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Everything posted by Bill_J

  1. This: http://www.igg.org.uk/ is a very informative site for general information on goods facilities and handling.Follow the 'Goods And Not So Goods' link. Regards Edited: to correct link details...
  2. I was sure that I had some "instant gratification" in a box somewhere amongst some other boxes of stuff. After several hours of opening this box, that box and some of the other boxes, you'll never guess what I did find... I'd packed it away with some model railway bits and pieces, over seven years ago, it was a little piece of enthusiasm...
  3. TT Can I just say, whatever you do don't sell everything, you will regret it later. I did. Keep at least, your favourites. If you haven't yet, check out the Boxfiles, Microlayouts and Dioramas section on this forum, you'll be amazed by what people are achieving with very limited space and resources. It will give you something to occupy your mind. Many of us have come to realise that we may never get to build our dream layout of a lifetime, but that doesn't mean you can't work towards it a little at a time, keep developing your existing skills, while learning new ones. My ex, never really understood how I could possibly want to "play with" those "toy trains". I lucked in though, and found someone that didn't need to understand why, she understands that it's a part of what makes me who I am, and she likes me for who I am. (She must be mad)... You face a bit of a rough road for now, but it does eventually become smoother. One day, when you are not even looking, it will be better. Take care. Billd edited to ad t to can'
  4. I see you can now get a box that will record six programmes while you watch a previous recording. My box can record two channels while i watch a third and I can't keep up with the recordings I have made. I struggle to find time for my various hobbies; with my working hours, family commitments and all the general day to day life maintenance tasks. I am at a stage in my life when I no longer care what anyone else thinks whenever I mention my model making hobby. To be fair, I have met with varied responses, from a distinct lack of interest, through to confessed similar interests. But, have never felt ridiculed in the slightest. So I say, come out of the cupboard - and bring your models with you. You might be pleasantly surprised at the response. Regards to all Billd
  5. Edwardian today said "Hmmm, let me think... Be careful, look where thinking got you so far... Now, if you can just get Miss Tabitha to complete the - Unscientific not guaranteed to be representative age versus modelled era poll - that could really upset a lot of preconceptions.
  6. Thanks everyone, for your encouragement. I have been experimenting with ways of representing the channel type track. Unsuccessfully, so far. Hopefully by the weekend there will be more to show The odd track ends will be tidied using a mini tool with cutting discs. Regards Billd
  7. Edwardian/Sem Glad to see that you have recovered somewhat from the slough of despond, As others have already stated, what you have both achieved with Derwent is quite remarkable. Not only the timescale, but also that this has been done in the full light of public (well RMwebbers'), scrutiny - Sirs, I salute you both. BillD
  8. That's looking really good, will definitely visit to see the finished result. Regards Billd
  9. I built an N gauge layout once. Over forty years ago now - I'm not sure my eyesight is up to it now. Seriously though, good luck with this and I look forward to seeing your progress. Billj to add it
  10. For the inset track I chopped up a piece of old Hornby flexible track - not as easy as it sounds - with a razor saw. The action of sawing ripped it from the sleeper base, hence the gaps. So its just as well that it will be buried. As a genuine cheapskate I am using mostly old and recycled materials. All of this is experimental for me and my first attempt at actually building anything in many years. Regards
  11. Fascinating and very useful link to Benno's Figure Forum. Definitely one to bookmark for future reference. Thanks Billd
  12. Have you considered using static grass for the leaves? It would have to be applied upside down I think, and with a puffer bottle (I don't know how you could attach a zapper type machine) Regards edited for typos
  13. Thank you for your replies/comments. The problem I'm having is more about getting the photos from my old smartphone to my windows10 pc. I've found my digital camera, but will need to reduce the file size before I post them. With only a little modelling time available before work in the mornings, managing my time is a bit of an issue. Hey-ho, slow and steady wins the race. A little more info though. I am working this model in HO, So find myself constantly checking, dimensions and clearances etc. The model itself is based on Kassamouli tram stop, but will not feature the AnsaldoBreda trams currently running in Athens. (that's a plan for another occasion). Regards
  14. I've also noticed that this thread has clicked over this morning to 50,000 views. Some sort of milestone I guess, so many thanks to all those who have dropped in, had a look and even left comments Congratulations on passing 50,000 views. Maybe you shouldn't be too surprised at this, it has been fascinating to watch this whole cityscape grow. Simple tools and materials, handled with great skill, combined with a down-to-earth description of how everything has been built, has created no less than one of the best "books" on miniature architectural modelling that I have read. I am very much looking forward to many more chapters. Regards
  15. Have finally made a start on my CBC entry, by gluing a piece of track to an 8 inch square cake board. I don't want to give away too much at this stage. Photos of progress will follow as soon as I figure out how best to get them to here via my pc. Regards Billj
  16. Last night, I actually got around to fixing a piece of track to a cake board - for my cake box challenge entry. The first modelling that I've done for more than two years, apart from building the Lego Holiday train my best friend (swmbo) gave me for Christmas ( I still have to install the remote control system). Now I'm concerned that, having started this small project, I will fail to finish it, something that I have tended towards for a very long time. Failing to finish anything that is. I suffer much from over ambition, with even the smallest of projects, whether they are railway modelling, crafting, art-works or DIY projects. I even started a blog a couple of years ago, which has seen no entries for eighteen months or so... I get a lot of vicarious support from the time I spend on RMWEB. So thank you everyone, because when I read of the various struggles with missing mojo, knowing that I'm not alone, gives me much encouragement to persevere. Thank you all, may you all find a glimmer of light here, as I have. Regards Billj
  17. Judging by the serious look on both protagonists faces and the facial broom carried by the gent, I would venture that this photograph has captured a pair of hun spies on a photo-reconnaissance cycling tour. Note the camera on the front, badly disguised as an acetylene lamp.
  18. Just watched this on youtube, lots of useful information on early railways - if you can put up with Chris Barrie's 'over the top' presentation.
  19. Another possible line that I have been long interested in, The Didcot, Newbury and Southampton Railway. Independent until grouping, but operated by GWR engines and stock from the outset. What if the company had sourced its own Locomotives and rolling stock? Red liveried perhaps? Early days were interesting, with the GWR making much use of older, non-standard, locos from absorbed lines.
  20. Is it zeroes or oes that some people cross, could it actually be theta-phi or even phi-theta? I don't know - it seems all greek to me. ΦΘ or ΘΦ
  21. I too have seen discarded cable drums and immediately thought of using one for the basis of a pizza type layout but, I'm not allowed to bring any more rubbish home until I have used up the rubbish I've already collected... you gotta love 'em though. Bill
  22. Hi Bernard I see this mostly in the restaurant at the Southampton Ikea. MOH loves the place. I tolerate it because I can get more storage boxes at least, for just a few quid. No apologies necessary
  23. A couple of observations: firstly on exhibitions - I usually make the effort to get along to the Southampton MRS show if I can. I did this year. I found it vaguely disquieting that this is the face of Railway Modelling that is shown to the interested public. Early to the show on Sunday (i get that it was the 2nd day of a two day show), there was an awful lot of poking and prodding going on and very little in the way of interesting or believable operation. There were an awful lot of magnificent (sic) dioramas. I can certainly see why Wickwar was awarded the founders cup. A beautiful model with plenty happening and a lot of interaction with the viewers. Why disquieting? Observing, and experiencing for myself, the incredible arrogance of so many of the visitors - pushing in front of, blocking the view, gathering in exits and entrances were the very people you might least expect to show such bad manners. Men of advancing years. A wide range of visitors were at the show, young, old, couples, families, children - lots of families with children. Ok, I admit to being a little sociophobic, I don't do crowds too well but when you've been barged, bumped, almost dry-humped... a dozen times in an hour. It wasn't even that crowded. In the end I just picked up a couple of bits from the various trade stands and gave up. So I didn't get to see any of the demonstrators this year, or get back to see the exhibits that warranted (for me) a second visit. I am in my sixties, I think I have manners, I would always defer my needs so that someone else could also share a worthwhile experience. Why is it that most offenders are my age or older? Secondly I have long hair... I just wondered if others have experienced this at other exhibitions. If you have, how does it make you feel about visiting an exhibition where you have to drive for two hours or more, each way just to feel uncomfortable. (I didn't, for the Southampton show, it's only 10 minutes away) Is it just me? Is it just Southampton? Regards (a possibly paranoid) Billj Incidentally, I hope Mo is on the mend
  24. When things aren't going so well for me with the models, I find myself jotting ideas down on scraps of paper and making plans in project books. I probably have too many ideas to ever get them all done. But in the end I come back to model-making in some way, shape or form. My better half surprised me with a Lego train set for Christmas and I had a lot of fun with that, felt a bit like a kid again. Now I'm just mulling over some ideas for the cakebox challenge. Maybe I'll see you there. Regards
  25. So sorry you're not feeling so good Jerry. I think we can all lose our modelling mojo at times, especially when life, work or health issues get too much. Maybe a bit of "armchair modelling" is the way to go for a bit. I for one will miss your little essays and hope you find your way back to us soon. In the meantime all the best to you and your family. See you soon, with regards Bill
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