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Everything posted by Hobby

  1. Haven't you said this before? If you didn't certainly someone else has posted a virtually identical post. The answer is simple, to launch a scale they will produce what they know will sell best, and those items simply won't. They are stock for an established scale where the more popular items (of old and modern stock) have already been produced.
  2. Which is the Roma and which the skip? 🤣
  3. The 009 Society did have some measurements of early N scale chassis in their handbook, but I've not seen anything newer than that. We talked about the possibility of someone doing it on NGRM several years ago but again no-one took up the idea. Everyone thinks its a good idea but no-one wants to put in the effort! It would be a massive job as you are looking at all chassis in 6.5mm, 9mm, 12mm and 16.5mm gauges. Note I didn't say scales as there are specific chassis which are only used on NG locos and not SG locos and of course there are also chassis only kits and rtr! Good luck!
  4. In the hey days of 00n3 in the 60s and into the 70s they were truly freelance, locos were "based on" rather than models of prototypes. It also was popular because the 12mm mechanisms ran better than the early N scale models. I've not really seen a return to that sort of modelling except at the cheap end of 009 modelling and the "stick anything on a Kato chassis" breed, but that's because the Kato chassis are cheap, but there's no cheap 12mm gauge stuff, especially if you are looking to use Hornby or Tillig chassis as a basis fir freelance NG. Hence I can't see 00n3 being reborn, people wanting to model in 00 NG are spoilt for choice in 009.
  5. I don't think that the introduction of Hornby's TT120 will make any difference to 00n3 modelling. Why? Because most modellers of 00n3 these days tend to follow prototypes and so far there's been nothing in the range that could be used for prototype 3ft gauge. Early 00n3 layouts were truly freelance, think Midhaven, AVR, etc., but whilst we still see many freelance they tend to use prototype locos, especially now in 009 with all the RTR. There's also cost, the early 00n3 (and when I modelled in it in the 80s and 90s) used the cheap Triang and BTTB/Zeuke chassis, modern TT doesn't fall into that category and even the older stuff isn't cheap any more. Maybe I'll be proved wrong, but I doubt it.
  6. Full list of exhibits here: https://009society.com/news/category/public-news/?v=79cba1185463
  7. Looking at photos online it seemed to vary, they were definitely tinted but not as heavily as I seem to remember Airfix(?) doing theirs which looked brown rather than a tint! Again from the photos the interiors are all perfectly visible so perhaps a "hint of a tint" would be appropriate! They also seem to vary depending on the lighting conditions, as always!
  8. I wouldn't bother going back, it's in amongst some froth about something else not TT related. I think GM were the first to announce they were stocking it and there's now about 5 stockists, including Peter's Spares for spares. I can't remember who the others are but no doubt someone will be along shortly with a list! EDIT: List here: https://uk.Hornby.com/hornbytt120/official-stockist
  9. It was announced back in June, both by Hornby and then people on this thread, FB and Hornby's forum! SK always said that they would sell via shops in due course, the only question was when. I've a feeling we debated the reasons/timing back in June, but with no real conclusion, however it was clear that DS was simply done to launch it, in Australia it's always been shops (via a rip-off wholesaler unfortunately)...
  10. I'd rather have an early 25 than a 37 or 31!
  11. There is, here, for the benefit of @BachelorBoy, then we can get back OT!
  12. Hobby

    On Cats

    Courtesy of FB!
  13. Aren't those six locos what were announced at the outset in the later phases? I certainly didn't comment as we already knew about them so they were nothing new, or are they something completely new and not on their "plan"?
  14. I suspect the two are directly connected. Look at the numbers of the TT120 groups on FB which are into the thousands. Personally I prefer forums because of the ease at which I can obtain information that was posted earlier but the new people prefer social media.
  15. Pot and kettle spring to mind, especially your comments in the rest of the post. Before making posts like that one I'd suggest looking in the mirror.
  16. Of course you have the option to simply not post on a subject you aren't interested in just like several others in this thread who have absolutely no interest in TT120 other than to stir things and knock Hornby... So why don't you and leave those of us who are happy enough to accept the compromises to do so in peace? There's an "Ignore" button, you could use it...
  17. I've been running British and overseas models together in narrow gauge for years, but until now it's not been possible in rtr standard gauge in the same scale. Just because someone doesn't want to do that means that they assume others don't either, remember RMWeb is just a small number of the total number of model railway enthusiast so isn't representative.
  18. Probably more interior space, though!
  19. Like many people (most?), I've easily spent over £300 this year, with the added bonus of no £30 membership fee and double points back in April this year, so I'm well in!
  20. Hobby

    On Cats

    I vaguely remember watching a programme on Scottish Wildcats in which they'd done a DNA test and found that even the "purest" were only 75% wildcat, the rest being domestic moggy.
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