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Everything posted by Downer

  1. Sorry to disagree, but I found this very disappointing. It seems to me like one of those issues in which they try to cover too much ground, and end up covering nothing in any depth. I'm interested in the London Oerlikon and 501 sets, but both are given very few pages. Maybe the coverage will work better for others.
  2. Mine will be taking ex-SR specials over the Tottenham & Hampstead to Billy Graham rallies at Haringey Stadium, then moving on empty to reverse the train at Stratford.
  3. I must admit I’m finding this discussion about the crane’s eventual price a little disturbing. I wasn’t expecting the original £60, but over £200? That would make me re-think my existing order, and as disposable incomes go I think I’m probably in the luckier half. No disputing the quality, but I’m not sure Bachmann can afford to set the price that high.
  4. Ah, but the sheer glide-ability of the ones in skirts! I may need both.
  5. Can anyone tell me whether this new Black 5 has (a) an adjustable drawbar and (b) customised provision for a speaker?
  6. When Bachmann first brought out a Standard 5 with a BR1F tender, the tender came in for a lot of criticism - so much so, that when they later brought out a 9F with a BR1F tender, the latter had been retooled. Have they brought out a Standard 5 with the retooled 1F tender?
  7. I had the same question, and the answer is yes. You just have to phone the number on the ad and the guy at the other end will check your subscription by asking for your postcode.
  8. Thanks Chris, but what I'm after - I should have spelt this out - are the 'No:'s which form part of some locos' numbers and the 'ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT' writing.
  9. Does anyone do number/allocation transfers for these locos?
  10. This is probably a question that's been asked a hundred times already, but here goes. Was there any preference for using Toads with their verandas facing forwards or backwards? Or were they just stuck on the train whichever way round they happened to be?
  11. It might, in due course, be worth finding out how easy it will be to remove and reattach the shirts on the skirted model.
  12. Will no one tell us mere digital subscribers how much the J70 is going to cost?
  13. How does one re-download the abbreviated issue?
  14. Too many great models to choose from really, but I do love the Super D 0-8-0.
  15. Downer

    Oxford N7

    After reflection, I've cancelled my pre-order for the early BR Belpaire version, which I don't really want, deciding instead to wait for a couple of the round-topped ones that actually suit my needs. A longer wait no doubt, but it seems more sensible.
  16. It seems almost certain to me that Cricklewood borrowed one for a Tilbury boat train.
  17. Does anyone know when these were painted green (preferably to the nearest month)? Or to put it another way: how long did they last on the LMR in their original black and silver?
  18. The glazing is the one great improvement. I think it's probably the best I've seen on any RTR coaches - flush with no prismatic effect, and featuring astonishingly fine framing of the window vents. Makes the upgrade essential in my opinion, assuming you can afford it.
  19. Just picked up my pre-order of the BTK, BCK, SK and FK, and am delighted with them. The ride height is slightly low, but only by 0.5 mil or so - easily fixable if I decide it's worth it. The moulded details look fine and make the coaches much less vulnerable to breakage than some recent releases. The general finish is superb. Quite expensive at c£48, but for anyone modelling the 50s ER absolutely essential.
  20. The crucial point would appear to be whether the buffer height matches Bachmann's Mk1s and Hornby's corridor Gresleys.
  21. I agree with the notion that Bachmann have skimped a bit here and there on this loco, but it's still a beautiful piece of work.
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