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Owd Bob

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Everything posted by Owd Bob

  1. A Town Called Malice. The Jam.
  2. Well a bit more progress has been made over the past few weeks, and i got the last of the ballast PVA glued down last eve' and i hand brushed as much loose stuff off as i could this morning when dry, there's still a lot of ballast to pick off and to 'Hoover' up yet before swmbo see's the mess I made a small line side hut of card and brick paper, and i also made a low brick wall and put it along the front and on top of a small embankment i made from layers of foam board off-cuts which i then smothered in a layer of crack filler. A few plants have been stuck about but nothing is finished or in its final place yet, but it all gives me ideas and the look of how it might finally be. The last two pics' now show clearly the stepped differences in heights of the three tracks..
  3. Have you thought of using a filler primer? I recently used one called 'autotek Professional' and it is Yellow in colour, one coat might be enough to cover the Black and can then be flatted down if it's too thick as said before with very fine wet & dry papers.
  4. At last i can join in with summat I love Barmouth and the area. Heres a few old pics' and bad scans of mine, but it keeps my hand in on this thread, Loved it in the '60's and '70's as a kid on my hols' stayin' at the local Sunnysands Caravan Park. Always plenty of double headed 24's and 25's back then, and when the old station buildings and footbridge still survived. This is probably one of the last pics' i have with the old wooden station building behind this DMU thingy taken in the early '90's.
  5. This Is Not A Love Song. PIL.
  6. SP. Wigan in about 1984. Maybe someone knew this fellow? I can just see a tops style number 7619 below the window and underneath the Blue paint.
  7. Watching The Wheels. J. Lennon.
  8. I have seen repeats of such shows Phil with the faces of the scum bags blurred out, but when first shown it was'nt, it can be done later i suppose. My name and a peace sign were spray painted onto a chimney Fred Dibnah knocked down in a TV ep. of his from the '80's but nowadays in repeats my name and the peace sign are pixelated out.
  9. Locations/houses etc that are to be used again and again will be well looked after, but with a one off or short lived drama....they won't care as much as they won't be returning that often or ever again. Talking of returning! How about a certain 'Actor' out of Red Riding giving us back the gear knob out of the HB he took for a keepsake. Modern day Actors and stunt men don't even know what a choke is...the lovely Blue Hillman had its ripped out by one who had'nt a clue what it was for, same on the White Allegro in LOM..someone pulled the choke knob out and ripped half the plastic dash out with it! You have been warned! Heres another well known car that was said to have been half a dozen of one and six of the other....
  10. Big Girls Don't Cry. The Four Seasons.
  11. The HB cop car was an 1100 SL model and was originally Gold and was painted up as a Panda car for 'Life On Mars' but at first in an all White livery, it can just be seen in the first three eps. parked up outside the Police station(Stockport Town Hall) The Blue was added later but yet again it was never used. The Magnum despite the badges had a 2.3 engine in it.
  12. Where the Streets Have No Name. U2.
  13. Never take any car used on the telly or in a film as being totally honest or having its original, badges or Reg' number, we tried to tell them when stuff is just totally wrong and could be spotted a mile away but they don't listen or care, it just has to be roughly of the period.....on LOM there was a Vauxhall Victor VX90 that a director just kept calling a Ford Corsair and he was adamant in that 'cos his Dad used to have one!
  14. The Magnum had this stunt (not so) double. I had to take the front bumper off the Magnum and use the one off the Viva HC double, i put it over a concrete kerb and hit it with a big sledge hammer to bend it, it was just for one scene where the Magnum crashed, it had to look like it was damaged etc. Broke my heart damaging a decent chrome bumper but that's what the whole double car was bought for i suppose. The young Actor Andrew Garfield cut his hand whilst we filming at an old Hospital near Leeds, whilst he was filming a scene in an hospital corridor he put his hand on the glass panel of a door to open it and his hand went through it, he had to go to another hospital to have it seen to and a few stitches, they had to re-write a scene were he was tortured and had his hand trapped and slammed in the cop-car door, we had to drill a few holes in the Magnum door pillar and fit a piece of 3" x 2" wooden post inside the pillar so that when they slammed it there was a two inch gap before it really hit his hand! So that explained the real bandage he had to wear for a few days. It must be well over ten years ago now, it was filmed in a real old pit village North of Doncaster called Stainforth, the power station cooling towers are real its Drax i think you can see russ.
  15. To be honest i hated Red Riding, the gist of the gory story only un-ravelled as we went along, i hated one scene where we were in an old quarry near Leeds and they found the body of a child etc...was really miserable all round with non-stop drizzle all day puddles everywhere and it did'nt finish filming until well after 1.00am...that was Warren Clarkes last bit of filming as well, all six of us left up there in the dark had to line up and shake hands with him as they handed him a small going away present, and as was often the case we had to be back for 6.00am the following morning Some more 'Red Riding' Vehicles for you to spot russ.
  16. Let there be Love. Nat King Cole.
  17. Yes! it was russ well spotted! Good job the owner never knew just how bad they treated it & drove it across that old coal mine site either I've seen so many cars abused and just used as blocking objects to hide modern street furniture in period stuff, also seen stuff hired, transported in and paid for at a very great expense and then the poor vehicles owners sat around all day and then their vehicles never used at all. This was for 'Life On Mars'.....but was never seen or used.
  18. A very good reason why not to rent your beloved vehicle out to a film or TV company, then have to leave it with them because you are not able to stay on set to drive it and keep a watch on it. Tidy new respray when it turned up on set..... Then some buckets of dirty water, poster paint and real mud appeared..... When filming was finished it was sent back to the base camp and left to its owner to collect looking like this.... The owner went absolutely crackers and had to have it fully professionally cleaned & valeted and sent the hirers the bill......they argued over who was to pay up for several months later. If you are ever asked if you would like your vehicle can be used in a film or on TV. then stay with it all day long, drive it yourself, and never let any Actor or stunt person drive it, unless its already a wreck and not your pride and joy!
  19. Thanks Porcy! Now that one reminded me of Trumpton.
  20. I love those old 'Chicken pate' newsreels i did'nt think it would ever get fast enough to blow the passengers hat off in the first bit of clip though. Can't watch the last vid' though it won't let me.
  21. Alone Again Naturally. Gilbert o'Sullivan.
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