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Status Replies posted by DougN

  1. smells of horse :-)

  2. Why does everything take much longer to build than I expect?

  3. Quote of the day:-

  4. It's ANZAC Day (April 25) LEST WE FORGET

  5. is awaiting a bulk delivery of DOT 5.1 brake fluid.

  6. is watching Monty Python's "Meaning Of Life"

  7. is watching Monty Python's "Meaning Of Life"

  8. is looking at another Bora TDi (130) for

  9. is counting out the pound coins for another Brassmasters kit *miserly groan*

  10. Yipppeee three weeks of starting monday. Modelling time .

  11. is watching Lambing Live 2014

  12. can't get Elvis Costello's "Oliver's Army" out of his head aaarrrrrgggghhhhh

  13. is out of hospital. They are as mystified as I am about these chest pains.

  14. will have to finish off that bottle of sherry #hingeandbracket

  15. Is currently doing a painfully good 'Rhonda' impression!

  16. Had 3 trellis panels blown down in the gales, posts rotted at soil level. Spent the day removing the old stumps which some fool had concreted in... oh, wait, that was me!!

  17. Nail gun + Whiskey + knee cap = A+E + 22 stitches

  18. is hoping this 2011 Cabernet Sauvignon will help with the sleep.

  19. smells of wet horse.

  20. smells of wet horse.

  21. I dont recognise most of the names responding in threads these days. Have a lot of members left?

  22. Has just returned from God's Own Country...

  23. has knocked off, and is dreading uncovering other things in the Swiss Estate in the attic that he didn't know about :-O

  24. Educating my 8 year old with the Italian Job. Required education.

  25. is somewhere in the 1920s.

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