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AY Mod

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Everything posted by AY Mod

  1. Drop me a note to confirm which address you used to subscribe and I can sort that. It's amazing how many are different and some never respond when I email them to seek clarification.
  2. You should get a separate email from the subs office with the login details.
  3. Viscounts? Nobody mentioned posh biccies!
  4. Fake news alert. You don't get many layouts of this provenance.
  5. IF they had used different characters rather than those named in the original story (to follow a different narrative) it wouldn't have been so bad, especially if they wanted to tick more diversity and equality boxes. To use some of the same characters and introduce other weaker ones and to deviate from a well-known plot invites holes and criticisms. To then omit key events and introduce irrelevancies is then an insult to those who may watch a series because of prior interest, by Episode 3 it looked like they'd blown most of the CGI budget when there were events we would want to see. What's wrong with using a straightforward linear timeline instead of introducing a disjointed future? The trailers made it look promising but it ended up disappointing me.
  6. I am monitoring it and looking at performance Vs traffic levels so further reports won't be necessary. Monitoring is all I'll be doing today though.
  7. Environment to scale, trains to scale length and now we've got scaled performance.
  8. Are you using a bookmarked URL? It may be out of date. Bookmark rmweb.co.uk/community and see if that resolves it.
  9. Of course they will, if they're good or have mass market appeal. Small TMDs or BLTs will fetch more than a large scenic layout.
  10. I know you wouldn't be able to commission one with that amount of detail from a professional for any less.
  11. I'm not surprised, I met Dickie Davies whilst I was staying, Alan Partridge style, in a hotel in Norwich. He was one.
  12. Mrs Y is out, finished the jobs I want to do and think "I'll have a cup of tea and sit down and watch Grandstand", only to find it's not been on telly for 12 years.
  13. 'We' seem to be think parochially as usual. Phil's recent chat with Chief Operations Officer, Tim Mulhall, looks at the inroads into less price-sensitive markets.
  14. Head for your Account Settings and there's a tab on the left which will take you here https://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/settings/ignoredtopics/
  15. More people view this area than RC.
  16. The changes don't just apply to those in that niche sub-section and you didn't qualify why you had posted it there so it just looked like you'd posted it in the wrong area. It makes !ore sense in Websites.
  17. No manufacturer can ship all orders to all shops simultaneously to arrive all at the same time. Someone will be first, someone will be last. No retailer can ship all orders to all customers at the same time. Someone will be first, someone will be last.
  18. You may logically think that but whoever has a model on the shelf that satisfies a customer's need for a specific model and livery can outweigh subjective assessments of near enough Vs better.
  19. Those ads will be served by Google rather than RMweb or Warners directly based on target markets. You can click on the icon at the top right of those ads and advise Google so they can serve alternatives. Indirectly those advertisers are paying for the facilities used.
  20. Reports of observations prior to the work carried out today are superfluous.
  21. Someone will have told Hattons they should have done that livery. Farmer Brown.
  22. OK, I won't bother again with an indication based upon experience from this point in proceedings.
  23. A reasonable estimate would be to say 12-18 months from now.
  24. Various tweaks to the Apache software on the server to see if heavy loads can be better handled but we won't know until peak times if that's been successful. All seems OK at the present.
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