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Everything posted by eastglosmog

  1. Or that our cats may take over the spacecraft (a worry according to a NASA astrophysicist working from home)
  2. My little town - SImon and Garfunkel
  3. At a guess, the package arrived at Basildon at 37min past midnight, before being sent out at 19min past 10. Actually correct, just looks weird!
  4. Across the wide Missouri - The Kingston trio
  5. A Roman Snail seen near Stonesfield on Sunday (this kind of wildlife travels slowly enough for me to photograph it).
  6. Browsing second hand bookshops - the online experience is nothing like as satisfying
  7. The little green lane - John Gaunt arr Lovatt
  8. There is supposed to be an old Russian proverb "In dire extremity, man remembers his god"*. Unfortunately, all the churches are locked! *The only reference to this I have actually found is in "Comrade Don Camillo", so I have my doubts about its authenticity.
  9. In this photo of Ascott under Wychwood taken in 2013, you can see from the vent pipe that the toilet is under the entrance landing. I don't believe it was an original feature, though! As far as I know, there would have been a stove internally for cooking breakfast/lunch/dinner. Certainly by 2000, enclosed toilet facilities would have been fitted, otherwise the Health and Safety Executive would have been calling with some very harsh words (muttering about closing the box until they were fitted)!
  10. Indeed so. Going a bit OT, but here is a photograph of the effects on the Quakers Yard viaducts (not sure where it came from, it was in my archives). The lines were still in use, though, which is more than can be said for the nearby Glamorgan Canal. PS What does the spell checker have against Glamorgan? Wants to change it into Glam organ!
  11. But as the Captain drowned, Captain Trump would not be saying anything (after the event, anyway)! Or maybe he would have generated enough hot air to melt the iceberg.
  12. I Skype from in front of one of the few walls in my house which does not have a bookcase, that being where the settle I sit on is located. So colleagues get a view of a picture of trawlers, a light switch and my thermostat (except when my cat thinks they should look at her instead)
  13. Thanks for posting those Montyburns. Reminded me of my youth when I spent many hours watching trains and ships at Southampton (although most of those post date my time).
  14. The big problem for transporting coal from the source colliery by canal was that coal mining usually led to uneven subsidence, which was disastrous for operation of a canal as the levels all went to pot, bridges and tunnels lost headroom (Glamorgan, Chesterfield and Ashby canals all succumbed and others such as the Leeds and Liverpool and Birmingham canals had major continuous bank raising projects). A railway could cope with the change in level much easier.
  15. Until the 1960s at least, there was a law that railways were prevented from undercutting the prices of coastwise shipping (see Fiennes on rails), in order to protect the British coaster trade. For a good description of cross Severn coal traffic, see the Portishead Coal Boats by Michael Winter.
  16. So I will rise to the bait and just to be pedantic, its the other way round, men are XY and women XX.
  17. The amount of warping is not uncommon and not restricted to softwood. If you have a timber house frame made of green Oak, there is always a considerable amount of warping, twisting (and splitting). Competent builders take this into account and it then becomes a feature of the building. To use seasoned Oak would greatly increase the cost (and blunten all the saws used on it).
  18. As an example, Charlbury town gas works was right beside the station on the down side, but did not have a siding or any direct rail access. All the coal had to be carted round from the goods yard on the up side, over the bridge and into the gasworks, a journey of about 500 yards as opposed to the direct route of about 20.
  19. Down by the Salley Gardens - W.B. Yeats & Herbert Hughes (among others, including Benjamin Britten).
  20. If you have read Christopher Burtons memoirs of being a GWR/BR Goods Agent, the railways servants could take just as long (if not longer) to unload the wagon containing their coal as did the Coal Merchants! And Coal Merchants definitely survived the advent of the NCB and later BR.
  21. No, are you thinking of "Ill Wind" (I once had a whim and I had to obey it, To buy a French Horn in a second-hand shop; I polished it up and I started to play it In spite of the neighbours who begged me to stop) - the tune of Mozarts Horn Concerto?
  22. On which Flanders and Swann commented in their song "Sounding Brass" (which dates from the 1950/60s).
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