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Everything posted by Hobby

  1. Just wondering how true that is when talking modern electric trams, not horse drawn ones. I've been in an emergency stop on a modern tram and it seems to stop pretty quickly, at least on a par with a bus or lorry, though not a modern car!
  2. Not to mention Mercedes a title... It's one of those areas which really needs sorting, there should be no advantage gained with the SC except the bunching up, if they are to allow pit stops then everyone should be given one and then the grid restarted in the order they were when the SC was deployed.
  3. I was, though it wasn't well written and could be construed they way he did, I've clarified it! Thanks Phil.
  4. So far they seem to have supplied three, so far, are you on the marketing team at Hornby that allows you to make that statement so positively? Or is it a guess? I agree with Gatesheadgeek, they are just testing the market at the moment. we shall see in due course no doubt.
  5. I assume you mean the "E" series, it would have fitted the Princess as the E6 (the 2227cc 6 cylinder version) was fitted to the Princess! No doubt if the E had been used the Ambassador front end would have been modified, perhaps with better looking results! The reason that it wasn't used in the Princess was because the E series engine was regarded as underpowered for the larger car (than the Maxis/Allegros) and performance would have suffered, also they didn't think they had the capacity to meet the extra demand had the engine also powered the Princess, hence they used the B series (from AROnline).
  6. For once a decent punishments as well, though some compensation to the train driver would have been appropriate as well.
  7. Not everything, it was a lot "cleaner" inside, the dials were clearer and the seats more comfy. Trouble is the outside, especially the front, looked, to my eyes, too small for the car, a similar makeover was made to the Marina into the Ital and worked better on the outside, though the inside was just the same as the Marina, so no improvement, a radio that pointed away from the driver being the classic error! The main issue I had with the Ambassador, as I mentioned, was the 4 speed 'box, had it had a 5 speed (and NOT the 1750/gearbox as mentioned by someone else from the Maxi/Allegro range) it could have taken on the Mk2 Cavalier and would have won on space, the O series was a good engine and finally came into it's own when mated with a decent (VW sourced?) gearbox.
  8. Good excuse to put the price of funerals up I suppose... An electric conversion of their existing vehicles would seem a more economic option, especially as they don't need the range.
  9. They aren't the only ones, on the Hornby forum Fritzinghall and GM are mentioned as well. There may be others but I'm not going round checking! One thing I do know is that my local won't... At least that's what he said after slagging it off a few weeks ago when i was spending money with him. I'd love it if he did, though, just to get the humble pie look from him!
  10. If only they'd put a 5 speed gearbox in it...
  11. Interestingly, despite your obvious dislike of the DM, it's not just them that want to see that ban changed, perhaps it would be better to acknowledge that rather than having a go at one newspaper. Currently EVs are not an affordable or viable option for many people, perhaps they will be in due course but it remains to be seen if that date is achievable.. As a neutral in the debate it amuses me when EV supporters cry "foul" when often their actions are often just as bad as those they accuse.
  12. VW's ID4 and 5 have now appeared on the Motability website with reasonable advance payments, as is the Skoda equivalent, trouble is they are all SUVs and SWMBO can't get into them! Very frustrating!!
  13. You were very unlucky, before my current petrol mild hybrid I've been owning and driving diesels for well over 20 years doing 15k a year and only one issue in the whole of that time and that was way back at the beginning with a Vectra and injection issues, none of my later ones had any issues at all, nor the two Perkins powered ones before it... We've just got back from our annual holiday in Germany having done just under 3k miles, the car averaging a good 55mpg, not bad for a large Octavia Estate, only had to fill up every 850kms! I'd still like a PHEV, though, but the only suitable one on the scheme is an Astra with a advance payment of over £7k which rather defeats the object when the fuel is the only running costs we pay!
  14. Just been to the Piko factory and picked up a brand new DB liveried electric BoBo for €114. Any suggestions what I can use the chassis for? They were also selling the CoCo versions for €108!
  15. And if you use it as a hh then little range! EVs are sold to us as being the answer to global warming yet manufacturers still make cars which guzzle their fuel. Perhaps more concentration on getting decent range in all conditions is needed rather than trying to appeal to the boy racers.
  16. I'm not forgetting anything, as I said you don't get to that level by being nice. But I'd still say Max and Shumacher take things to a much higher level.
  17. I'm not convinced about that at all. "In theory" (ie what the teams tell us) that may be true but Max will ensure that he does get preferential treatment, same as Schumacher, by force of character, neither of those two take/took prisoners. Alonso and Hamilton, though, are less nasty, though even they will ensure their needs came first. You don't get to that level by being nice.
  18. I have to agree, I got WW in the Easterner set first and thought it was very nice but the A3 looks even better. Just wish I'd got one with smoke deflectors!
  19. All my TT stuff runs the same way, Hornby, BTTB and Arnold. Haven't a clue about other scales as my other stuff is narrow gauge!
  20. They've done the survey, now await further developments. Just out of interest does anyone use a portable air conditioner? Just wondering if the panels would make enough to run one.
  21. Yeeesss! Mind you that was a nervous last few minutes!
  22. Didn't that originate in Ice Hockey? "Sin bin" springs to mind.
  23. I go back to what I said before, Ron, FFP is there to protect the old "elite", nothing more. All it does is ensure no other team is able to challenge them financially. Its a flawed concept and always will be.
  24. a. It goes well before that, more recently Chelsea? Also as I said FFP was set up to protect the old elite who got where they were by spending lots more money than their rivals. b. Agreed, but it's been there as long as professional football has been around, the team with the most money won mostly, try my home town PNE right at tte beginning! c. Yes, once before, with 8 other teams including PSG. Spending more than they earned, but since 2015 they haven't. The FA charges seem to relate to before then. As I said I could understand the criticism if those behind it were squeaky clean but they aren't. I don't know what the answer is but this isn't going to stop it, all it will do is make the clubs more careful. And the old guard will still do everything they can to protect their status quo, as you and I have said, watch out Newcastle, they'll be after you next.
  25. Oh, look, a Quartic steering wheel, if only BL had realised that they were 50 years too early!! ;)
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