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Everything posted by polybear

  1. Hence that well known phrase: ”Ar5e like a Japanese Flag”
  2. Bear has something similar, but a ring rather than a brooch; no idea what long-gone relation it was done for - personally I find it pretty morbid. The idea of swinging on a prop to start an aircraft is rather low on Bear’s list of “things to try” - it seems like a rather messy accident just waiting to happen
  3. it'll certainly do no harm..... ION...... The beeb had an item about Avian Flu and what could happen if it jumps to humans - it'll make wooflu look like a teddy bear's picnic. Be afraid..... And finally.... I see a certain Ms. Rinehart doesn't like her painting - it's a pretty good likeness to me….
  4. Two Deltics?? Jeez, just how many weeds have you got? A few bottles of weed killer sounds a lot cheaper to This Bear....
  5. You’re all lined up for cheque signing duties. Be afraid…. Docs don’t like them cos’ they cost oodles
  6. Google is your friend…. Previously good paint becoming cr@p paint started long before brexit; Hornby enamels and Hammerite being fine examples. I far more prefer oil based that covers properly, is much more durable and doesn’t dry even before you’ve had a chance to get it off the end of a brush….
  7. VHBBW’s to @Gwiwer 🎂🎂
  8. It’s all Europe’s fault for insisting paint had to be much more “friendly”.
  9. A pizza oven would make a fine addition to any MRC…. NHN said: They're down to three cars as the one just overhauled wasn't, properly, and keeps failing, another is being overhauled and we don't talk about number 3. Is that the one that’s terminally dead? Shame about the cream…. 😡
  10. Momma Bear “had n’owt” (apart from personal possessions of little financial value - but priceless to me); the house was “Joint Tenants” so came to me automatically. As for “Father Bear” (more accurately known as the b’sterd) - well he died in 2016; that’s what I discovered via the ‘net just before chrimbo. Must’ve slipped bruv’s mind to mention it….
  11. Bear is out for lunch; the (rather loud) guy on the next table sounds like the Swedish Chef on the Muppets…. I’m struggling not to say “Hurdy Gurdy first ve tayke ze Chicken arp arp arp” cos’ it might not go down too well…..
  12. One of cousin Bear’s** kids (who doesn’t quite fire on all cylinders) went out playing with his mate and a toy gun down the local shopping precinct and earned a ride home in a police car as a result. Where was this? Dublin. **A right b1tch - and prone to bullsh1tting as well so the story may not be true Bear has, sorry had** a brother like that - totally f. useless (and not in a nice way) when momma bear was ill, yet wasn’t shy in asking if she’d made a Will (“not that I’m fishing” says he….). And yes she had - and no he didn’t…. **After his latest stunt discovered shortly before chrimbo I decided I want ‘eff all to do with him; I’ve not sent a chrimbo or a b’day card since then and they’ve not bothered if I’m ok or not (not that I want them to) so that says a lot; there’s another b’day due in July and I’ll not bother with that either…. T0ssers del ordino primo, as they say in Italia (am I close @iL Dottore?
  13. Would suggesting to Mrs BeeEssWubbleyu that "we should do this every time, dearest - it would save a fortune and you could have the fun and price in nurturing them yourself" be pushing your luck? OK, thought so.
  14. Around £2.5K, plus or minus a monkey depending on where you live. Turkey is rumoured to be a lot cheaper and comes with free sepsis afterwards🤣
  15. True - but iD did say this was a room with a Mozzie in….
  16. I’ll go for the Mozzie - much easier and less scary to kill
  17. what company is this - so we can all avoid it...... my guess is they want enough to collect to make it worth their whole as it's a rural area Not impossible I know, but kinda tricky. iON..... Excellent news from Fraggle Rock!!
  18. Bear had a very weird dream as well last night, for two reasons: 1. It’s highly unlikely that I ever remember them, and 2. This one was about A Certain Bear nickin’ a Tractor & Trailer belonging to the local council; Claude Greengrass, Bernie Scripps and PC Rowan were also in it. Oh yes, and the Trailer was carrying a painting worth £30M…..
  19. I still get it 14 years on; it can strike me without warning as well
  20. Now that's scary - and just plain daft. Actually Bear is distracting the Hunter (who's in front of me) by doin' my signature boogie routine whilst Momma Bear snuck up behind him and shoved his Rifle right up his sh1tshute before pulling the trigger. Very messy, I can tell you - all that poo, guts, brains, blood n' goo spurting out of his bonce. The other Poly's never messed with Momma after seeing that....
  21. Bear discovered (today/yesterday?) that magnetic north slowly moves, apparently - so in a few years’ time it may well be Runway 31 (or 29); this means runway markings and signs have to be corrected, maps updated etc etc. All expensive stuff, apparently.
  22. There’s always one that never learns…. Think of the Air Miles - they’ll come in very handy when you’re retired. Ask a Bear how he knows…. Bear’s college maths tutor was strongly rumoured to be ex-SAS; he was certainly ex Army, knew a lot about weapons and had apparently done Mercenary work too. He was one tough SoaB that took sh1t from no-one. Many people (Bear included) wouldn’t have a clue if they were in season or not; the easy way would be to stop shops from selling them. Bear once watered Momma Bear’s Clematis with petrol; that’s bad, apparently…. Bump start it??
  23. I bet no-one messed about in his lessons though….could do with a few of those today…. Natural justice? There seems to be a growing number of such programmes that repeat what they’ve just told you just before the adverts 🤬
  24. Bear here…. Dross day - as expected; there is method in Bear’s madness, however😉 ION….. I see that a couple of Austrian nutcases have flown thru’ Tower Bridge wearing Wingsuits after diving out of a Helicopter - another Red Bull stunt n’ all that; the video is on the ‘tube. All clever stuff - but can’t help but think it’s not a patch on putting a Hunter thru’ the same gap (50 years ago?) BG
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