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  • Location
    Helston, Kernow
  • Interests
    rail,modelling,british wildlife,classic coaches,home,family,sleep,sherry,whiskie,vodka,real ale
    Work: GWR Long Rock, Penzance - Cornish Night Riviera Sleeper.

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  1. I don't suppose we could get back to the main subject ? There sre plenty of threads regarding collecting.
  2. So many inaccuracies. Normally go to great lengths to get it right but this was poor. Still a great programme though.
  3. Couldn't resist. From strong winds in Cornwall yesterday.
  4. It's just a rough visual experiment . The shade of chocolate is wrong as it looks more like The Northern Belle ! Waiting for someone to do one in Inter City .... !
  5. A work in progress. Surprised I have not seen this done before. Chocolate and cream Blue Pullman.
  6. The Hornby 101 was introduced in 1978 and currently runs to 38 livery variations publicly released not including different running numbers, catalogue numbers or paint finishes. Plus one special publicity model. Did once collect them all but then sold the lot. Fun ...!
  7. Co-tr-Paul

    On Cats

    Today " The Kits " turn into teenagers . Dreamies all round. Ostra. Ossie Sir Osalot Slot Imbolc Immie Lady Imabell Flut
  8. Oh dear. Can somebody tell the Portuguese lady George Stephenson DID NOT invent the steam locomotive....... Cheers Mr Trevithick.
  9. Co-tr-Paul

    On Cats

    Must stop macroing Immie.....
  10. Power cars now have rear windows filled in too.
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