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Everything posted by polybear

  1. I'm trying my very hardest not to..... As an Employer interviewing a prospective new Employee one of my first questions would be: "What did you do for your National Service?" If they reply with: "Nuffink Mate - dodged it, didn't I? (snigger snigger)" - then they're off to a loser straight away.
  2. Vote Bear. You know it makes sense......
  3. Sounds like the teachings of an old-school RSM would do them the power of good....
  4. Riding pillion on a mo'sickle definitely isn't this Bear's idea of fun - I've never, ever felt comfortable** with the idea. (**Read: "sh1tscared")
  5. Bear here..... Clothes sorted. Tick. I also tried on Bear's rather nice (and some) MW 2-piece Leathers for the first time in, er, 20+ years - it seems that Bear's Big D escapes have worked wonders and they fit better than they ever have 😃. The only slight problem is I hope to be selling Harry the Honda in the not-too-distant future...... I've also given the Chassis Jig a clean & oil, so that's another Tick. Right, what's next? Oh look, it's tea time approaching......😁 BG
  6. It's where you see how many cheese rolls you can scoff..... ION..... Sorting the Beary Wardrobe "ongoing" .....anyone else find the practice of parting with clothes "difficult"? There's at least three pairs of rather good strides already destined for the Charity Warehouse (at least one of which are barely worn) simply because a rather foolish Bear decided that a certain four-letter word beginning with "D" was a good idea. Turdycurses. Several shirts will be heading the same way, with rather a lot more going in the rag bag (v. small marks making resale unlikely). Oh well. I still have rather more than I'm likely to ever need, but there are limits to just how much pain a Bear can take in one day........ Right, din dins needed to console a sad Bear. BG
  7. So little different to how it is now then? Join the: Army Cadets Air Cadets Sea Scouts Oodles of Charities to volunteer for.
  8. I wonder if the "National Service" choice is made for the individual, or do they get to choose? If it's the latter then I can see the vast majority opting for the NHS/Charity/etc. option. If it's the former then will there be any regulation which states the individual is exempt from becoming cannon fodder? Personally I think it does have some merit if** it's set up and managed correctly.... (** That's a very, very big "IF"......) (I started volunteering at the Hospice Warehouse on 8th Feb and I'm already up to a total of 29 days served, which is more than the 25 being quoted under the Gov scheme.) That's a tough call deciding that one, given the current jokers in the Big House.
  9. There's also the question of should you be allowed to vote in UK elections as the vast majority of decisions made in the UK won't affect you anyway?
  10. Oh yes.... Very, very nicely done: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/videos/c900npw99j2o Shame about the undercarriage (collapsed/couldn't be lowered?)
  11. Bear here.... Up at sillyo'clock (half five - that bluddy wee wee fairy again). Today? "Stuff"; I have a chassis jig that needs a clean n' oil to get rid of very light corrosion (bluddy flux), despite having done so after the last Missenden Abbey. Turdycurses. After that? Well I reckon it's about time Bear had a serious sort out of clothes danglin' in the wardrobes; many I'm just not going to wear again and some (= strides) are now too baggy to fit properly now that Bear is on the dreaded Big D (69Kg, incidentally - which is the same/slightly lighter than before I went on Hols - a definite Tick). At which point it'll be MIUABGAD. BG
  12. In 1939 it was 41 years old.
  13. An Awl is your friend...... Bear's recent experiences of BA: To Malta: Some F.wit had "forgotten to load the Card Reader onto the Aircraft"; this meant that anyone (not this Bear) hoping to buy any scoff or drinks was denied. Surely a better way would've been to discretely dish it out as freebies? Both to & from Malta: Once upon a time ISTR BA dishing out a bottle of water and a "complimentary snack". Now? It's a plastic cup of water and two bikkies** (**At least they were choccy ones) T0ssers. Incidentally, stopping people bringing bottles of water thru' Security must be the greatest money-maker going for shops selling the stuff Airside. Double T0ssers. Now this might come as a shock to iD, but even This Bear has standards......(which most definitely DON'T descend to Buddy Holly Airways (I HATE that little Tw@t with a vengeace). NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO................ Puppers has gone over to The Dark Side........ I'm more than a little surprised that there's been an enquiry before any potential criminal prosecutions - surely that's good grounds for any accused saying that they can never get a fair trial, especially where a Jury is concerned? No doubt every interviewee has received "significant legal advice" prior to appearing at the enquiry in any event. Apart from the b@llache of doing so, the thing that put's me off the idea of transfers is the risk of the first flight being significantly delayed, meaning Bear misses the subsequent flight. I very much suspect that this time it'll be more of a case of voting for whoever you think stands the best chance of doing the least damage..... Incidentally, when Bear was a Very Young Cub I used to help the local Milkman at the weekends; I recall asking him once who were the best ones to vote for; his reply: "Makes no difference - they're all out to feather their own nests" He was obviously wiser than people realised. Edit: At least some of the above should've probably been on the ER Thread. Blame that Hippo......
  14. DH has a reputation to protect......🤣
  15. Though I suspect the BBMF with their knowledge and experience must be one of, if not the best at maintaining them.
  16. Bear here..... Today? Nottalottatall. Disgraceful. I did get around to booking the Lisbon flights & Hotel room at LGW though, with parking at LGW still to do. I did add up the cost of all that lot.....shouldn't have done that 😟 Still, a Bear can't take it with him...... BG
  17. Bear just re-checked and the flight out was down to it's last two seats, so I had to book PDQ - only to discover the price had gone up another four quid. B'sterds. Of course it's all Bear's fault - who on earth wants to take enough kit for a week's Hols after all? Totally unreasonable behaviour, for which they squeezed Bear for another 120 notes on top of the basic seat prices. T0ssers. A friend used to work for Sainsbugs and had to scan at 16 items/minute, otherwise she'd be up in front of a Supervisor for an official warning - too many of which meant you were out the door.
  18. One for Puppers @PupCam:
  19. ION...... Bear has discovered that Thiefyjet want £408 for a return to Lisbon. Bluddy hell....... Other airlines want more. Yes, you can consider that a Rant.
  20. Now if the only ones that could vote were 65(?)+ then I reckon it could be a done deal.......
  21. Both the front Hedges actually belong to the Neighbours**, not this Bear (I've got all three rear fences instead - but at least they don't need cutting) **A fact that I don't go out of my way to advertise, just in case one (or both) of them come up with some bright idea of replacing them with a wooden fence or brick wall in order to reduce maintenance and/or gain a bit extra room on their driveways.
  22. Bear wears the fancy socks on LH and goes for regular walks. Seems to work ok so far Oh yes, and cut the hedges too (including the neighbour's sides - not that I ever get anything to scoff for my trouble 😢). Do try to keep up..... It also instils a feeling of "if it ain't busted, don't fix it" Cunning. Forcing Teenagers to do things they have absolutely no interest in doing - which will just make them a PITA for the Organisations concerned. There's one guy (a Volunteer in his 40's/50's?) at the Hospice Warehouse that already has a reputation for being unreliable and not turning up when promised, meaning one of the Drivers is left without help (not funny). As a result he's asked to volunteer less as he's just not dependable. Tall green spiky one.
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