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AY Mod

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Everything posted by AY Mod

  1. Oi! I didn't take those! Actually there is a relevant point I have mentioned to Bachmann that under studio lighting there iare often fine particles visible under magnification which image processing makes more visible than they may be when viewed with the naked eye. It's more evident on black surfaces and I've often had to do some 'digital dusting'.
  2. A shame! A nice bloke who was always happy to chat at service halts. Happy memories of cold forests through the years, he was always a bit of a favourite of mine even through the lure of the Group B spectaculars.
  3. I can do that but I've got a much more creative idea I'll run past Simon when he's further on with the layout if he'll have me and my contraptions back again!
  4. Preview opening date, Saturday 7 December 2019 AIMREC, Unit 2, Elwick Place, Elwick Road, Ashford, Kent TN23 1AE
  5. No, can't see any potential problems with that.
  6. No, but he could fit two average village hall shows in the operating well. Or a couple of artic trailers. Simon, you could solve the backscene by having a couple of curtain-siders with a panorama on them and leave 'em in there for loading up at the end of the show.
  7. A little later than intended as it's quite lengthy. Thanks to Simon for giving us a tour of Heaton Lodge. There's more frost in the garden this morning than on the layout!
  8. It's not often you go to photograph a layout and be given the produce of the location of the layout. Thanks Joe! 




    @Phil Parker is currently seeking owners of cake factory layouts on this basis. 

    1. jonny777




      Could be a fun afternoon....

    2. Woebegone-by-sea


      I've got some Worthy white shield, but being as it was forecast a cold night, I felt a winter warmer was certainly more appropriate!  Thanks for popping over Andy, was good to see you. Catch you soon ☺

    3. jonny777


      I looked online and sadly they did not have that in their shop. 

  9. Bit you have asked this above - There's nothing wrong with this It contains a complete sentence without the surplus exclamation and finishes with a courtesy. It's very much the same vein as Brian's responses to people. Just use some politeness, please don't claim to be victimised though for something which is not reasonably evident to others.
  10. Be prepared for some hoop-jumping if you pre-ordered on Rapido's site. The website has changed since early preorders and the accounting software so it wouldn't accept my original login. Roslyn has been very helpful in changing the billing address etc and noting the change to PayPal as the payment method (as their new cart has a minimum value of $CAN100). I can't pay up yet though until the accountant raises the invoices. If you haven't already ordered I would suggest it will be a lot simpler to do it via Rails.
  11. Marston Green to the north and Hampton-in-Arden to the south are the best bet. I think both are free parking but you need to be early. Gutted that the Express parking I used opposite Hall 5 last year is already booked up, it helped me avoid the end-of-Saturday traffic bunfight.
  12. Do you know if any pre-orders placed with Rapido directly at the time of announcement will be fulfilled directly or are you handling those Oliver? Can't seem to login to the Rapido system, doesn't recognise any of my email addresses so I can't check that route.
  13. You don't need enough to cover the whole area, just enough to stick the sheets together. As Phil says look at cartridges such as 'Sticks like sh*t'.
  14. Some of the best-lit layouts are home ones, many clubs are more concerned with whether the kettle works rather than the lights.
  15. Single livery models don't shift in anything like those sorts of numbers these days. The oft given number of around 100,000 active modellers would mean 4% of modellers buying one, very doubtful!
  16. As it's something which applies across the multiple episode topics (which has allowed the relevant content to be more focused this year) I thought I'd create a separate note to pass on my thanks to all the participants this year who have given their efforts to create some good projects. A year of seeing how things could be better, I think, has benefitted both the contestants and the production team at Knickerbocker Glory with more variety, ingenuity and entertainment. Particularly I would like to thank those who have taken time to give more 'behind the scenes' information on RMweb which has certainly added another dimension with greater insight and understanding for readers. The only fly in the ointment for me has been Channel 5's rescheduling which I think has damaged the viewing figures, that's not a criticism of KG and I hope it doesn't harm the likelihood of further commissions. I look forward to the final and seeing some of the projects at the shows.
  17. Apologies; I was on the road most of last week so I've now caught up with the Gold access to here for everyone. You'll need to email Carly at RMWebGold@warnersgroup.co.uk for the Warley ticket follow-up.
  18. I could be the one person who could justify a 4mm scale version.
  19. I held the draw for this a couple of weeks ago but kept the result quiet as the winner is Godfrey Glyn and he was joining us for the RMweb Gold day at Pendon last Friday (which was a superb day for all). It saved posting it out of course but I gave Godfrey the headache of trying to explain to Mrs Glyn when he got home that he hadn't really bought more trains!
  20. I do wish such queries were addressed with more courtesy.
  21. I just read B17 and moved it. Only expect half a job on Sundays, at most. In fact please don't expect anything at all, I won't disappoint.
  22. Saturday 26 October 5:40pm - 6:55pm Channel 5 SUMMARY In an extended edition, four finalists have three days to create miniature railway layouts that must amaze, confound and delight, before the winner is announced. Judges Steve Flint and Kathy Millat cast an expert eye over designs that include an homage to Hamburg's Miniatur Wunderland, an eco research centre, and an Austin Powers-themed layout. Last in the series. The Teams Team Grantham - Richie Mason, Graham Nicholas, Andrew Burchell, Paul Bolton, Tom Dewdney Rail Riders - Les Cliff, Melanie Lewis, Stefan Neillson, Jenny Kirk, Brian Long and Simon AC Martin. Railmen of Kent – Fred Garner, Nick Garner, Nik Wilson, Chris Busbridge, James Garner, John Garner Who's Counting Rivets Anyway? - Charlie Johnson, Alex Bingley, Gwion Rhy Davies, Richard Ballan, Steven Dodd, Richard De La Camp
  23. I suggest you send personal information via PM and not in an open forum.
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