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Blog Entries posted by matto21

  1. matto21
    As I mentioned in my last post, I've been considering replacing the Scalescenes building at the back of the layout. Work has now started on this using Wills sheets. I also made the most of the opportunity and repainted the brickwork of the other building and fitted guttering and a drainpipe.



  2. matto21
    Been working hard on my Critter the last few days and I'm pleased to say that assembly is now complete!
    A lot of trial and error was involved in getting the chassis to fit and it is currently a push fit and until I think of something better, it'll stay like this!
    The model should have sprung buffers but I lost my patience with the tiny springs so they are now glued into place!
    The only addition to the model since these photos were taken is lamp brakets and a chimney.
    The model was painted in my fictional 'green with a yellow' stripe livery for no other reason than I liked it!







    Some work in progress weathering photos:




  3. matto21
    Well I haven't had a chance to do much modelling this week, but I have taken some photos of my critter. Like I said in my last post, I've followed the example of others quite closely. Hopefully this week I'll start work on the underframe and buffer beams.




    I'm toying with the idea of replacing the scalescenes building on my layout with a scratchbuilt structure too, got a few ideas I'm developing...!
  4. matto21
    Hi all,
    Having been suitably impressed with Captain Kernow's critter on the 'old' RMWeb and my inspiration re-ignited with Jam's version here, I decided to take the plunge and build my own, something I've been wanting to do for ages
    Nothing clever or even new, I've stuck to the Captain's [or should that be Neil's?] version pretty closely.
    I've started work on the cab and bonnet, no photos yet I'm afraid until I can upload them. It's funny because, even though I've only just started building it, my mind is already running away with ideas of a small industrial type layout, with several incarnations of this type of loco, overgrown track, rust etc etc etc...
  5. matto21
    Well it's pretty much finished!
    Weathering is complete and the model has been matt varnished - I'm really pleased with the circle of grease on the buffers, something I've been trying to replicate for ages. Flush glazing has also been fitted. Unfortunately I can't get a decent photo which shows the fading and weathering properly at the moment - these are the best I can manage!
    I'd like to thank Jim S-W for all the help and advice he's given me while I've been working on this model



  6. matto21
    As mentioned in my previous post, the DMU has now been painted, the blue and yellow with Halfords paint, the underframe and roofs with paint I've mixed up.
    Work has now started on weathering, as mentioned, I'm trying to represent a shabby and tired unit, with grubby, faded paintwork. Lots of work to do yet, but I'm happy with progress so far.




  7. matto21
    Well here is the DMU I've been rambling about for the past few days. Finally did some [not much] work on it yesterday, my first 'proper' railway modelling for months!
    I admit that a lot of the work had already been done a few months back when I first started working on this, but I did a bit of tidying up of the model last night.
    Plans for today are to prime the bufferbeams and try and get the underframe painted, if I can do that I'll be pleased and anything else will be a bonus!
    I may attempt to lower it slightly, although not sure if it's really worth it.
    Out of interest, I bought a tinlet of the Humbrol Rail Blue acrylic paint to use [as opposed to Railmatch Rail Blue which never works that well for me, and Halfords spray as used on my 31 and 56], has anyone used these Humbol acrylic 'authentic rail colours' before? Do they spray well or should I stick to tried and tested Halfords paint?



  8. matto21
    Jam, specially for you, here's a comparison shot of the layout taken almost a year apart! Shows what slow progress I've made!


    Not in exactly the same place and I dont have the 31 with me unfortunately, but it gives you an idea - I think a real embankment would grow faster!
  9. matto21
    First time I've made a new post in ages, not done any railway modelling in months, lack of enthusiasm, no internet etc etc etc. Got me thinking that 12 months ago I repainted/weathered and detailed my old Lima Class 31, how time has flown!

    Going to try and ease myself back in while I have a few days off and do some work on the Class 117 DMU that I started working on ages ago - no promises though!
  10. matto21
    Just a couple of quick photo's taken today of my 16T mineral train so far - 3 wagons, 3 different finishes!
    Thanks for the respones to my last post - 'slate' type roof it is!
  11. matto21
    Well where was I? Oh yeah, this layout started as an experiment, using bits and bobs and leftovers [baseboard made from offcuts of wood found in the garage, 3 Peco turnouts and some bits of flexi track dictated the trackplan]. I never thought I'd get as far as I have, mainly cos I've never got this far with a layout before! I've learnt as I've gone on, been inspired by others here and generally just muddled along!
    The layouts gone from this:

    To this:

    Yesterday I said I'd been 'growing grass and planting a tree', here's a quick pic of this end so far:

  12. matto21
    Well I managed to spray the underframe today and have made a decision to paint the unit in the simple Rail Blue with Yellow ends. My original intention was to paint the Blue/Grey livery but I've been looking at DMU photos and I actually quite like the all-over blue scheme, plus it's MUCH easier to paint!
    Just been in the garage to spray the yellow [going to use the tried and tested Halfords paints] and it's freezing! I'm hoping to fade both the blue and yellow and have a generally grubby/weathered model.
  13. matto21
    Made some good progress last night and tonight. Last night the ends were sprayed yellow, the bodies blue and the roofs grey. Good old Halfords paint meant I made quick progress.
    Tonight has seen the weathering begin, based on a photo found on the internet. The rail blue has been faded and I've started applying a wash to highlight the detail.
    Due to poor lighting I've not been able to take a photo of the weathering so far, but I did take a snap last night just after I'd sprayed the yellow.


  14. matto21
    Thanks for the positive comments. Jam, not sure about colours yet, but part of me wants wasp stripe bufferbeams!
    Progress has slowed, but as I'm trying to utilise as much of the kit parts as possible I decided to fabricate a 'thing' for the top of the bonnet from one of the kit's buffers and attempted to make an exhaust stack from one of the plastic axles. Not sure about this though because, although successful, it doesn't look right when viewed as part of the model itself.
    Oh well, back to the drawing board...



  15. matto21
    Some more progress on my Critter. I've been making slow progress with it when I can. Many thanks to the Captain, not only for the initial inspiration, but also providing me with a motor - cheers!

    The completed-ish body, assembled for a test fitting

    The underframe pieces, before...

    And after!

    Bufferbeams before and after

    Both bufferbeams completed

    What I hope it will look like!
  16. matto21
    Back in my thread on the old RMWeb, some of you might remember I was working on a repannelled 16T mineral wagon. It's now 99% finished and just needs some couplings and a bit of final weathering to finish it off.
    Here's some quick photos:


  17. matto21
    With work on my Critter having stopped temporarily, my thoughts have turned to replacing the Scalescenes building at the back of my layout with something scratchbuilt:

    I've got an idea in my head of what I want it to look like hopefully - I want it to have a small wooden loading platform with wooden steps, and I'm going to have to make some compromises with its depth so as to fit in the available space. We'll see...
  18. matto21
    Thanks for all the kind comments, glad people like the pics/layout!
    Marc - I can't see myself ever exhibiting the layout to be honest, it wasn't planned as an exhibition layout and, as such, hasn't been built correctly. Although it amuses me to shunt a few wagons about randomly, it doesn't have enough scope to entertain at an exhibition. Coupled [no pun intended!] with the fact I changed my mind mid build to not have a fiddle yard, the siding lengths are really all wrong!
    Audley Road - I used wallpaper paste to attach the backscene, had no problems really. A few bubbles initially but they dissapeared after everything had dried. Luck maybe...?
    James - thanks for the comment, I'm pretty chuffed with how that photo looks - this is a case of the camera being kind for a change!
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