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Everything posted by winterbournecm

  1. Hi mate - I do have a nice weathered 33/1 which could appear, and some Lima 73's. The couplings have a metal pick up - thats a nice touch is is wired throughout?
  2. Well so much for modelling the Western with a few "visitors" A Bachmann 4-CEP from Hattons was too good to resist at £88. The unit is bar-coupled so that's it - on the layout for good. Please dont mention any third rail antics though.... Photos to follow.
  3. Hattons have Bachmann 4-Ceps for £89 ooeer

    1. Welly


      Got myself a second 4CEP this way!

  4. With most of the construction out of the way, updates are a strange thing.... I'll keep posting occasionally with new photo possibilities or new stock. 37254 runs under the link road bridge 47515 arrives with a stopping train
  5. Thanks Chris - I must straighten that lighting pole carrying the fairy lights across the harbour! The power handle from 37298 steals the show of course! On the topic of 4 x 4s and water, check out what happen at the delightfully named Boobybay this week when the Lifeguard's 4 x 4 got inot a spot of bother... OOPs
  6. There's a class 59 over there at the moment 59205 on engineering duties.
  7. Todays picture show it in a rather poor state, but here they are anyway.
  8. Kernow models have Bachmann FNA's ooh an Atomic loading depot looms

    1. Horsetan


      Could you simulate your very own mushroom cloud?

    2. winterbournecm


      After a curry anythings possible...


  9. Reminds me of the American tourist asking for Marry -zi- an. Not a clue my bird..... He'd had a tho - row look on his map
  10. Bit of a disaster with the old yellow LEDS, the leads were loose or corroded and the lamps would not light. Then the tails came away - AARGH! I'm going to need some newer white LEDS for the bank under the baseboard. I think they're the 1.8mm ones?
  11. Hi Bill - I know what you mean about the LEDS. All Components do diddy LEDs and resistors, and some of my signals are 25 years old. They dont like being moved once used do they? I'll do a couple and see how they look. I make up calling up lights for the signals (dots) as shown above in the thread, with grain of rice bulbs, maybe I should make up some GPLs similarly. The dots arent on for long so there is no chance of them over heating.
  12. Just been sorting out how many Berko ground signals I need, and which ones I need to light up. They're tiny, but so effective and useful for the many shunt moves around the layout. They are a pig to wire though, the tiny strands from the LED bank suspended under the layout are very fragile. I've sorted out about 5 so far. The wiring is odd. The pivot lamp (Bottom right hand side) remains lit at all times. And the other white and red are the on / off lamps. These are set in the "old days" when they displayed a red and white for on, and two whites for off. Nowadays, the pivot light alternate two red or two white depending on the aspect shown. I'll upload some pictures - they do look smart but you sometimes have to ask - are they worth the effort? I know they're there I suppose.
  13. The asbestos look is a difficult one to achieve Bill. I suggest a grotty brown base and then add light grey(s) dry brushed on in a dabbed fashion? It may be worth trying to flick dry white powder paint, weathering powders - or talc onto the building to give the mottled effect whilst the brown is still wet. The finishing touch could be some orange to copy the algea that grows on the roofs down West. Shall I have a play around with some and upload the piccies? Craig
  14. Hi there guys Going through the (many) pictures I took of BZ for the DITD period, most contain a DMU lurking around the depot somewhere. Have you thought of a Bachmann 108 or Lima 121 / 122 for the layout? I know it's primarily to feature the freight locos, but DMUs were a staple part of the scene for many years.
  15. Hi Bill - the buildings are coming along well, how do you hope to achieve the corugated absestos weathered look? Its like a mottled finish. Maybe dry brushing will get the result you need?
  16. A couple more viaduct pictures and SH81 signal - the final one before the platform ends: 50003 with a stopper & 37238 and some clay hoods pass over the viaduct at Tregrehan - 43055 brings up the rear of the 08.10 from Paddington: SH81 signal has the dots off for the yard:
  17. Ah what a day chasing that b****r. Here she is arriving back in clay country after the Penzance jaunt at Burngullow.
  18. Mickey is right - It's due to the Newquay branch being train staff - one train in section. Whilst the Goonbarrow - St Blazey section may have multiple trains in either direction. So the passenger train could be followed by a freight etc... One token would be no use - though the amount we have is slightly excessive maybe!
  19. Hi Bill - I'm glad you liked them. The Machine at the far end of the box is for the Goonbarrow - Newquay staff. This is only one staff (or token) which is out for the Steam train returning from Newquay. The Electric Token (ET) equipment was retained as the train staff as it interlocks with the signals. And the heating / air conditioning is gas supplied - give me a Romesse stove as replacement any day though. Happy memories of those.
  20. Hi Bill Popped up to Goonbarrow for the steam today and took a couple of pics inside the box. Here they are: The work is coming along well.
  21. A supply of glue gun sticks was purchased which allowed me finish off the embankment behind the viaduct and almost bring the scenery to a close on the layout. I still need to tone down the cliffs and add some finishing touches to this area though. The hanging basket liner needs tamping down as well in between the steep dunes. Here's 47148 posed for a couple of shots.
  22. Hi there - 412 in large logo. Did Chris ping over the Liskeard picture of 412? It did have a scottie on the side by the way. Cheers CM
  23. Blimey - shame about the bridge. Dont worry we've all had those sort of problems in the past. My down platform at Sandy Hill get clobbered by the Silver Bullet ladders, so they have to traverse the yard in the down direction, which isnt an issue really. I havent had a shift at Goonbarrow lately - but I will get some internal shots for you. The boys are currently painting the walls cream and the wordwork chocolate (what else?) and getting rid of the insipid pale blue that was splashed everywhere a few years ago.
  24. Hmm it's a thought.. I'll give it a ponder. Right around the back of the harbour I guess?
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