas with these EPs that still need to be ironed out. Yes, we could take great care to ensure that items are only presented when absolutely pristine, but who wants a Development blog that is overly sanitised, that goes against the whole point of the exercise? Best wishes, Paul
  12. Oh, that hurts... I think the reference to 2019 comes from official teasers, in my article, in Issue 114 of the Collector Magazine. As for my Twitter feed, that’s my own view on the world and does not remotely reflect Hornby’s official position...
  13. If it had been an 'official' tease, then yes - however it was nothing more than someone taking a post from my personal Twitter account, then joining the dots, much like someone did when I was on holiday in Dorset last Autumn at the Swanage Railway. A bit of mischief? Possibly. But then again, no where on that particular post does it intimate that it was connected to any announcement, if you take a look at the wording. I stay in touch with a lot of contacts from the rail industry through Twitter, we could be in for a long haul if every conversation or photograph is linked to a new model being researched. Best wishes, Paul.
  14. If you find a photograph of a genuine maroon liveried, early W4, then we'll produce it. This is why we've put out several requests, my last being just before Christmas. I probably have more photographs of Pecketts, in various guises, than anyone at the moment, as well as numerous written descriptions, but there's not one maroon livery one among them!
  15. Ah, but we do read these threads, including some of the sexist rubbish that’s been written earlier. Thank you for your sensible take on the subject. Paul.
  16. Not any more, no. All TTS models are 8 pin, as are all our ‘DCC Ready’ models, with the exception of the Sentinel and Peckett, which are 4 pin. Prior to TTS, the sound fitted models were 21 pin, but no current models are.
  17. Evening all, I'm looking to locate a copy of John A. Elliot's Private owners Wagons Of The North East. Volume 1: The Chaldrons, if anyone has one to sell please? There are a couple kicking around on the various 2nd hand book sites, but they're a little bit pricey for what information I want to extract from the book. By the way, please don't read too much into the fact I'm looking for this book, it's for private research, rather than work.
  18. Page 140 for the decoders...
  19. It is based on the NBR livery that Maude wore during the 1970s. When W.P Reid replaced Holmes as Locomotive Superintendent of the NBR, he began a rebuilding programme of the company’s locomotives and the first Class C was rebuilt in August 1913 to GA No. 4314. By 1920, 108 engines had been rebuilt and by Grouping, 160, the final eight being completed under the LNER. The details of the rebuild extended to a new, larger boiler, a new cab, chimney and new springs. Hope that helps? As ever, I'm on the end of a PM if you have any pressing queries folks... Paul.
  20. Afraid not, because of the extensive differences already highlighted with the later W4s. It's just the locomotives on the list that I'm looking to source references for...
  21. Works.docx Good morning all - time to look ahead to future liveries for the Peckett W4 models. As you all know by now, there are 'early' and 'late' versions, of which we've concentrated on the 'early' variants. I have a long list of W4 locomotives that I have no picture references for or, if I do, they're so grainy that identification is impossible. There are potentially some cracking liveries lurking here; Bristol Gas Co. James Dunlop, United Alkali, Rowlands etc and I wonder if any of you have references, notes, book plates or have collected prints of any of the locos on the attached list please? You can PM if you'd like to remain anonymous to the forum, or post if you're not bothered, but however you respond, there'll be thanks from me chaps. If I don't say so before, Happy Christmas to you all and we look forward to seeing you at the shows next year. Best wishes, Paul. PS: Remember to keep 10:00am on January 8th free for your 'froth' satisfaction :-)
  22. If you happen to be coming to Warley, then pop by the stand (you can’t really miss us) and Richard, Montana, Edyta, Edd and myself will love to chat to you about the H Class, why we chose to bring it along and to give you the FACTS about who has contributed what. If you have no interest in the background of how we go about bringing models to market, and the processes that go into research and design, then comment is pointless. We’ve been honoured to be given the opportunity to take the H Class on its first trip away from the Bluebell, a fact that we think is worth communicating. Look forward to seeing, and talking to, as many of you as we can, Best wishes, Paul
  23. There’s no great mystery to the pantograph Gentlemen. King Arthur came back from a photographic shoot minus the pantograph, and because we wanted to show it at Gaydon last week, and Peterborough this week, it was decided that we’d include the Pantograph parts to show the elements involved in its construction. It has led to many enjoyable conversations across the two shows, being very much an ‘ice-breaker’ of a question. It goes without saying that the build versions will have a fully assembled pantograph...
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