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Everything posted by LMSfan72

  1. Also working on some VIU window grills for the Network Rail 153s…
  2. Here is a completely 3D printed 6263 Network Rail generator van. I’ll be fitting Replica B5 bogies.
  3. Boards in state of mock-up construction (some old bed pieces for the frame with 10mm card backed foam board on top for lightness), the "track mat" laid on so I can see where everything goes, and the GBRf Class 08 renumbered to "Celsa 2" via some homemade decals! I will add the orange cab roof lights later, and consider what to do with the loco lighting - I know I can't do both the red and white on each cluster independently but I might do them so they are both on at the same time.....
  4. I use them a lot on my scratchbuilt models. Great close coupling system. No experience of a Lima 117 I’m afraid!
  5. Thank you for this info, very helpful
  6. I bought a TT:120 Easterner set when they first came out from Hornby. However, my large layout, in OO, which remains unfinished due to my addiction to printing and modifying rolling stock, and my renovation of another exhibition layout that I picked up for free have now taken up all my space and so it seems that another mainline layout, albeit in TT for the Eastener set, is just not going to get started (yet....). Anyway, I still want to get some TT going. I fancy a GBRF Class08 - since they are still available - so it got me googling as to where a suitable layout might be based... As luck would have it, I came across this: So, my investigation began.... Searching in google maps I found the location and the surrounding site. It seemed to me to be a great location: Celsa Manufacturing in Cardiff. I managed to put together a decent track plan from TT setrack that will fit an 1800x500 base: The fiddle yard will go where the wagon marshalling yard is and I will use a "scenic" sector plate (the red sector on the plan) to access that, with additional scenery in front to mask it a little. If I ever then had the space it could be an easy job to add some non scenic extensions along the main length to enable a Class 66 to move a train load out of scene.... I would love to find out what all the various buildings are and if there are any decent photos of them. The google street view is exceptionally helpful in this location, but, as always, really knowledge and pictures would help if anyone has any they might share! Next job is to procure the baseboards and the track (oh, and that Class 08 that started me thinking!)
  7. It changes the driving characteristics to simulate a loco without a train - i.e acceleration and momentum parameters
  8. I think that also comes down to how the consumer got hold of it. There is no warranty path for second hand product.
  9. @The Angry Scotsman @Shaun66 @newbryford thanks for the shout outs. @WCML100 I don’t want to detract from Iain’s thread so please do message me - I do have some posts and a blog on here showing the bits too. On hols for the festive season now so I hope to get some modelling time!
  10. That’s the scale of global warming for you!
  11. Having done the NR NVAs and the Meridian UBVs I was asked if I could do 96101, the prototype Motorail NVA. I had never heard of it but turns out it has quite a different door end. Anyway, here’s the digital model:
  12. The trick is supporting them well otherwise they won't print as the bars are incredibly thin!
  13. Now that I have 37607 and 37610 in current HNRC liveries I thought I’d make up a recent test train I saw. Checking it out I realised I needed a couple of the ex-DRS Cumbrian cost TSOs with the bars on the windows. So, printed up some….Whilst I was at it I also did the blank translucent door lock lights.
  14. Just to provide variety with all these as built models appearing, and as I wait for HNRC 37405, here are my 2 Accurascale 37607. Obviously one has had a little bit of work 🤫
  15. I don't think you lose any functions of the HM7000 (I think it only uses up to AUX2 anyway, the others being used by the bluetooth only). HM7000 NXT18
  16. I don’t think it’s a LocoNet cable you need. I think it’s a standard USB-A to USB-B PC printer cable, something like this:
  17. Having being able to see the painted samples of HNRC 37405 and Colas 37116 on the Accurascale stand at GETS, and having listened to contributors on here, I had a go at using Vallejo paints to do 37607. I blended about 65% Game Air "Orange Fire" with 35% Model Air "Light Red" and compared it with my Colas to see if I got a decent match. I'm fairly happy. Still need to finish the paint job and touch up but it is going to come out OK! My background lighting not quite as bright but I think the relative shades are pretty close..... of course, only time will tell when my AS 37405 arrives!
  18. Morning! It is for the aux functions so that the LEDs show correctly for either the logic level or full voltage outputs depending on the decoder. http://www.zimo.at/web2010/newsletters/ZIMO_Newsletter_2015_November_EN.pdf
  19. Page 36 shows how to add a reversible mod that lets either end be completely switched off with a decoder. It isn’t something that can be done by programming alone
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