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Everything posted by Adams442T

  1. HI Stewart, Following my disasters with W 10 (detailed above) I wouldn't even think about downloading it until the 'Start Menu' problems are fixed. I would cast an eye over the MS Forums and see when / if! it gets resolved. As it is I cannot access any of my pictures or written text, half way through a book, and I will face having to dust down my No. 2 computer (W 7) and download the back up from my separate hard-drive - another PITA!
  2. Critical error still showing, and I see on the MS Forum that this problem has been raising its ugly head since July 2nd! You might think that they could have resolved it by now! It is effectively preventing me from doing any work, and I'm tearing my hair out!
  3. Thought it was too good to be true.......... This am it started with, "we cannot bring you the start up at present - please sign out and we hope to have it available when you come back" Needless to say it hasn't been, either in Home or Office profiles, and it sits in the middle of the screen not allowing me to use any 'Office' functions, and even if I could I couldn't send them anywhere. My Chromebook, which I'm writing this on, doesn't have all my files on it (yet!) to enable me to bypass it. A real PITA!!!
  4. Got back from walking Derbyshire this weekend and found this in my new butterfly and bee friendly garden. Seems to be working!
  5. Ironically I think one of the problems is the (generally) excellent quality of modern vehicles, in that they enable idiots to get away with manoeuvres that in earlier vehicles they would have come unstuck with. Even so, some of the clapped out Ratmobiles that ply the roads from Spalding to Peterborough every day chance their arm with some hair-raising overtaking. Where's the Police I hear many people say, but the numbers on the streets in Lincolnshire are so low that they no longer act as any form of deterrent. Indeed any arrests in Spalding have to be taken to a 'Custody Suite' in Boston, 20 + miles away, run by G4S, and their incompetence is legendary. An ex-colleague, who is still serving, says that, apart from the journey times it regularly takes over 4 hours to be dealt with, effectively taking them off the streets for the rest of the shift. Any driver who is so unaware of his situation and surroundings as to rely on a cruise control, beyond its basic functions, is IMHO an idiot.
  6. Thanks for that, I'm not sure of the name it used, but it came up automatically when you double clicked on an image, and took you to the complete set of images from that date. Then you could click on 'edit' and resize / crop / adjust the image - simply! I have Photoshop, but its a pain to use it when you just want to resize a batch of images, and the new W10 freebie is the same, as you have to adjust each image. Although the original IE has been wiped, you are right in that I've found it still at the top of various separate sites such as the dreaded Face Book. Thanks again!
  7. Finding W10 relatively OK. Minor panic when I thought I had lost all my 'favourites folders' from IE, which I ran separately from Google favourites, because IE of course is no more. Found it had automatically transferred them to the Google listings. The toolbar works differently too. Icons are crowded together but you can drag them to the desktop from the second tool bar if you want to move them and they reappear on the 'main' toolbar having shuffled another image across to take their place. Of course it helps if one has re-arranged less used icons to the right of the bar first. Guess who didn't................... One other problem is that the simple image manipulation suite previously associated with Windows 7 is no more, and there is a version of 'Paint' there instead. As I regularly bulk copied and resized images before sending them to folks whose internet connections are poorer than mine it really is a pain in the arras......
  8. Hmmmm, reminds me of certain movie stars.................
  9. Well I did ask for it didn't I! 'Ask Dave' today has a report of 2 x '00' wagons plus 4 x 'N' in the (eventual) pipeline, so keep everything crossed that he might 'bite the bullet' and make one of them the 1907 RCH. Wagons to the sort of standards that Dave is aspiring to with his J94 would be really something!
  10. Please don't tell me that 'thrutch' is another new word I've got to pretend to know what it means learn the definition of so I can speak authoritativly about DCC matters.........................
  11. A new supermarket opened in Spalding recently. It has an automatic water mist to keep the produce fresh. Just before it goes on, you hear the sound of distant thunder and the smell of the fresh rain. When you pass the milk containers, you hear cows mooing and you experience the scent of fresh mowed hay. In the meat department there is the aroma of charcoal-grilled steaks with onions. When you approach the location of the eggs, you hear hens cluck and cackle, and the air is filled with the pleasing aroma of bacon and eggs frying. The bread department features the tantalizing smell of fresh-baked bread and cookies. Needless to say, I don't buy toilet paper there anymore............................
  12. I really couldn't think of anything to caption this with.........................
  13. This perhaps explains why our Time Travelling was disjointed.......
  14. Perhaps my favourite, the 'Tilbury Tanks', might get a look in. There's an original (well mostly original) to be scanned / photographed / measured at Bressingham. The livery is superb, and they did last through LMS and into BR, when they ranged a bit further than the old LTSR routes.
  15. Would love to be there Chaz, but unfortunately SWMBO has decreed otherwise! Do keep us posted for any future shows though as we do venture far & wide. Love the 'fire escape' vignette and think it's worth every minute you spent on it. Just a wee suggestion though. From my observations rubbish has a strange attraction to posts and supports and will often be found lurking between them and the walls as if to avoid detection. I guess it's actually just a function of wind blown rubbish being obstructed by permanent structures. I don't believe rubbish is sentient........................though sometimes I suspect it is................
  16. I am pleased to say that the 'swift' box I put up 2 years ago is now occupied! The building of a new estate behind us meant that the old nursery buildings, their former home, were demolished, and some old trees were 'accidentally' removed (to be replaced by saplings more conveniently placed - for the builders that is) I have one of the few gardens here with trees and large shrubs, and over the past year removed the scrubby grass and replaced it with large flower beds, a pond and gravel paths. This morning at 6am I sat on the garden bench with a brew, and listened to the Blackbirds, aforementioned Swifts, Robins, Sparrows and Finches singing away. Surrounded by bee-hum and birdsong with the sun warming the garden I thought to myself how lucky I am.
  17. Hi George, Not that difficult to understand if you look at it in the context of say, GWR modellers/collectors, who firmly eschew anything non-GWR (other railway companies are available...) I'm not a collector per se but if I were I might be more interested in a row of Ferraris rather than a row of Dagenham's finest.
  18. An ant and an elephant spend a whole night in wild love making The ant wakes in the morning and finds the elephant has died "Oh that's great!" thinks the ant, "One night of passion.......... And I have to spend the rest of my life digging a grave............." (No ants were harmed in making this joke.................)
  19. As a keen cyclist I sometimes think things are improving, but then.................
  20. It would be nice to have, in view of the many pre-grouping locos now available, a definitive 1907 RCH goods wagon. These lasted well through grouping and into the 50s in some places as departmental vehicles. I know many people have made, usually a hash of, the 1923 RCH wagons, but this would be a chance for all those lovely P.O. liveries on a correct vehicle for once. Perhaps even the first DJM plastic kit?
  21. A little grot never did anyone any harm.....................................
  22. I remember the Metal Box factory in Hackney in the 1950s and their fire escape was seriously grotty, rust and muck abounding, so not everyone had a rolling maintenance programme in place! In fact in Hackney, Dalston, Islington and Stoke Newington I remember grunge as the norm not the exception.
  23. Couldn't resist googling 'vapourware DJM' after reading the above. Dear me, don't some people get their knickers in a twist! Interestingly, following the group 'vapourfests' over 2014, the last comments were in April 2015. After that they seem to have gone quiet. I wonder why...............................
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