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Everything posted by LBRJ

  1. It all seems a bit cloak and dagger here with too many options on offer - but the answer is simple. If I did not know the bad guys personally, and thought what they were doing was actually bad; I'd steam into them - There should be no question about it. Its like that guy at Glasgow Airport a few years ago who put that would be terrorists gentleman bits somewhere near his shoulders - Its just what one does.
  2. To me the point of answering is not to advise those who are going to build Kings Cross in the the Rafters - they will do as they do and maybe get away with it The whole point of my, and others, giving a lot of truthful negative advice is, literally,to negate the view that it is sound practice. Its not. This is the internet, not some private discussion - People do read it and think its all good when it patently isn't.
  3. Crikey! this is getting like the Beast That Will Not Die here! Let me make in even plainer............ I really do not care what idiots do "just because they can" - What you do in you loft is nothing to do with me; I just hope it does not kill you for a trainset set up. What you offer as advise as to the acceptable actions of others is something to do with me, if only because I know the truth. This is somewhere near the #1 railway modelling website on the internet - People will look here for good advice - sense simply has to prevail and be seen to do so. This is not about what colour "GWR Green" is - its about serious stuff, possibly lethal stuff!
  4. I would always go with the OO as in dublo etc I know this annoys some people. but they seem to be the sort of people that annoying is fun I am sure this thread will go on and on and round and round....rather like a figure 0 or O in fact!
  5. The only reason I post on this thread is to hopefully stop someone reading some of the "advice" given and ending up falling through their bedroom ceiling (which will not be as funny as it is in cartoons) - What fate has in store for those posting it bothers me not a lot. The piddling bits of 3x2 that one normally sees in a loft are to hold the ceiling up not to create a floor above it! I mentioned before I had cut the odd corner. I do. For example I ran some 6x2 joists from wall to wall adjacent to the lathes for the ceiling around the access hole to a previous loft of mine to create a landing area, to put boxes and stuff...not to have a playroom the size of the house. There also seems to be some confusion about "my mates attic" is ok etc - Attics are indeed proper rooms - but very few houses built since the Great War have them. It really cannot be pointed out enough that just for the sake of a larger train set space "on the cheap" why risk breaking your house/your back/ your kids. also, saying others do it is like me saying i know of people who drive home from the pub every night after 5 pints - just because they have got away with it so far does not make it best practice
  6. Interesting. I shall put you in my diary for late April, though I am not at all familiar with the club yet, if it is as good as it says it will be worth a look around
  7. Oh nice work! Nice shed too! Nice reminder I have a finger to pull out too !!
  8. For general purpose sticking bits of wood together I use Gorilla Glue quite often, or whatever tube and gun type stuff I have to hand (often Evo Stik's Sticks like Sh*t cos its fun to buy ) . Normal PVA works pretty good though. I dont use any screws for plywood baseboards, just bang in a few panel pins to hold it all in place while the glue goes off; oh and a few clamps certainly helps the job along. 600-700 screws does seem massively excessive, the sort of quantity used building a deck in the garden!
  9. Not true I could do it ...but .....erm as F unit Mad says above me
  10. WT really was the best of TOCs, it felt like everyone mattered - then we went and got sucked into the hole thats is FGW - but as you say money talks Id like one of the rather iconic WT purple destination 150s sometime though
  11. From the thins I have read from the RAIB they are seemingly impartial. as one would expect (or hope!) People (even Guards checking trains into service) do make mistakes; the idea is to learn from them and to do better next time
  12. After reading the OP seems to answer its own question. Its N for you from what I read, or at least from what i think you mean
  13. Interesting thread - I also did not realise how much oil still moves by rail. My rough maths tells me that a 30 wagon train of 100t tankers carries something like 550 000 UK gallons. or approximately 7 full tanks for an Airbus A380.
  14. Oh dear, I was linked to here hopefully for some enlightenment on matters pertaining to the simple ( I thought!) matter of how things are re: C&L - I seem to have found the usual arguments for and against about trivial this and that minutiae creating a fog of indecision. Does it always have to be like this? Ill read the whole thread and see if anything of use comes out of it, I only want to buy some things with an expectation of getting them sometime soon. for the record I have bought these things since K&L did modelcarft bricks from a trading estate in Essex, so Im not a total newb
  15. I will just add as a separate post that in the loosest possible sense of the world standard A wooden joist will be supportive of a load for 18 times its depth - IE a 3 inch beam is good for, at the absolute max, 54 inches of unsupported span I guess very few houses have walls 4 foot six apart?
  16. This post should either be deleted, should there be a danger some will take it as serious advice or pinned as a what not to do list. I am a a sometime builder, landscaper etc and would admit to cutting the odd (permissable) corner but when it comes to moving about and trying at being balanced on ceiling joists above the sleeping quarters of your nearest and dearest you need to actually think about what you are doing. If you are unable to think, thats why Building Regulations are there - to stop the hard of thinking killing innocent people.
  17. Lofts are ok for storing things in. Thats the sum total of my views on lofts, in condensed form.
  18. Slightly OT but there are a lot more pictures around from the 80s and 90s about than from the 70s and before due I believe to "a technical improvement" in the early 1880s, that made photography both easier and cheaper. It always strikes me that the basics of what we now see as "the modern world" really started to take shape only in the last couple of decades of the C 19th.
  19. A Oakes is also not a "model shop" - They are a general shop with a model section. Add VAT onto the prices and its a 50% sale .
  20. There is noting wrong with a bit of pastiche in model train land, or crude slapdash and implausible as Tim Shackleton may have said sometime long ago....Though I cant actually remember his last complete layout been on show much. It is far better to capture the spirit of the place than try to re-create it all down to the last millimetre - Unless you have room for a 4mm scale BLT upwards of about 35 feet long an then some....
  21. There are a lot of post Blitz pictures of Sheffield in this link. http://www.picturesheffield.com/frontend.php?action=search&keywords=Popular_Themes;EQUALS;Blitz
  22. There is quite a lot of info on line about the bombing of, and particularly the Blitz on Sheffield. this map is one of many that show where the bombs fell (there are quite a lot of them!) https://www.sheffieldhistory.co.uk/forums/topic/13560-london-ww2-bomb-map-website/
  23. It is just another example of the narcissistic online personality. " My ideas are so obviously better than yours, i need to let you know all about them, whenever I can.
  24. It is rather easy to make inflation statistics say what you want them say over a long time period. But basing a value for today on how many average wages it would pay - Average yearly wage was ~ £130 so the total LMS market capitalisation could pay about 3 000 000 years wages Today's average wage is said to be in the region of £25000, that gives a market cap of about £76Bn. That seems to be a more appropriate equivalent figure to my mind, putting them in fifth place in the current FTSE 100
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