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Status Replies posted by Northmoor

  1. When did anyone last have a phone call that wasn't a nuisance/scam call?

    1. Northmoor


      I normally ignore a call when I don't recognise the number.  A genuine person will leave a message.

      If they don't I use this: https://who-called.co.uk/.  It's most effective at identifying the time-wasters. 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)



    1. Northmoor


      How does Youtube's algorithm conclude that having watched that, I next want to watch clips of GB News and Katie Hopkins (someone who I would gladly watch being hit by a windmill)?

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. A new revelation to me is shrink wrapped pallets, never had a delivery in this new format before.




    Of course, it being Friday afternoon and me not having a knife to hand, it looks like a Monday job to me 😜


    Have a lovely weekend people 👍


    1. Northmoor


      That's what I did in my first job!  Shrink-wrapping pallets of bagged dried milk powder at the creamery.  Put the big bag over the top and used a big propane heat gun to shrink it on, then add the strapping to hold it the load together (which you needed to, I think it was about 700kgs on a pallet).

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. RMWeb and Warners are pleased to announce that Andy Y has finally agreed to do a tasteful naked calendar to hang in your railway room

    1. Northmoor


      "We're going to need some considerably bigger buffers".

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. Got my Incorporated Engineer Registration Interview tomorrow, I suppose I better start practising the presentation!

  6. Please could magazines stop perpetuating the now debunked myth that the loco now known as lion is from the Liverpool & Manchester (looking at you model rail 320)

    1. Northmoor


      Very interesting article in the last Heritage Railway describing the background to this "myth".  Must admit it was news to me.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  7. If the speed of light is 186,000 miles/sec, what's the speed of dark.  Doing my swede in 🤯

    1. Northmoor


      Douglas Adams said the dark must be faster, because it's always got there first.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. Happy Birthday Waterloo Station, 175 today 👍

    1. Northmoor


      There were some small floral displays but I wasn't paying much attention; I assumed the anniversary was this week or month, not this exact day.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  9. Happy Birthday Waterloo Station, 175 today 👍

    1. Northmoor


      And to think I walked through it twice today without paying any attention to that fact.  I should be ashamed to call myself a railway enthusiast.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  10. Why do old Wrenn products fetch such exorbitant prices on ebay & with used stock retailers?

    1. Northmoor


      Circular logic: Wrenn models always were expensive, so they must be worth collecting as valued items tend to go up in value, so people collect them, there is a finite supply which drives the price up, so they must be worth collecting......

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  11. is thinking about 'Gunner', an old family friend on Holocaust Memorial Day. He was interned at Auschwitz III Monovitz and at the end he saw the horrors of Buchenwald.


    1. Northmoor


      Seconded.  I watched an excellent documentary a few years ago about the liberation of one of the work camps in Eastern Germany, by the US Army in 1945.  Seeing the elderly veterans - most of them around 90 - revisiting the area and choked up in recounting what they witnessed at the site.  One particular veteran stuck in my mind, his voice breaking with fury but the energy of man fifty years younger, at the people who said this didn't happen and he hadn't seen what he had.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  12. Ooh! I haven't had a complaint all afternoon!

  13. Just bought a model of the bus I passed my PSV test in. Happy days!

    1. Northmoor


      Nice one.  A few years ago I found a model bus in the livery of the company at which my brother-in-law had his first job, as a conductor.

  14. Sir Brian May.



    It makes you feel so old when 70s rock stars get knighted!


    1. Northmoor


      Sir Brian lives not far from us and my wife has seen him in town once or twice.  Being the height he is and with the big hair, he stands out in the queue at Costa.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  15. Is listening to Shakattack....

    1. Northmoor


      Wow, takes me back, I saw them live in Swansea in about 1987.  My tastes have changed since, I have to say.....

  16. There's a Queen record playing in my mind at the moment.


    Dum dum dum.....

    1. Northmoor


      The Conservatives have always rejected PR, pointing to the example of Italy with coalitions repeatedly collapsing, reforming and multiple changes of Prime Minister each year.  It turns out they just see PR as unnecessary as they can deliver the latter on their own.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  17. Not very impressed with the new Richard Osman; at all.

    1. Northmoor


      To be fair Sally Lindsay is a reasonably well-known actress (759 episodes of Coronation Street, according to Wikipedia), though whether that qualifies her to co-host a quiz show is clearly open to question.

      I'm not a regular Pointless viewer, while my wife has found herself turning it off this week.

    2. (See 36 other replies to this status update)

  18. Not very impressed with the new Richard Osman; at all.

    1. Northmoor


      Joey Essex on Mastermind....!

      Name: "Joey Essex"

      Occupation: "Err.... Dunno"

      Specialist subject: "My hair"


      Only Connect is often baffling but that's the appeal.  It's like eavesdropping on a little club of very bright quizzers.

      University Challenge is the one I like to test myself with, normally getting 10-12 right in each initial round; it drops off in the semis.

      House of Games I'd like to do but it's strictly for celebs, which is the way it'll stay because if they put normal people on it, most of the celebs would be shown up for being monumentally thick.

    2. (See 36 other replies to this status update)

  19. Not very impressed with the new Richard Osman; at all.

    1. Northmoor


      Considering the producers probably screen-tested several candidates, you have to wonder how bad the others were.

    2. (See 36 other replies to this status update)

  20. When did people start paying silly money for old Lima Class 73's?

    1. Northmoor


      Bought my "Broadlands" on EBay about 15 years ago for I think, £22.  What made that even better was that the seller was only about 4 miles away so it was cheaper to collect it than have it posted.  It's one of a lot of things in my collection that I'm glad to have bought when I did.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  21. From deepest Pembrokeshire away from model shops and other disturbances to running locos!

    1. Northmoor


      Welcome!  I grew up in Pembs in the 80s when it still had some model shops, or at least shops that sold models.  I guess a trip to a proper model shop requires you to take a list....?

  22. Had to sit through the Eurovision Song Contest this evening...



    Best entry was the Moldovan Railway song!!!


    1. Northmoor


      The Spainish entry was erm, "memorable" and got the third highest number of votes, of which I assume about 99% were from men who are now watching it on Youtube when their significant others are out.....

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  23. I feel a need to sell some stock,  I hope it's the right decision, time will tell I guess.

    1. Northmoor


      I read your post explaining why you're in this position - my sympathies - but would just say the obvious: Don't rush into it.  To avoid accidentally disposing of something you regret later, try following this process:

      1. List the layouts you plan to build, in order of likelihood from most to least (we're all planning more than one, aren't we?).
      2. Map all your rolling stock against the layouts.
      3. Pick out those that are only mapped against one layout and rank them in order of least likely layout to most likely.
      4. Sell the lowest value items first, as they are probably the easiest to replace if you've made a mistake.

      That's probably all blindingly obvious but sometimes I find doing something like this makes it easier to justify a decision to myself.



    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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