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Everything posted by LBRJ

  1. Its a point/turnout/switch and crossing with B switches and a 1:6 crossing angle.
  2. Why do you need to see the whole train? Normally when looking at something full size there are structures and other things in the way Just a glimpse as someone may have once said, is enough to give a feeling of "being there"
  3. I have been several times - it often seems to rain on me when there! I like to see good diesel and electric trainsets (and steam ones too!) I just dont really like the term, thats all. Im all D and no E really I cant see whats wrong with using a really simple yet descriptive term like "Based in Lincolnshire in 1970s"
  4. Not really if you think even a little outside the box. A 4mm class 153 is only 12 niches long...you still have another 9 feet to go at here...... The well known bitsa or half a station idea would let you run HST services in such a space, same with modelling half a reception sidings or small yard. There are literally dozens of small space ideas for "D&E" ( just whoever invented that term?) just as there are for earlier based layouts.
  5. This is far too political to even think about answering in any meaningful way.
  6. That is probably the single most insightful post regarding "D&E" modelling I have ever read!!
  7. LBRJ

    MRJ 261

    Brake Vans or Train Ferries etc I wonder ?
  8. Firstly, I am sure many of you are already familiar with the marvels resource that these map offer to the railway researcher; and secondly if this is already on here I did't know where to search for it - And it is that good its worth another mention anyway I only found it recently while looking for something in real life and nothing to do with railways. The overlay facility is brilliant and the measurement is pretty spot on http://maps.nls.uk/geo/explore/#zoom=18&lat=50.3621&lon=-4.6400&layers=168&b=3
  9. My aunt bought me a copy in 1979 and I still have it today. Now I think about it, it was probably more influential on my thoughts about small trains than I ever realised. I will have to dig it out and enjoy once more the glories of Buckingham GC, Sunset Valley Railroad and Altenbeken (?) et al
  10. No results found for 'oh it looks magical outside with clear air and twinkling snow'.

    1. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      There might be one result now. Your mileage may vary, of course.

  11. LBRJ

    EBay madness

    Normally I just think "Well if people really are willing to pay it......" But this 159 left my ghast well flabbered, and then some! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Bachmann-00-Gauge-South-West-Trains-Class-159-DMU-31-514/282828689507?hash=item41d9e75063:g:iRYAAOSwiBJaHZ-8 Is it a real one??
  12. There is a feeling, nothing much more, that I have, that tells me that is exactly where we are headed. Smaller runs of pre-ordered models is already happening, and I cant see it not being the model (pun!!) to go forward with. It also explains why the large retailers ( I dislike the pejorative "box-shifter") are trying to hoover up the second hand market - These are the models that the "need forty seven different 47s" amateur collector type people will be left to play with; unless they are seriously well heeled.
  13. I think you have wilfully missed the point of the whole thread (well at least the it's not a good idea side) It is highly possible that you can and will get away with it for two decades - The point is that it is NOT good advice to recommend such a cavalier approach as the right way, in a medium that could be taken as written by people who do know what they are talking about, with some authority.
  14. I have a toast rack for such matters; and it does make a difference to the toast! One word of warning - Don't go putting really thin hand sliced bread in the toaster on your usual "supermarket toaster bread" setting - The resultant flames can be quite surprising!!
  15. I am not overly well versed on what happens in the US but do Atlas not have three separate, well defined ranges of locomotive models? Atlas do not seem to have a bad rep, far from it - so it is possible to match different strokes for different folks
  16. I can see the foundations of my house when I visit the undercroft (its near on 5 feet high at one end) and I keep some things there In this case, what you would normally think of as the centre wall is load bearing but....... It has a chimney breast all the way from the footings to the old roof/ceiling Its not really a centre wall, due to the way the houses are built - It is more of "another outer wall in the middle" if you see what I mean - There is a lot of bay window at the rear of the house.
  17. It looks very nice! Maybbe you could delete the first post and re jig the "right way around one" to be the new OP to save on the eye strain though
  18. One I really remember but not too clearly obviously by MP was in the early 80s and called Victoria Square ( I think it was in MR) an urban terminus.
  19. I never get this "era spilt thing" - time is small neatly dividing sections - its a continuous flow.
  20. Without being too generalising most of these type of threads boil down to I want more than I can afford and its not fair
  21. I think I have just been finally tipped over the tipping point for a long prevaricated over fresh attempt at 7mm WR Now which one do I really want? Decisions Decisions!!
  22. Sorry I was counting kids n train set runners in my 80% figure for "non modellers". Its a very realistic total, now I explain it better
  23. Hornby's roots and the vast majority of their market are the collectors! I would bet real money that the "railway modeller" is somewhere about 20% of Hornby's market and somewhat less of their actual sales figures.
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