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Posts posted by mow

  1. ....and of course the logical consequence of this is that new models will only be produced by subscription on a special commission only basis i.e.-money up front first and production only if an agreed minimum number has been reached

    If you think about it,we have been moving in this direction for some time.I think there is some merit in this idea,provided reliable sources of manufacturing can be found for such work.There's the nub.

    Until Hornby sort out their production issues, commissioning anything from them is going to be problematic - no models from their range of A4s for sale at The NRM to concide with a major exhibition. A lack of transparency over the specifications of models of The Star - why put money up front, if the product has so many retrograde features in the mechanism, chassis & mouldings. 

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  2. Getting it right first time, always helps. The niggling errors now matter how few, still add to costs if Hornby do decide to rectify them. Then there is the unknown damage to the brand. Pre-ordering short runs is all very well, if the specification is clearly communicated, otherwise it is akin to buying a pig in a poke. 

  3. Compare it with the front of the Star, the P2 has a moulded smoke box dart, handrail, and whistle which spoil the looks, How far Hornby might have considered a separate smokebox with unmoulded details is a moot point, but in my humble opinion they have missed the opportunity to produce an outstanding model. 

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