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Status Replies posted by DougN

  1. Why does time drag by ? But life seems too fly by ?

  2. seriously struggling to find my modelling mojo :-S

  3. I don't ever want to find myself at a Horsetan-organised nudist garden party!

  4. Tornado on Ramsay st, Only 2kms from me!

  5. Tornado on Ramsay st, Only 2kms from me!

  6. A tip is not the law

  7. A tip is not the law

  8. Got my modelling mojo back, tidied the workbench and ready to go, now just have to wait for the postie to deliver my order :(

  9. 35 in the shade, quite hot enought

  10. wonders if you can mix girls and model raiwawys.....

  11. has spent an evening fumbling.

  12. has spent an evening fumbling.

  13. is impressed by Cunard's onboard toilet system.

  14. has been looking at Norwegian branchline infrastructure.

  15. is the new owner of an authentic GCR toilet #stubby47 #eatyourheartout

  16. has been distractedly sawing chunks out of an Airfix "Truro" footplate

  17. is wielding Thor's Hammer.

  18. Just how small can a layout be?

  19. is wondering whether he should touch this new detention case with a long bargepole....

  20. Ho Hum. Sun - Rain - Sun.....

  21. is getting grumpy in his old age

  22. is looking at a *lot* of filing.

  23. is finding ever more little things to do on that GBL Black Five. That firebox is asymmetrical at the back as well.... *sighs*

  24. has ordered a Father Ted T-shirt. Hopefully the first of many....

  25. smells of puppy

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