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Torbay Express

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Everything posted by Torbay Express

  1. It can be done in BR Green, and who knows possibly blue in the future if the locomotive gets painted in it sooner or later. D9000 could be done in both Blue and Green for mainline running..... Blue version as it is pretty much now - with headlight, crest, orange cant rail stripe, but without those grey letters in the domino box (unless you want to include as a transfer, or as a headcode that can be placed in), plus silver cab window surrounds, modern OLHE warnings...... as per this picture below - looks very sweet ....... https://presnews.wordpress.com/page/22/
  2. Careful what you wish for. It may be 'surprise' they are here! Pays your money and judge for yourself....... P.S. Talking of 'surprises' does the Class 37 have any features not already mentioned (not asking for specifics)?
  3. At the end of the day, as stated the Accurascale packaging fulfils it primarily function - to protect models (The JSA (bits in the box) and PTAs (plastic cracked - perhaps for the weight of 5 wagons the plastic needs to be thicker, or split 2&3 with a little foam between) being the notable exception. If you actually look beyond the box being large, and actually assess the packaging within, the actual volume of plastic material of 1 A/S 3 pack is probably is like to be much less than 3 Bachmann wagons ice-cube boxes! Now for the real horror story - like most things in life your green credentials are probably the worst for the environment..... Firstly, for the person who keeps the packaging, it cannot get into the oceans, whilst can you guarantee that your packaging doesn't? Either falls out during transportation, dust in processing or even shipped to another country for processing with a lack of environmental controls? Nope! Then if course there is the model itself - if yours become damaged they are more likely to be disguarded earlier than a pack of models kept in there box when not in use, with better models being capable of being sold on more times and thus recycled. Cardboard is thick and recyclable. Could even be used as a stable base for buildings? Only place it falls down a little is in the transport, shipping some fresh air, but then again with the likes of heavy Deltics, more weight and less packaging could produce more damage, resulting in returns etc.. Less weight = less fuel etc.. Then again, we don't all know how all other models are shipped and other consumer products - which I expect could be equally or more damaging! One company has been known to have its locomotives wrapped separately in bubble wrap that's taped and has to be ripped off - plastic packaging that's guaranteed pretty much to end up in the bin! Likewise there's an environmentally friendly form of transport which has lots of long distance empty stock moves everyday using lots of diesel and electric (one move alone is 600+ gallons of diesel 6 days a week) ! Not being critical, but unfortunately what seems like wastage on face value, sometimes isn't as bad as it seems. There is probably more environmental damage caused by flights to and from Ireland, than the rest of Accurascales operations! Looks like McC may be investing in a Accurascale Dingle! McC captain, with Fran and Patrick rowing! Better get started for Warley boys.... Then of course people would be complaining that no one was answering RMWeb messages and fingers crossed that the Irish Sea was kind to you!
  4. The point actually was, after seeing the Facebook comment from Accurascale, to basically ask the question, in order to reaffirm the A/S view. Personally I believe that the future remains firmly in OO too, and glad most responses also corroborate this. Price isn't really going to be too different to those charged for OO (possibly more Hornby £220 for a loco, A/S £169.99), plus significantly more detail in OO from the likes of A/S which I expect would have to be cut down slightly for TT (we even had people moaning about Class 37 handrails coming from the cab door rather than the sides in OO). That's why I then said, the only real flaw in OO is the mainstream HO track......unless you go kit building or Legacy from DCC concepts - tricky but IMHO Accuratrak would definitely seal the deal in OO, for anyone tempted to look towards TT. TT only offers a little less detail for those in OO, hence I said a few people may do it if they change scale or are serial layout builders who go from 1 thing to another. It could possibly attract some from N. As stated, I think TT is building a door for Hornby, but to be fair, with the start off range, I think the starting range is pretty comprehensive - yes it's based on their model range in OO, although the 66 is new, as in OO its ex-lima.
  5. In general the sound is really, really impressive and that's listening on my phone. The locos truly look amazing too! The only thing I have a slight reservation on is the sound on coast/low power. Engine just sounds a little too slow and perhaps a little bass-ey. Was it possibly done close to start up? It may just be the phone but it tends to be a common thing on English Electric loco sounds being too 'coughy' when slow running and sometimes accelerating, with Class 50s seemingly very difficult to capture (got a Mr. Soundguy Class 50 chip which seems about the best to get rid of the 'cough'). Not sure on a preserved railway that locos really ever get warmed up enough (compare to a 37 from St. Blazey to Exeter on a load for example) , are locos tuned to spec as opposed how BR fitters got them to run or whether sound recordings are done early in the day? I have often pondered on the why's! Not a criticism, but query - so glad I have mine on order, but EE sounds never quite seem to hit the mark for me. Maybe it's me being an EE Thrash Psychopath - I can blame my dad for too many visits to Exeter in my youth (long before 60's, 66's and even 159's and even ultra unreliable 47/7's took over) .
  6. Just to clarify, I take it speakers will need to be purchased too, and hopefully they are easy to fit.
  7. Recently seen a Facebook post regarding TT from AS...... When I first saw TT as a boy, I was gutted that it wasn't available, but I think that most Modellers are pretty seasoned in OO. Some will probably venture into a project with TT, but for the majority unless totally changing modelling interest, then it's too late, without vast expense and getting rid of cherished models. I can see the logic of Margate going into this ring, it opens a new door- less competition than OO, reasonable representations of models without having to meet exacting details such as AS are doing in OO. (Things like the TT HAA look okay, but don't appear to brimming with separate details, that's not a criticism but it fits in with Margates strengths better than ultra detail spec which A/S aspires to, plus the classic 'traditional' train set potential that comes from the brand and diversification in light of the competition) . As for A/S I think the door is firmly open on the OO market, which they could easily come to dominate in a relatively short space of time. OO, the size permits exceptional levels of detail which A/S are known for, plus if the likes of Margate become more focused on a different market, they are less likely to retaliate and duplicate, as with another manufacturer in the case of the Class 37. The only achillies heel of OO, is the r-t-r track compromise with HO, unless you venture down the likes of the DCC concepts route of track. Whilst difficult, I would still like to see an Accuratrak range....... Hopefully too for Margate, TT becomes something that they can develop and nurture, as they are clearly investing into it heavily with a clean sheet. It also works with the philosophy of recent years of maximising direct selling.
  8. Indeed back in the day, 5000 was a Hornby limited edition!Recall my dad bought a Hornby Blue Streak set, after being called by the local model shop telling him although only just realised, how scarce they were. Likewise a model usually lasted in a catalogue a few years, companies held stock in warehouses (sorry to upset any accountants out there!) and I suppose there was far less choice and limited ranges, plus model locomotives were like sometimes even under £20........
  9. Still waiting for a rerun of D9016 McC, cough, cough. And I have made you laugh..... Please....
  10. It's a bit like unfortunately got.......and here is what you could have won......
  11. You just had to go and show off, didn't you! LOL! Go on then, with your spec and price - You've earned it. P.S. No motorised roof fans unlike the Class 31......or could that be a surprise and early Christmas present?
  12. It appears to be the competitors logic.... Pay more, get less! Cannot quite understand how an entity whose models are produced by their parent company are £70+ more expensive. Anyway as long as the Class 37 that arrives is as good as the samples look, then I think A/S and its customers will ultimately be the winners.... How about a 37418 in current guise to go with the other DRS 37/4s......I want one that compliments my other A/S DRS ones, plus don't want to pay £244.95, plus P&P for one...... Plus it would have separate steps, cab dial illumination etc..... Just saying......
  13. It's not just on the high seas, Royal Mail and Couriers often test packaging to its limits, throwing boxes around, sliding them accross floors etc.. Current packaging does what it's supposed to, be careful what you wish for, 140 parts to a wagon could take a considerable time to glue back in place!
  14. Well if they are on the seas and Dapol have them on display and are showing them off........
  15. I looked and noticed that the numbers don't look right. 204 on the front too high? Plus cast numbers look too large in the plaque. Certainly does not look anywhere as detailed as Hattons Class 66. Bogies look plastic-ey, lots of chassis pipe detail tooled into chassis, side grilles look like moulded plastic as opposed to fine etches. Blue (maybe camera) looks a little too dark. Regrettably I don't think it will surpass the standards set by the Class 68.
  16. Dremmel time. Best of luck! Other idea is lobby Accurascale for an HOBC!
  17. Dragging a weighty Hattons Class 66 may be quite a brave thing, unless you have very gentle curves, plus don't recall Autoballasters being a very heavy model (of course always possible to add loads). Probably won'propell very well either. But best of luck.....
  18. Can never have too many 66's...... (unless you have every member of the class + one or more extra!
  19. Could be worse - Radiation poisoning from the spent fuel. Is the Dragon Exclusive designed to be a make it once like the KUA and Class 89, or will there possibly be a further run at a later date?
  20. It's China, sure they have ways around most things if enough money is involved.........
  21. Oh and of course the Hattons Class 66 is the smoothest running loco I currently own, and crawls even on train set controllers - you certainly do not need Dcc to get them to run with good controllability, with most ex-trainset controllers being OK in my experience, except some Hornby make the lights illuminate incorrectly, and on the very latest you can only double head for a couple of seconds before it trips and quits! Based on Bachmann doing the Class 47 & Class 37 after other manufacturers producing new models-wonder if a 66 is in store? I had one of the latest Class 47s (47004 did the mule once), but it does not perform as well as Hattons Class 66!
  22. Yes, it is and can be nice. But it's a risk and expensive gamble if one goes pop! Unless loco manufacturers/dcc decoder manufacturers test and say its compatible it's possibly expensive! Or controller manufacturers give a spec as to what a chip needs to be rated at...... At a guess too many variables. Then of course issues such as short circuits etc.. Pays your money, takes your chance is never so true!
  23. Meow! That may just put the cat among the pigeons........looks like the gloves are off!
  24. Certainly Mr Marsh is a very busy person with work, Deltic commitments etc.. He may even be on holiday......
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