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Everything posted by JohnR

  1. This is the deal that attracted me...
  2. Its a pity they dont seem to be offering a Class 25 TTS chip - I quite fancied upgrading an older Hornby model.
  3. Check out some of the stuff by Ian Futers - he actually did quite a few layouts based on Lochty. He might even have some prototype information.
  4. Thanks, exactly what I was looking for.
  5. Bit hard to do if buying it online....
  6. As there are some really good deals around at the moment on the Radials, I am thinking of getting one. I seem to recall reading on here details on when each loco got the late crest - but I cant find it? Can anyone help? Also, having seen the thread on the problems folk have had with DCC on these locos (at least the Hornby ones) - is it worth getting the retailer to fit the chip? At least then the loco will have been tested etc before dispatch?
  7. The issue around the cabside completely affects the "look" of the model. As has been said, some errors can be over looked (they are models running on a less than standard guage for instance!), but that is fairly basic!
  8. The Scotland Act (2016) gives the Scottish Government the power to appoint a public sector franchisee to operate ScotRail. http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2016/11/section/57/enacted
  9. JohnR


    I've already prepared the box... The box sides have provided structural integrity, although I've also added some cardboard underneath. A little bit of emulsion from tester pots has taken out the cardboard colour. The backscene is a nice sky blue, and I may keep that. The result is very light and is fairly strong and stiff.
  10. JohnR


    In the summer, for his birthday, my boy got a Trampoline which came in a very large, very strong (double thickness) cardboard box. I thought it had possibilities for a small layout. It measured 42 inches x 16 x 8 inches deep. On the plan, the lid (with one side removed) is the scenic area. A portion of the base is attached to create a small fiddle yard. Upottery is a small village to the north east of Honiton, in the Blackdown Hills. So I have imagined a light railway, similar to the Hemyock line on the other side of the Blackdowns, running from Honiton up the Otter valley. The nearby RAF base is assumed to have continued in use after war so has provided enough traffic to keep it going. I'm going to model it in late 50's/early 60s, but early blue diesels might also make an appearance. Its going to be analogue DC, and uses Peco setrack, but DCC might be swapped in future.
  11. I've worked out what it is. Its a shipment of empty boxes. Kernow have seen how much empty boxes go for on a popular auction website. They thought "We'll have a piece of that!" so are shipping over a lot of empty boxes to sell at inflated prices.
  12. Is it a surprise that a train set with a bit of action (postal pick-up) is sellign well in the run up to christmas?
  13. I agree with the comments above, Brian. I too used to visit MREMag daily - often before anywhere else. It just seems to have lost that draw - the same few people writing letters, the delays in hearing about things all contributed to me visiting the site less and less. Phil's done a great job in keeping things together, but the format really needs a full-time editor. If thats not an option, the format needs to change somehow to keep things fresh.
  14. I think so, thanks Geoff. Is there a different, but similar switch that could be used?
  15. I'm planning my layout to have a couple of these, but can I use a passing contact switch to control them? I am going to use Peco PL-26's for my point motors, and it would be good if I could use similar for the signals, as I quite like the feel of a "frame".
  16. I'm going to put in here a wish for a OO guage SR Z class 0-8-0.
  17. Bulleid coches (of all varieties) seem to be a big gap in the current RTR, given that the offering from Bachmann is now over 20 years old.
  18. Dapol are producing both locomotives, surely? yet one is much higher priced than the other (albeit much cheaper than it was before). Just wondering if there is a difference in specification.
  19. I wonder why the price difference between two models, that are on the face of it, very similar in specification? Or is there something I'm missing about the Dapol 57xx that allows it to be cheaper?
  20. Thanks, but was hoping for some idea of which models to get.... ?
  21. What coaches (other than the ex-LSWR rebuilds) would be suitable for running with a Radial? I dont think any Bulleids or Mark 1's were seen on the branch other than as through coaches, were they?
  22. I asked this earlier, but I cant seem to find an answer, but does anyone have dates when the Radials went from early to late crest?
  23. I agree that Asdon and Midport was an early inspiration. I first came across it when I got a little Ian Allen book on model railways, and it had some pictures in there. As a youngster, I used to get old copies of the Modeller etc, and came across Berrow/East Brent too.
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