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Everything posted by Hobby

  1. I go back to what I said before, Ron, FFP is there to protect the old "elite", nothing more. All it does is ensure no other team is able to challenge them financially. Its a flawed concept and always will be.
  2. a. It goes well before that, more recently Chelsea? Also as I said FFP was set up to protect the old elite who got where they were by spending lots more money than their rivals. b. Agreed, but it's been there as long as professional football has been around, the team with the most money won mostly, try my home town PNE right at tte beginning! c. Yes, once before, with 8 other teams including PSG. Spending more than they earned, but since 2015 they haven't. The FA charges seem to relate to before then. As I said I could understand the criticism if those behind it were squeaky clean but they aren't. I don't know what the answer is but this isn't going to stop it, all it will do is make the clubs more careful. And the old guard will still do everything they can to protect their status quo, as you and I have said, watch out Newcastle, they'll be after you next.
  3. Oh, look, a Quartic steering wheel, if only BL had realised that they were 50 years too early!! ;)
  4. Whatever happened to "innocent until proven guilty"? Also what "general arrogant attitude"? The fans, I think not, the players, no and Pep, I don't think so. The owners are very quiet, considering the accusations. So where is the arrogance? You could easily accuse United or Liverpool of that, but City?! This money thing comes across as two faced by everyone involved, it was OK when other teams spent lots of money, but because City weren't one of the elite it's all wrong, the FFP was brought in to "level the field" but all it does is ensure that the rich clubs stay rich and the rest don't, thus keeping the status quo. This was written in 2015 and makes interesting reading, the situation hasn't changed since then. https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/manchester-city-oil-money-profit-10260064
  5. Hobby

    On Cats

    Been there, done that... ;)
  6. My 08 is running fine now I've got an oval to run on, so is the A3 but the A4 still has the "lifting the inside wheels of the front bogie on curves" issue! Any tips? I've also got round to fitting the replacement Tillig couplers on my BTTB stock, absolute doddle to do and now allows an interchange of stock! I'll have to get some more when I go to Germany next week as I've used half of the stock already.
  7. I've said this before, but my Dad, a United fan, brought me up to support the English club in Europe, or even the NW club if it were in a cup final against a London club. That was how it was done back then, its rather sad that attitudes like yours have prevailed.
  8. Err no, the ball touched him, he didn't deliberately put his hand in the way. It seems only United fans think your way based on what the commentators were saying, though I suspect if it was one of your players you'd suddenly agree with me! Anyway that stupid rule seems to be on its way out thank goodness. If that had decided the match I'd gave been well p***off but luckily the best team prevailed. ;)
  9. About time they changed the handball rule, that was never a penalty.
  10. I asked Peco about getting the wagon chassis separately and it seems they hadn't thought of it, but will now look into it, I'd suggested that as well as TT modellers 00n3 modellers may be interested. Anyhow we'll see what happens
  11. I think that's just the angle of the photo that gives that impression, the front axle isn't in line with the middle one, it looks as though it can move sideways, I assume to allow if to get round R1 curves yet still have flanged wheels.
  12. Hobby

    On Cats

    Nah, not really, little humans are horrors at that age, kittens are always cute! ;)
  13. Hobby

    On Cats

    Don't they look so innocent at that age... Then they grow up!! ;)
  14. The only interesting bit is going to be how far Perez manages to get up the field, other than that it's procession time.
  15. I've just got to find someone to print them then! I would hope that Peco do a wagon chassis kit when they launch their 12mm gauge stuff like they do in N. It would certainly make sense as the narrow gaugers who use 12mm gauge would love to have such a chassis!
  16. I managed to miss this thread! I'd also be interested as I need half a dozen of them, I was disappointed when Hornby made the bigger mineral wagon and not this version. My experience of the 3d prints is that the grey resin is light years ahead of the Shapeways stuff.
  17. They look OK to me, what's the issue with them?
  18. Many years ago I went to an enormous model railway shop in Nuremberg which sold lots of secondhand. Going in there was a large room with a counter on the right and a large area of new stuff on the left. You then continued through the new stuff and into another room where there was lots of second hand. I think it was on Bucher Strasse just on the edge of the city centre at the top of a hill. I can't find it anymore and a search for secondhand sends me to Model Train Ritzer which seems to be nearby where the old shop used to be. Can anyone help, is MT Ritzer the same place, just relocated?
  19. Hobby

    On Cats

    I suspect it was an urban myth, the "harlequin" Polo was simply a marketing opportunity, copied by several other manufacturers since...
  20. Rather a long gap, holidays, retirement and exhibitions getting in the way! I wasn't especially comfortable with the original plan, the idea was fine, early 70s preservation with British and German stock and a bit of BR but it just didn't feel right. So after some thought I've decided on this track plan, half a double track circuit with centre platform station kept from the old plan but more conventional storage lines which will hold a complete train (in my case a Pacific and three coaches), kick back for storing the railcar and small engine shed. the single line bit with have the "imprint" of a second track so if i do want to go to a double track all round I can. A bit of a "train set" type layout but I hope with scenics, etc., it will look less so, sort of middle station on a preserved line which is also their main station, hence the sidings and loco shed...
  21. And their Control, to be fair it just simplifies saying "no trains running either way because it's a single line" but also covers "no trains running either way on either line" for sections with multiple tracks! ;)
  22. "Standard" NR "speak", you can't blame the journalist for that one!
  23. Surely engine costs will have to be included in the cost cap, otherwise Mercedes and the others would all have a separate engine "manufacturer" to get round it.
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