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Everything posted by ruggedpeak

  1. No, nothing in their T&C's allows them to do that for those of us who have been charged already.
  2. How about some Ethel's without motors this time!
  3. The 68 might have also been taking the Mk3 to Ilford.
  4. I was hoping to be discussing some actual modelling but studying and trips have got in the way. Some weeks ago I saw the T gauge etched signal box kit reviewed in Railway Modeller. An N gauge modelling colleague and I thought it would be fun to order one each and try to build it. £8 inc P&P is no dramas. Having painted the moulded glazing window frames, I moved onto the etch. The first thing is to make the T gauge signal levers. Several hours in to folding truly minute bits of brass I am about 1/4 of the way through one set of levers. With the entire signal box being about the height of a 5 pence it is quite fiddly. And this was my first attempt at etched brass kits! I will continue once my studies are complete and post the result. A great but tiny project that is smaller than the OO gauge laser cut garden shed from 4Ground I completed recently. Another project pending finding a suitable wagon is replicating the Romford MHA. South of the infamous 'Shenfield Shark', still sat off Platform 1 is the less well known 'Romford MHA' - an abandoned and loaded EWS MHA. Despite beign right outside the brand new Train Operating Centre and upgrade to the PW depot for Crossrail etc, this old MHA is still sat at the headshunt by the Down Fast line, just south of Romford. Indeed you can see it from space! Well, Google Earth anyway. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/Romford,+Greater+London/@51.5727686,0.1752456,154m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x47d8a23174b37231:0x932de78a76329f31!8m2!3d51.577076!4d0.178319?hl=en It is full of old ballast and spoil and has things growing in it like a big rusty flowerbed! Great little modelling project. Its location makes its hard to photograph, but I've included a moving shot. As its right next to the Fast lines getting a good shot is almost impossible. When I track down a decent Hornby MHA I will apply some landscaping techniques to replicate it. If anyone has one spare at realistic price let me know. More excitingly, I caught a 68 on the GE mainline the other day, working what I assume is a Abellio GA Mk3 to Wabtec for a refurb. It had been checked at a signal and I had to run over the bridge and along the platform to get some photos on my phone. It sounds very different from the 66's and 70's we normally get. It was 68017 'Hornet'. Result on seeing my 1st 68. Nice short train to model once Dapol release their model hopefully later in the year.
  5. Might be time to think about doing a Kickstarter to buy a stake in Hornby?
  6. Excellent news. Had a few of their limited editions.
  7. I'm completely new to blogging. The intention is to blog about observations of anything vaguely interesting (to me) in the hope it may be of use or others. It will focus on modern image/contemporary and what I see on my travels. I have no specific skills or knowledge around railways, so will just say what I see. Whilst I spend a fair amount of time on the GE mainline, I travelled to Exeter and back by train. A vinyled HST at Paddington next to the statue of the great man. All credit to GWR for trains that were clean and punctual. Good to see HST's still going strong after 40+ years. The first one is the same age as me. Sadly I've not been refurbished or re-engined. For anyone interested in the new Robel Mobile Maintenance machines ( http://www.railwaygazette.com/news/infrastructure/single-view/view/mobile-maintenance-train-enters-service.html ), one was sat on Friday at the Passer UK factory in West London by the GWML, and another is sat at the new Romford track maintenance depot. 2 out of 8 in a day is good going. For AC fans 86401 seems to be based at and can be seen regularly at Ilford EMD. Sadly it always seems to be sat at the London end of the most southerly shed between it and the new Bombardier sheds being built, making a photo from a passing train nigh on impossible. Does look lovely in Caledonian colours. The revised Chelmsford sidings (ex-Rowntrees chocolate/mail sidings) are regularly host to the Windhof based OHL replacement train. Mornings regularly see a 59 and a line of MRL JHA's being emptied by the 2 large excavators on site, which sit up on a large pile of aggregates to reach down into the wagons This is a busy aggregate flow based on the number of trains sat there. Also there is a new NR depot full of vehicles and stuff. A busy rail site. Good potential for a diorama. I will endeavour to get photos.
  8. Definitely worth a call, I bought quite a few sets and some cheap OTA's as well.
  9. I have no idea how Apple operate, but in car sales the dealers have been told not to jump on customers as soon as they walk in the showroom as it puts people off, and many are advised to wait until the customer makes an indication of seeking assistance. Although it might be they are like certain premium brand car dealerships who judge you as you walk in and decide if you are worth bothering with, if not then you will be studiously ignored and refused so much as a brochure!
  10. My childhood collection of Airfix, Lima and Hornby models remain fully compatible with 12v of electricty nearly 40 years after I bought them, and with the locos I buy today. Will the proponents of DCC guarantee their customers that their DCC products will remain fully compatible with whatever control systems exist in 10, 20 or more years? Interestingly only Hornby have really innovated to drive down the cost of the digital concept with TTS, although I note DCC Concepts have also realised that prices must fall for it to become mainstream. If people want DCC to be the mainstream then make it affordable. That's where the market is. £100+ for chip and sound on top of locos over £100 isn't sustainable for anything more than a niche market. TTS should be available as plug and play - maybe Hornby could help its financial situation by either licencing the TTS or selling the chips separately. The model rail industry as a whole has to up its game around this area, innovate, ensure DCC is user friendly and affordable if it really wants it to be mainstream. This is basic marketing, going from 25% to 75% DCC will require prices to come down and an effective offering put in front of customers. In terms of the use of small radius curves, the UK market is very different to the North American one for model trains in my view. Any company dependent on large radius curves to operate its products may find its market limited by the realities of UK housing trends for the foreseeable future.
  11. Coupling issue sorted, gently prised the coupling with screwdriver. So much fine detail even underneath!
  12. I think the bean counters may be back http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/110872-chester-model-centre-announcement/
  13. What is amusing is that there is debate over on the Bachmann pages about how difficult/complex/expensive/defy the laws of physics it would be to have a working pantograph on the new Bachmann Class 90, despite Hornby having had one on its Railroad 90 for years and now have a very pleasant looking working pantograph on the 71. The 71 is a lovely looking model.
  14. I'm sure there are plenty of good ones. I was merely jesting given the high profile failure of 'bean counters' who tried to run Railtrack and decided to ignore the core business engineering and operating a railway. As you say, knowing all about the market and the nature of the business is critical. I can think of at least one other railway related firm currently in desperate in need of some competent management.
  15. I suspect they needed to reassure the market that there is someone in charge pending recruitment etc. Otherwise jittery investors will get more jittery.
  16. Accountants running railway related organisations, what can possibly go wrong? On a serious note, accountants will be holding at least the CEO, Sales and Finance directors roles. Given it appears the development and production teams are doing OK at the moment in getting product out and some nice models are in the pipeline, hopefully the bean counters will let them get on with making models and focus management's attention on sorting out the ERP and other functional/back office problems that are undermining current performance. A proper stock take might be a good place to start.
  17. New CEO announced http://www.reuters.com/article/Hornby-ceo-idUSL3N17T3QF
  18. Yeah Chris, but which calendar are you using? It is only the year 2008 in the Ethiopian calendar and 1732 in the Coptic In all seriousness these look like lovely models and I am sorely tempted despite not my era. Fantastic subject matter and great liveries.
  19. Any reason why it wouldn't work? http://www.trolleyville.com/tv/school/lesson5_3/index.htm
  20. I don't think a working panto will make any great difference to the cost of the model, especially when set against the initial costs of design and tooling. If designed in from the outset it will be negligible. Hornby has a working panto in a model at sub £70 so it does not have to expensive. Also bear in mind it was Bachmann who made clear they wouldn't offer double packs of locos with one as a non-motored dummy as the difference in cost between motor and non was not enough to make it worthwhile. A robust metal panto, wire, small switch is all that may be required, with possibly a replacement high detail non-functioning panto in the box. Whether Bachmann deliver a working panto remains to be seen.
  21. Obviously the Hornby 90 for all its faults has had the option of running via OHL for some time, with a chunky switch on the roof.
  22. Well at the NEC this weekend is the Gadget Show 2016 which has a Gigantic Scalextric Track, and no sign of any digitally controlled trains. "This Giant Scalextric Track has an extremely exciting race format complete with twists, turns, overtaking opportunities and a pit lane! It uses the latest digital technology to create the need for compulsory fuel in the pit lane in the duration of the race making the experience that little bit more life like." http://www.gadgetshowlive.net/whats-on/better-life/big-toy-track Maybe the latest strategy is to push Scalextric into gadgetland since that is where the mass market and big bucks are? Certainly ties in with other comments about the application of technology to that brand. I guess model trains is not predicted to be a major area of business growth for the foreseeable, and with increased direct competition in the model train sector and little in slot cars.......
  23. Hornby will presumably have to have presented a detailed plan to Barclays of how things are going to improve, and hopefully Barclays have told them to stop messing about with branding and digital stuff and concentrate on the core business of flogging model trains, Corgi cars and Airfix kits. If an activity doesn't directly sell trains, planes or automobiles, stop doing it.
  24. Change it to "services started with 158's with no luggage space, tightly-packed 2+2 seating and vociferous complaints of overcrowding" and it sounds just like the Borders Railway opening! Plus ca change.....
  25. Saw this in the flesh at Ally Pally and it is tiny. If it runs OK then frankly it is a great achievement by Bachmann in my [unedumacated] view. It is so small it will be eye catching when it trundles around layouts.
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