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Everything posted by KymN

  1. I started this out of pure frustration. Once we had a well run source of some wonderful models, but now something is very wrong. Any help in restoring faith in this important institution - internationally - would be more than welcome.
  2. Today is Wednesday 25 April 2018. This is today’s Locomotion Models Exclusive Models Update Page Highlights: 25/1/18 Update on Class 66 We are expecting delivery of the Class 66 wc 5/2/18. Please Note the model does not come with the bell pre-fitted but they are available free of charge included in the accessory bag. 18/1/18 Dean Goods Update We are pleased to inform you that the DCC Ready version of our Dean Goods will be shipped commencing 26/1/18. 22/12/17 Stirling Single Update Anyone who has ordered this fantastic model we will be in touch with you in February prior to delivery to pay off balances. We will keep you up to date on the delivery to the UK as we have it. Hello – is anyone home?
  3. Am I the only punter who is still waiting for something to happen? I ordered WTT DCC fitted back in September 2017, but the order remains 'open' and untouched.
  4. That might explain why my 'WTT' has not been processed, but I haven't had an email. I'd better check.
  5. They may be quiet but they are busy. They have been at Supertrain (Canada's largest train show) this past weekend and are pushing North American stuff through. Check out their Facebook page.
  6. My interests are c.1950 but I have been taken by the class 800s and the (new GWR). I was sorely tempted to add one to my roster to run on Dr. Who days. Fortunately I have been short of cash lately and avaoided a bad mistake.
  7. The email shows: DCC Ready Version NOW £229 ; DCC Version NOW £329 Clearly the 'DCC Version' is in fact DCC SOUND. What is happening at Locomotion? The Web site 'Update' page remains way out of date and other attempts at communication are wrong or non-existent.
  8. The lovely city of Wellington is a very windy place. I discovered the reason that locals don't carry umbrellas the hard way.
  9. I learned the expression from a colleague who is a Cambridge educated mathematician. I assume that it refers to a random result. Equally descriptive was his 'up and down like the bride's nighty'.
  10. Twelve months ago I was keeping my resolve - but now I'm all over the shop like a mad woman's custard. My South Western connections remain important, as William Adams' brother Robert, and his son William Jr. established an Australian connection. My ex-wife is a descendant of Robert. But now Harry Wainwright has destroyed my focus. Thank goodness the Southern Railway found reason to scatter its locomotives around in my alternative antipodean universe.
  11. Thanks Ixion. My tongue was in my cheek when I queried their ongoing existence! And I subsequently got the email too. I'm looking forward to getting mine, albeit with some trepidation given the issues that have been reported here. Cheers, Kym.
  12. .......but there has been deathly silence from wider Dapol sources.
  13. Yet the Bachmann Web site shows the ETA as September 2018 for both. Hatton's optimistically seems to think they will have them July/August 18.
  14. So it says on the Web site. I have one on order but have heard nothing. I'm not even sure if Locomotion is still with us - updates are out of date and nothing seems to change........
  15. I am impressed by how quickly Hatton's has despatched these. My SR lined Maunsell green one was chipped and out the door within hours of the truck arriving at Widnes.
  16. Nevertheless the 155mm shell was extensively used in conventional artillery weapons. There was a 155mm US tracked howitzer battery that was our neighbour in South Vietnam - noisy lot they were too. We just had 105mm weapons. And for the infantry remember 'this is my rifle, this is my gun. This one's for shooting, this one's for fun'.
  17. My layout has been in storage over the past few years due to personal circumstances, an interstate move and work needed to reestablish. That hasn't stopped me collecting rolling stock. I now have a bigger collection than I need to operate, and one that extends beyond the theme of the layout. So I am both collector and modeller. I am happy with that.
  18. Yet Bachmann Birdcages couple cleanly with Roco couplers. Where I have had trouble (and used one Hornby, one Roco) has been with Hornby coaches
  19. I was thinking only last week that the Metropolitan A-class would be a nice addition. They operated the Brill Tramway, and after the Met some were sold into light railway (e.g. the Nidd Valley) or industrial use. But I am getting increasingly eccentric in my dotage.
  20. I was about to buy a few of these - not because they belong on my railway, but simply because they looked good. Then I saw that they had cranked couplings. That's where I stopped. Sorry people but unless I can swap out the couplings easily it doesn't work for me.
  21. The Website update now has the first of the Dean Goods being despatched commencing 26/1/18.
  22. Already been done across the pond. http://www.broadway-limited.com/bli-2526prrstockcarcattlesoundsho.aspx
  23. But which one? We can then indulge in the sport of ship-watching.
  24. Perhaps, but here in Australia long haul intermodal rail saw off most of its shipping competition years ago. Rail has the dominant share from the East to Perth and Darwin. And while joe public might not be aware of how things are moved, the decision-makers do, as does the industry media. Mind you we run these services as 1.8km double-stack trains at 110km/hr, and that may not be possible in Europe.
  25. It is true that a lot of this work is tedious. But the LRC factory seems to be clean and well lit, and fit for purpose. Importantly there does appear to be a rapport between Jason and his people - his hands on style is impressive. I have seen worse (on the real railway). Rapido looks pretty good to me, and its ethics sound.
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