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Everything posted by Downer

  1. According to the Bachmann availability page they're due in December 2018.
  2. Could anyone say whether the screw emplacements on the recent loco-drive Railroad B17 are in the same place as they were on the old tender-drive model? I’m thinking about buying one of the Golden Arrow streamline conversion kits, and the guy who makes them says he doesn’t know.
  3. Why is it that some men feel the need to make jokes - trying to clean glass ceilings! - about society’s treatment of women? They demean themselves, and this forum.
  4. Watching the excellent video made me hope that Bachmann resurrect their plans for an upgraded Class 04.
  5. It has probably been mentioned already but the beavertail observation car would seem like a no-brainer.
  6. This is a brave new twist - an announcement of a past announcement! p.s. ah, they've changed 7 May to 7 June.
  7. Downer

    Oxford N7

    Thanks. I did see the picture, which certainly proves that Oxford can dress up a round-topped boiler sample. I would just like confirmation from Oxford that this is their intended production model.
  8. Downer

    Oxford N7

    I would also like to pre-order a BR loco, but first I want Oxford to confirm that it will be the round topped boiler version, because originally they told us it wouldn’t be.
  9. Downer

    Oxford N7

    Wouldn’t it be nice if Oxford Rail gave us a proper heads-up on which versions they intend to produce and when?
  10. Downer

    Oxford N7

    And, joy of joys, the BR version has a round-topped boiler.
  11. Shame - I was hoping for another BR early crest.
  12. Downer

    Oxford N7

    I’m pretty sure the answer is no. Neither of the Oxford sites has been updated for quite a while.
  13. Downer

    Oxford N7

    Looks great to me, but I’m anxiously looking over my shoulder for those who may know better.
  14. Simple really - they’re running out of subjects that will sell in large quantities, so the accent has to be on selling, and charging for, increased quality. Hence the crane, this super-duper 1P, all the bells and whistles on the forthcoming Mark2F coaches.
  15. Were the men sitting on the barrel actually fired from the gun?
  16. The ones that look like these in my Tourret book are all 14 tonners. Is the 12 a misprint or mistake?
  17. I'm curious. Which would excite you more - Kate or the 4LAV?
  18. Votes for women? The peace to end all peace?
  19. Three disappointing announcements in a row, as far as I'm concerned, but I'm not exactly surprised. All the manufacturers are heading into the Land of Niche, where the choice is wide, and the chances of any one person receiving their heart's desire must be less than they used to be.
  20. I was leaning towards Labour anyway, but this has clinched it.
  21. Assuming neither the Oxford round-boilered N7 or the Dapol Class 21 arrive before 2019, there's not a single new loco coming this year that I want. Which of course makes the crane much more affordable.
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