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Status Replies posted by DougN

  1. has been given some more GNRI inside motion drawings.

  2. I wish I had more money for more kits.

  3. Thank God its Friday

  4. Thank God its Friday

  5. is trying to trace as many photos of the frames of 60007 and 60103, for the rivet patterns....

  6. is trying to trace as many photos of the frames of 60007 and 60103, for the rivet patterns....

  7. Just spent a very frustrating couple of hours trying to fit a smokebox dart and some new handrails to a black five. Argh!

  8. is watching further goings-on at Luton Police Station #channel4

  9. s' office - I am on holiday today why are you ringing me?

  10. s' office - I am on holiday today why are you ringing me?

  11. has sustained a gentlemans injury

  12. is downing some extra Fybogel in readiness for Scaleforum :-)

  13. Swt 159's are surprisingly comfy even if they are full of college students whingeing that ten hours work a week is hard

  14. is going to see how close to 80mpg he can get for the Scaleforum trip.

  15. is going to see how close to 80mpg he can get for the Scaleforum trip.

  16. Finally in Kings Cross in the UK again.

  17. has provisionally sold his 31-year-old car. Technically means enough money to pay for five Finney A4s, but since only one was available he settled for that

  18. is having possum issues.

  19. Lucern today beautiful, perfect weather

  20. is in bed, recovering from a haemorrhoid operation. General anaesthetic is lovely.

  21. Having a serious case of depression. Feel like crap and want to burst into tears. Not a nice feeling. All work related.

  22. is cursing Treasury Solicitors.

  23. I do wish people use a spell check system as the number of spelling mistakes is on the increase.

  24. This afternoon, my wife and I 'topped' the cypress hedge between us and the neighbours - cut it back to about 12 feet high. Neighbour has just come round with a bottle of wine - a nice gesture, we thought.

  25. Now wants to model a NER line in deep winter in the late 1950's

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