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Everything posted by LMSfan72

  1. Rapid prototype of profile and length of the FDM printer to see how it comes out. Really pleased!
  2. Change of approach I think. I managed to get some cheap Dapol bodies and started to do some of the grills. I have struggled with getting the cab profile right, but, the body should be fairly straightforward. The prototype seems to have a join seam across the roof in line with the back of the cab doors. Given the amount of roof modifications required I thought this might be a way forward:
  3. A slight change in approach. Looking at the prototype there is a join seam behind the cab doors. So, given the complexity of cutting bits out of the roof I am trying a new approach…
  4. In addition to what Lemmy correctly says above you've got a Loksound v4 there. The manual refers to it in the attached as the LokSound H0
  5. Started some test prints on bits for a 73/9 conversion. Slowly but surely… Hornby Dapol
  6. Just pointed out to me that the brake end doors don’t have the grill in the window until much later. A little rework to do!
  7. First test print of the early Mentor. Need to tweak some supports but I am happy with it. I’m now running the later version with the rectangular spot lights that ran in RTC and also early Railtrack liveries
  8. Something this chap did do a few years ago: https://loco-updates.uk/class-68/index.htm see the end of the article
  9. I am pretty sure I used the components for the Ruston as written in this article and then added lighting: https://www.keymodelworld.com/article/digital-sound-hornbys-48ds#:~:text=The Zimo MX648 is the,accommodate a socket as well. for the Sentinel I think I used a bunch of tantalums 7x4x4mm wired together but dispersed wherever I could find space to hide them. I can’t recall the capacitance I achieved just that I ran out of room!
  10. I used Zimo MX648 in both, fitting sound, stay alive and a full suite of working lights. An awful lot of modification! That said, non sound and lights is a lot easier and the decodes are much smaller. The MX648 had to be hard wired for mine but I suspect tiny ones like MX615 or MX616, or MN170 etc wouldn’t need that.
  11. Starting to work on the buildings:
  12. This one is a bit earlier than I'd normally do.... but, Accurascale show that in formation with their MK2B RTCs in 1991 was ADB 975091 Mentor.... Just had to.... the RTC era Mentor. Just got to see if I can pick top those coaches now!
  13. I use sketchup. Most of what I do I don’t have dimensions for (I tend to work off videos and photos) so I use shapes and proportions. That works well for sketchup. If I had drawings and proper dimensions then I’d likely go another route, but, I don’t!
  14. I am thinking of having a go at building one of these using 3D prints. Has anyone got dimensions/pictures of them so that I can have a go at creating the models!!
  15. I’m not sure there’s too many out there that have NEM pockets. Some earlier Bachmann B4s will but you will have to re-bush the chassis to do it and the Bachmann bosses are a bit more complicated. Personally I use Keen Systems close couplings mounted to the chassis and fitted with Hunt magnetics. Then you can cut the couplings off the replica ones but you probably need to cut a notch on them for the coupling.
  16. And 153311 done, just the last few tiny decals to go over:
  17. 153376 finished with working lights and sound. Some fine tuning of the acceleration required
  18. Top lamp bracket, nose aerials and numbers removed. Stripe at the ready….
  19. So, light guides all printed, LEDs superglued and resistors in place. The headlights are on a common resistor (they won’t be operated together) and the marker/rear similarly. 5 wires to go back to the decoder at each end…
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