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Everything posted by Ncarter2

  1. Stressing can and does confuse many, especially as there is 3 different levels. The amount of times I’ve had certs returned and upon confirming calculations it’s been over or under stressed is unbelievable. Thankfully the training has evolved some and on my section Level 1 stressors no longer get trained in level 2 or 3. Even level 3 is only undertake by myself, the PTO or the ATME.
  2. Have to agree, and I have blocked a siding with a full LWRT in due to similar. What’s worse is the shunters all said it’s been like it ages and the 08 doesn’t like going over it!!
  3. Or a RT60 single slip with Wood Sidings, short section of CEN60 curved jointind with a hybrid CEN60/CEN56 breather switch just to make it all the more interesting. Thankfully CEN60 S&C is on it’s way out.
  4. Just seen 099 & 116 for the third time today doing the TRC runs around Eastleigh and Fareham area. Good to see Merl back with us, mind a wash wouldn’t go a miss.
  5. Good news for 86 fan’s. Freightliner are to overhaul all the bogies under their 16 loco’s. They are also considering other modifications, looks like they are here for some time yet.
  6. Lubs are being brought back slowly but it is happening. Since 2B/C and staff levels being heavily depleated it’s a challenge keeping on top of L2’s. Not helped by the TRC now running 4 weekly instead of the 8-12 weeks it was running. With PLPR it no longer runs my section in one hit but does several runs over a two week period. Access is becoming less and less. With more trains and line blockages no longer being granted with Train in section most of the mainline is 3-5 min max. Lucky to get 3-5 faults done a day to a decent level. Possessions are getting shorter, not helped by all the blocking and strapping so tampers dealing with areas of high L1’s is also not what it should be.
  7. Just had a browse on eBay. I find it amazing how many list models as new, yet in the description it says as New used twice etc. Also amusing at list prices, older models like the early 66’s or 37’s from Bachmann are started at near or the same as today’s RRP yet they are years old.
  8. The Swedish RailVac is the modern version. There are several in the country but they don’t come cheap compared to RRV’s and manpower. Good machine is the hands of the more skilled operators. Last time I had it was at Weymouth. In one shift it sucked out two units of S&C right down to the sand. Not bad for 8 hours.
  9. More intensively used than most might want to accept. Basingstoke to Eastleigh being two line sees a massive amount of traffic, it’s hammered by freight all day and night as well as the commuter units. 100mph line speed, some very unstable embankments - all adds up to a interesting section to keep going.
  10. Take a trip on Wessex, you will soon change your opinion.
  11. With such a small fleet of operational stone blowers there wouldn’t be enough to cover the full west cost and the rest of the country. Tamping is the preferred method, stone blowing is used in places where tamping has failed to maintain the geometry to a satisfactory level for a set period of time. Formation issues also dictate is blowing is better than tamping. The west cost is mainly set to Absolute Track Geometry. This means the tampers effectively get told where to put the track to allow for the pendolinos to tilt and do 125mph through curves where conventional stock will have to slow down. A track design as it where. Stoneblowers can work on ATG track but are not as aqurate, they are given a Window to work to. This is mainly why the fast lines are tamped. It’s not as easy to send a blower out either. You select the category you want from the machine and depending on the measuring run will dictate which category is available. The blower also over lifts by 40mm on any lifts to allow the stone to get in and for settlement. They are fantastic machines but much suited to poor track, the type with contaminated ballast and such, not a high speed ATG route. Having been a previous OTM tech based at Rugby I know we rarley used them on the Fast lines neither did the Southern half of the Route up to Stafford’s/Stoke way. Past there I couldn’t say I we rarely ventured past there.
  12. Removal of excess ballast will become a priority as PLPR goes live over a section. It needs to be able to see the track components. Part of the system creates a ballast report, it also highlights locations of obstructed fasteners. With concrete sleepers, care needs to be taken with regards to known sites on concrete cancer, so leaving excess ballast can and does mask problems that bite the rear end. Too much ballast can also, in wet weather lead to TC failures or flicks, especially on steels.
  13. Just throwing it out there but what about a decent 91? Plenty of livery choices, and with prices being fetched on eBay seems they are still wanted.
  14. Sadly they don’t make OLE Stanton’s from stone yet.
  15. Unfortunately not all assets are suitable for reuse. With reliability a big focal point the older filament signal heads you speak of are less likely to find new homes once replaced by LED. That said they may we’ll end up being saved, refurbished and kept pending further use, but my gut would say liable to be weighed in or sold/donated to preservation sites. Economics just don’t work for them for everything. No point spending money on old tech if it’s not needed. Multi display LED aspects are cheaper and more efficient than those they eventually replace. In some places it’s even more cost effective to replace with steam age equipment as it’s just better value for money when renewing or replacing life expired equipment. Not all of the company will think up cycle but if it works and it’s safe why not. Being track based I know what we can and do reuse etc, but it’s all about balance of risk and cost and some equipment just is not worth it.
  16. Many thanks, I have been bitten once before, I purchased off a well known eBay seller who likes HST’s. Paid a fair whack and there was a lot of fettling needed doing. Left a rather sour taste in the mouth.
  17. I sold some Heljan 47 about a year ago. One had the dreaded bow, both ends split, clearly the chassis rot. I got £57 for that, was surprised and cheekily asked the buyer his plans. The motor was to be used in a Lima 47 and he said he would repair the body. The second was a virgin respray as 47750. Nothing wrong with this one, chassis was straight and true, no cracking at all, but I still listed as potentially having the mazk rot due to not knowing the full history and it fetched £116. It really is amazing how much one person is prepared to pay for a model another person would consider massively over priced.
  18. Not exactly related but I have a model I need to return and the seller is insistent that I cover the return postage which also must be tracked. Is that right or are companies obliged to cover return postage also?
  19. As above I’m looking for a mk3 DVT in Intercity livery.
  20. Politics most likely added to the fact the contract signed for probably has some BS within that does not allow reuse else where. While it most likely could be used on a different project chances are contracts have already been signed for the materials and it would cost more in fines etc. To cancel rather than scrap perfectly good new materials. Gantries, masts and the bases that are piled into the ground are not items usually changed or renewed under maintenance, once up that is normally it until major redevelopment. I would also imagine some of this is part of the equipment for Bath that has been redesigned to be more in keeping with the surrounding environment.
  21. Not entirely correct. We in maintenance took a vast quantity of this rail under our responsibility, effectively new rail for zero cost to maintenance. It was still being installed when I left the WCML for Wessex in 2012. Also rail can sit as spare in the cess or 4ft for many years unused. Only last month we installed a new rail from 2001. Perfectly fine, UTU tested and had been in the cess since 2001. NR also promotes the re-use of older rail on lesser used lines vice new. It’s not just rail either, all serviceable components get reused, one of the main reasons Whitemoor exists. 200 sleepers currently on the way to Eastleigh for reuse. Most are 10-15 years old but perfect for the needs of the business.
  22. Evening all, I’m trying to find a good reputable company or individual who undertakes respray’s. I used to do it all myself but since moving I have neither space or time currently, and with new addition to the family I can’t see it changing soon. Apologies if this has been discussed previously.
  23. Google the Bachmann stock number and it brings up various sellers
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