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Everything posted by LBRJ

  1. While investigating some other matters I came across a list of the largest UK companies by number of employees, in 1935. The second largest of all employers was the LMS, shortly behind the GPO. LMS 221 000 LNER 171 000 GWR 96 000 SR 65 000 ​Now I knew that was the order of the four groups in size, but I had no idea just how much bigger than the others the LMS actually was
  2. IF you Google Bridge Street Bus Station it should come up with some omnibus reacted ideas. Services 81/82/83/84/88 all went that general direction, as did several other routes but I am not aware of their numbers.
  3. Not that it really matters but I have once or twice contemplated where the L&Y would have built a station a in Sheffield. Given that they did get as far as Penistone on their own metals, they could have kept to reality and ran over the MSLR as far as Deepcar and then had their line swing off to the other side of the upper Don valley Or They could have gone around Penistone to the west and ran down through Stocksbridge (handy for steel traffic!) and then down the west side of the Don valley. Either of those options coupled with where the town limits were in the 1840s makes me think somewhere around Kelham Island / West Bar would have been the likely spot for the station/
  4. It should be horses for courses - Do as you will, not as you are told. I note that your track is peco. thats good it works for you. but if my track is P4 with RTR trains it is not any worse - If it is peco with OO stock outta the box, it is no better. so try to remember and then remember again . Do as you will.
  5. you intimated you wanted to hang people from lamp posts not long ago in this thread... which ever way you look at life that is a disgusting thought, and you should be thoroughly ashamed of even mentioning that "in jest"
  6. No anger from me - What other people do to get their spends is no real concern to me. I have an old friend who is a "high net worth" individual'. As kids he lived round the corner, went to the same school etc. He just did different things in his life to me and now he is seriously wealthy - Do I begrudge him a penny of that? course not, he worked for it and jealousy is a terrible thing.
  7. I agree with you there, my obviously missed point was that its not all about trains etc , it is about the creation a sense of place. As the creator of Shell Island I suspect you know this already
  8. I am not so sure on that, I can think of at least three old cottages, all fairly near to me that only have one door. which just happens to be on the sheltered side of the buildings, as already mentioned. In fact these houses are very well provided with fenestration on the windy side. You have captured that rather grim upland bleakness really well!
  9. All looking ship shape so far! (see what i did there ) I do like your detailed step by step woodwork descriptions. The tooth to tooth use of the bendy MDF mentioned sometime ago, is to give a greater gluing surface, and the teeth on each piece lock together so things stay where they are supposed to be; and you get two smooth faces into the bargain
  10. Cameo is a perfect term to describe the concept we are supposed to be following here. A small display that captures the essence of somewhere. Its the creation of a feeling of a certain time and place, not just building a small model railway. Those generic TMD and Single Line Terminus etc layouts one sees all too often certainly fit the "small model railway" theme but that does not make them a cameo.
  11. No but this is a forum about model railways not one about correct operation practices on branch lines in SE Cornwall. If you want me to give you the full historical SP it may take quite a a while to type out I just tried to make a good answer to a question.
  12. Ahh well I was unaware of that. At least we now have pretty much the correct chapter and verse of how Coombe Junction does work for the record
  13. Sorry for the point by point dissection of the post but I simply could not see what the poster who said it was opinion was on about.
  14. Seems to be a bit of a harsh critique ! Whilst the post is not 100% infallible its pretty much correct as an over-view to operations at Coombe Junction.
  15. The Guard gets off each and every train to operate the ground frame. The points are usually set for the Liskeard to Moorswater route, if the train is one scheduled to call at Coombe Junction station than the train runs into and out of the station before the ground frame is operated. If no station call at Coombe, the train stops immediately clear of the points, blocking the crossing and then the ground frame is operated. There is both a Token and Staff that travel between Liskeard and Coombe Junction in the Drivers possession. The Token covers operation between Liskeard and Coombe. The Staff covers the line from Coombe to Looe. Coming up from Looe towards Liskeard. all trains stop at the Stop & Await Instructions board prior to the actual junction. The Guard walks forward to contact the signaller, operates the ground frame and when suitable gives the driver the Instruction he is waiting for as denoted on the sign. IE Draw Forward. When the train is clear of the points the Guard rejoins the train and gives Right Away.
  16. All food has nutritional value, that is what makes it food. Fried and fast foods often have the highest levels - we call them "Calories". If you eat a varied diet, mainly based on vegetables and fruits with some meat and carbohydrate sources then a Big Mac Meal every Saturday will do you no harm whatsoever. The only option for weight loss/maintenance is to balance the number of Calories in with the number going out.
  17. Exactly. Which I believe is often the case with EBT cards in the US. There really is no such thing as unhealthy food, what there is is potentially harmful portion sizes. These myths do need putting to bed.
  18. If you spend a lot of your time doing manual works, like construction particularly, it is the increase in bone mass as well as muscle that is responsible for the so called excess weight. This could be one of my favourite subjects. the amount of nonsense and woo about nutrition put out by various parties is astounding' successive Governments being a major source of disinfo.
  19. It will easily take a 3 car sprinter though.
  20. I would guess that Coombe Junction is one of the longer stations on the branch. Nott one of them can take a full 150 DMU.
  21. The old Humbrol Tarmac shade was spot on for the base colour of engineering bricks; I have no idea if it is still available though.
  22. Did that run in from Sheffield? Back in the late 90s/2000s I seem to recall a 156 that went through to Carlisle, but not as an advertised through service. It used to land in one of those platforms that had been the old parcels bays. (W for example)
  23. With a good supplier/customer relationship (as mentioned above) they may well be pretty much OK... Do you have a specific reason to believe that this may not be the case?
  24. Survey done - its a good idea. I am verily converted to your style of marketing now
  25. I know.... lets argue about track gauge; its not been done for a long time - probably at least a couple of days or so. As Iain Rice says it is horses for curses (sic) - nothing more, nothing less.....there is no "better" but there is "more suitable"
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