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Everything posted by shedman

  1. Hi Andy, sorry to hear about your setback. Hope you're back to your usual self soon, entertaining us with your exploits. All the Very Best, Trevor
  2. What I should have mentioned above but forgot was that I have read somewhere that MTH decoders use a common negative on the lighting circuit, rather than the common positive blue wire we are accustomed to. This is what has put me off dabbling myself. This is why I'm not sure if it's possible to change the decoder. If anyone out there is willing to have a go for me, please let me know. I have 2 to do! Trevor
  3. I suppose I'm going to have to wait while they fit my DCC chip. All I've been told is that my loco and chip have been picked. Trevor
  4. I am not a US modelling expert, but I have a couple of their sound fitted GP38s, one CSX and one Maryland Midland, which were the first US locos I bought, without realising what they were. They run quite happily on my Lenz DCC system without problems. There are a lot of gimmicks, like classification lights (at least that's what I think they're supposed to be) and radio communication sounds,but they run generally well. I'm not keen on the sounds and would like to have them converted to Loksound, but I don't know if this is possible. I've no idea what sort of Decoder socket they have. Trevor
  5. You've an excellent eye for composition with your scenic work, and how to blend it in! Excellent! . Agree with Andy about the possibility of using trees. Love the crane as well. Trevor
  6. I've been watching the monthly one for about 12 months and find some of the techniques fascinating. Ken Patterson is a professional modeller who poses and photographs model scenes for model manufacturers and magazines. He also has his own large layout. Worth watching. Trevor
  7. A lovely rural scene, Martin. Coming along really well. You really need to get something done to that signal box, though, its been derelict far too long! A disappointing end to the race, although you've got to hand it to Vettel, he knows how to use the loopholes in the rules. All the best, Trevor
  8. Thank you for that. Given that, like you, I only have 9ft, I shall have to reconsider. I may have to think about pushing, as you have done. I shall certainly watch this space, as I enjoy your layout building. All the best, Trevor
  9. I've been a big fan of your layouts since Palmetto, and have noticed that you've tended to push your trains in from staging. With Marlborough you started with a run round loop, seemingly enthusiastically, but have now reverted to propelling into the scene, but without explanation. Can I be cheeky and ask why? I ask because I was thinking of doing something similar to your original plan, and wondered what drawbacks you found. Really enjoying this thread. Trevor
  10. Sometimes a compact camera can give a better impression because you can squeeze it into the scene between items of scenery. A digital SLR can be difficult to get in properly. I think that's what Kevin uses though, if my memory serves, and look at the pictures he gets! I know Andy uses a compact. Trevor
  11. Its a good start, Martin. The only real problem I can see is a slight nick in the skyline in picture 3 near the water tower, which I'm sure you'll easily sort out. Otherwise it looks really good. Your curved ends to the support really help to make it. Trevor
  12. I've been looking at Kevin's cake box challenges. You need some sage brush to try to match his trees. They're fantastic! Trevor
  13. Brilliant, Martin. The backscene really sets it off. Love it. Trevor
  14. You're taking over the speed mantle from Andy, I think! And superb work. Trevor
  15. Looking good Martin. Nice to see Chumley End coming alive. Best Wishes, Trevor
  16. shedman


    It's good to see these nameplates being used. I actually designed and commissioned the "R" and "W" nameplates from Errol at 247 Developments in 2006, for my layout based on Walkden Yard. I also included "Charles" . I only chose names I remembered having seen on the Walkden system, having been brought up in the area. "No Place" is a very well presented layout, and I am enjoying the thread. Hope to see the layout at Manchester Bus Garage, LYDCC. Trevor
  17. Hi Martin. I agree with Andy, it's looking good. Glad to have you back posting. Hope you're feeling better than you were at Stafford. Trevor
  18. Hi Katwigan. I also wish you well with your treatment. I used to enjoy Uncle Joes Mint Balls as a kid. I also well remember Mars, along with Dauntless and Glorious with a few others. 75019 used to turn up a lot as well. I used to go spotting at Wallgate on the train from Walkden.All the best, Trevor.
  19. I just wondered if you had considered building the new layout the other way round with the station at the other end. This would bring the sidings to the operating side and save cutting through the platform between the waiting room and the bridge. I'll get my coat! Trevor
  20. That is absolutely fantastic! Thanks for posting. Can't wait to see the opposite platform building! Trevor
  21. If it was easy it wouldn't be a challenge! You only have to build it once, then you can take pleasure in it for ages. I wish I had the skill, patience and steady hand to do something like that. Keep up the good work. Magnificent! Trevor
  22. Best project I've heard for an 08 is Paul Chetters project on Zimo from Digitrains. I've just fitted a 21 pin into my Hornby 08. It stuttered with the Loksound decoder in, but the Zimo seems to have cured this, whilst sounding better as well. Do we know what DCC fitting the TTS sound loco will have? As I say, the Loksound version had 21 pin, presumably to save space. Trevor
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