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Status Updates posted by WhitehouseFilms

  1. A Merry Christmas to all you fellow modellers out there. Hope you get many wonderful gifts that would help grow the hobby and enthusiasm more and more. 

    Hopefully Father Christmas will bring me some track to start my new exhibition layout in the New Year. This one I'm really looking forward to make. 

  2. My replicas of the original Annie and Clarabel could do with some upgrading. So while I'm keeping my old ones as spares, I'm making up a new set. The sides and ends are 3D printed. The base is being designed now to fix them on and the bogies/buffers have been ordered off. With luck they should be ready before my layout's next show in April. 



  3. I'm sorry to report that further progress on my club's replica layout, the North Western Region, has now been discontinued. Whilst some members of the club are disappointed that the layout is not to be continued, it has given some the chance to think of new ideas for layouts to build. The track and boards are currently being dismantled and reused for other projects. 

    1. chris p bacon

      chris p bacon

      The same has happened at our club following a change of venue.

  4. Giving my replica of the original Thomas model a repaint into the livery the model wore when first made in the late 40s. 

    The original motor has been replaced with a new one as the original had some running issues. I just need to do the lining on the other side, add it's rear buffers, safety valves and crew and that should be it ready for service. I have another Reidpath engine that I'm currently painting up to show the model in it's later years where it went through a repaint and had some additional parts added. That model will be working the MrkII replica of Ffarquhar Branch. A Spare Thomas replica, made from a Tri-ang Jinty, is also in the making but will take time  before it's ready. 




  5. Question: Am I doing this correctly?

    Recently fitted this Tri-ang Princess chassis with new wheels from Markits. However it appears to be shorting out. One side is plain while the other is insulated just like the original set up. There are PECO fibre washers on all the axles, though I'm wondering if it's the crank pins or the valve gear that's causing the short. 

    I'm still trying to learn my way around of converting older Triang loco stock to work with Markits wheel sets and with very little clear guidance or videos on the correct procedure on doing this, I have to try and solve this myself. 

    Would someone inform me if I'm doing this conversion correctly or is there there supposed to be a different approach with this? 


    1. AY Mod

      AY Mod

      Such questions are best asked in the Modelling Questions subforum, status updates are transitory superficial passing comments.

  6. I want to replace the capacitor on my Hornby L&Y pug to one that would allow it to continue running while on DC control over dead sections like Insulfrog points. Whats the best capacitor to use for DC control only? 

    1. AY Mod

      AY Mod

      Please ask questions in the Questions sub-forum or , in this case, the DC Electrics sub-forum.

  7. I'm looking for replacement carbon cubes for the Tri-ang X67 brushes, does anyone know a good source on where to find some? It's just the carbon cubes that I really need. 

    1. RedgateModels


      Sadly stocks of these seems to have dried up. Barry Marsh's wife and daughter used to sell them on ebay - I used to buy in bulk but have not been able to get any for a couple of years. I have some left but am keeping them for my motor refurbs .....


      Peter's Spares sell complete brushes which they claim are made in China, this will have to be my route once my stocks are exhausted.

  8. Currently helping out with my club with the building of it's layout, will do a thread about that later today, and have decided to take a look at one of the engines we might be running on it. As our layout is a replica of one built in the late 40's, it might be interesting to try and get replica versions of the original models that ran on it. This one, which was documented as being the most difficult, I'm currently seeing about getting it run in. Although it shows in this clip that it is running alright, once the motor stops it doesn't move again unless you take the tender shell of and flick the dial slightly to get it in motion. It could mean to give the motor a complete service but will need to do some research on these old locos and see what way would be best to service them. 


  9. I'm looking for a drawing of a non corridor coach from Model Railway News 1927. It's for a piece of reaserch but also for a model that I'm thinking of making up. If anyone has an issue of MRN from 1927 with a coach drawing in it, could they please contact me? Thanks.

    1. Pacific231G


      I have a complete run of pre war MRNs in bound volumes and the only carriage drawing in 1927 is in the March edition and is the fifth and last carriage drawing in a series of GWR prototype drawings by Captain F.H.G Layland-Barratt. This is though a corridor 1st /3rd composite.

      Being in a bound volume it doesn't scan very well. I'll look back to 1926 for his earlier drawings but I think they too will be corridor as he talks about the five coaches being enough for a complete train. 



    2. WhitehouseFilms


      Thanks. This is just what I was looking for. 

    3. Pacific231G


      I looked through the previous and several subsequent years and, in this quite long running series of GWR Prototype Drawings, there were only about three or four of actual carriages, the others included a brake third and a restaurant car with central kitchen and pantry and separate 1st and 3rd class dining saloons at either end, There was a suggestion that the drawings would allow a five coach express train to be built Apart from those there was a passenger brake van with no corridor connection but most of the drawings were of locos and some tenders. At around that time there was a separate sequence of goods wagon drawnings by a different author.   

  10. Was anyone at Warley's show in 2005? The original Ffarquhar Branch MrkII layout was there and I was wondering if anyone took any photos of it that could help me with a new project which I'm hoping to start later in the year.

  11. Does anyone own a working K's/Keyser motor bogie? I bought one some years ago and I'm trying to see if I can get it going. If anyone has one of these could they provide me with some reference photos so I can see how to fix it? Thanks.

    1. waggy


      I had one many years ago and gave up on it, i believe i had problems meshing the gears, think it was a design fault as i recall a club member having the same problems.

    2. DCB


      I had one with the Mk2 motor which I scrapped for the Mk 2 motor but it was very straight forward using oversize worms to mesh with small worm wheels. Maybe you don't have the right worms?

    3. locoholic


      I had one - it seized solid.

  12. 'Ffarquhar Branch' is featured in Railway Modeller. Not as original planned but still, it made it in there none the less. One achievement down, now for the next.

  13. Happy New Year to everyone here on RMweb. Shout out to those who have helped me with research and guidance while building my layout. Who knows what's in store in 2018.

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Happy New Year likewise.

  14. It's always pleasing when you spend some time improving the performance of your layout and fix up any small issues you've had before. So far it's the track laying and there are some areas that I'm pleased to have fixed which were a bit of a nuisance while running at shows.

  15. QUESTION: Would a Gaugemaster WM1 be suitable for a W Model controller? I'm thinking of making a small portable layout where I can plug the controller in but lightweight enough for 1 person to handle.

    1. Andrew P

      Andrew P

      Phone GM, They are very helpful with advice like that.

    2. 2mmMark


      Plenty of excellent PWM speed controllers available on ebay for very little money. You'll need to add a reversing switch, case, cable and plug.

  16. Where's a good place to get fibre crank pin washers? I've successfully got the Tri-ang Romford wheel conversion but I need to insulate the side rods as they cause a bit of a short with the wheels when fitted. Must be able to fit the crank pins for chassis R.052, R.058

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mozzer models

      mozzer models

      247 Developments stock them


    3. WhitehouseFilms


      Cool thanks. I'll give them a ring tomorrow.

    4. WhitehouseFilms


      OK thats them ordered off. Will see how they get on once they arrive.


  17. Does anyone have a copy of the instructions of the K's Terrier kit?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. WhitehouseFilms


      Question now on there. Thanks.

    3. LNWR18901910


      I take it you wish to make a model of Stepney, right?

    4. WhitehouseFilms


      Aye I do. I have the kit but just having trouble getting it to run. Might just get the branch line chassis kit and use it instead.

  18. As soon as I get my new workshop finished. I'll have to give 'The Ffarquhar Branch' a rewiring. It's like a spider's web underneath there!!!

    1. DCB


      If it ain't broke don't fix it.

    2. Knuckles


      What David said!


      Now it's working I'd only touch it if certain wire runs are in danger of being snagged.

  19. One thing I find interesting about RMweb is that it feels like the model Railway club I have never been to. There are some clubs which I am part of don't know much compared to what is shared here. Topics such as servicing old models, finding out where what came from and where to find something similar. It's stuff like that I find really handy and to know that whenever I have a problem with something and I don't know the answer to, there is always someone here who is kind enough to...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Les le Breton

      Les le Breton

      Ditto, eloquently stated.

    3. westerhamstation


      Absolutely right.

    4. Knuckles


      Agreed. :)


      The Scalefour lads are also helpful and very knowledgeable.

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