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Everything posted by Bucoops

  1. This is me with Flying Scotsman. I can't get enthused about it whatsoever in BR guise.
  2. Golden Age of mainline preserved steam? My rose tinted specs tell me 1988. Mallard, FS and SNG all in full LNER regalia. SNG and (I think) Clan Line taking me from Euston to Grange-over-sands and back (presumably a diesel of some kind at the beginning and end) with a silver service breakfast is something that will be forever embedded in my mind as one of the best days of my life. I was 10.
  3. If you find him, tell him he owes me 17 years of back pay.
  4. Bear in mind - there have been thousands of them made, and we've read about a very small number having issues, the vast majority of which the person has said the support on it has been superb.
  5. I have a large and a small one, both from ebay and both very good prices.
  6. Yup. If you decide you get the boxes separately they sell just the insert part.
  7. https://trainsporters.com/ 😊 Very good quality.
  8. There was a training coach in Norwich Station in the early 90s I think - it was fitted in the Swallow era for sure.
  9. You could ask Hornby? 🍟 (being blind, can't see popcorn)
  10. I was about to say I remember mainline without CDL, then I stopped to think. Yup, in my 6th Decade... Dang.
  11. I have listened to it many times, but by far the best was when there were meteor showers due, and the local commercial radio station played it in one go, with no advert breaks, and we had camp-beds in the garden listening whilst watching for the shooting stars. Didn't see any but what a way to listen to it!
  12. Enough already, the Tench-ion is killing me.
  13. Methinks you are fishing for compliments?
  14. Dynamic range I believe - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_range DVDs can "carry" more detail whereas regular broadcast audio is compressed.
  15. I suspect the set isn't in stock and instead of removing the listing they've bumped the price to ludicrous level so nobody buys it, when back in stock the price goes down again. Not unusal on ebay annoyingly.
  16. As that is the method they said they would use previously, and then repeatedly did not, I don't think the ORR would agree to it.
  17. I'm not sure he has ever reached that level?
  18. But.. but... it doesn't say kit built?!
  19. It's OK, I have short leggies 😁
  20. 85 sheets of Plastikard are now sitting under my desk. Lovely jubbly :D
  21. No tell tale on full brakes is one that traps people sometimes.
  22. Something similar happened with a 321 not that long ago - IIRC the bolts that held the sensor activator that allowed the system to recognise a door was open had been left out, so the door moved, but the activator didn't. so the system thought the door was shut. Wonder if the maintenance guys then moved to Boeing. Allegedly 🙃 If it wasn't Morecambe, perhaps it was Wise?
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