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Status Replies posted by DougN

  1. is reducing a Lima Gronk shell into manageable sections for corrective purposes....

  2. has managed to extend the home WiFi range.

  3. jig jig jiggity jig

  4. Just sent a mouse to the mouse heaven how dare it to come into my house not only that into my railway room silly ba8*ead

  5. is writing a Will.

  6. doing it in time to the bongs

  7. Ha Ha! Folks go back to work tomorrow after the long Xmas holiday and I start 3 weeks off!

  8. still smells of racehorse. With a hint of reindeer.

  9. smells of racehorse :-)

  10. is debating nudity.

  11. No nudity before Xmas!

  12. smells of racehorse :-)

  13. Just had orders from SWMBO to assist her in finishing a bottle of sloe gin that she thinks may be past it's sell by date, handed a glass and told take a big slug then I'll fill it up. It's a hard job but someone's got to do it.

  14. why does my boss want to work "late", when I want to go early?

  15. Our much-loved guinea pig suddenly died today. He was full of beans this morning when I fed him at 7:00; but at 10:30 Mrs Dreyfus found him dead. RIP Phaal.

  16. is looking at the raw (and the cooked) materials for a Y9.

  17. Is there an Andy X?

  18. is reading up about ringworm. :-(

  19. is the proud owner of a Bernard Weatherill full hunt coat. Cost its original owner several hundred quid :-O

  20. is the proud owner of a Bernard Weatherill full hunt coat. Cost its original owner several hundred quid :-O

  21. What is the halloween equivalent of 'Bah, humbug'?

  22. has completed 43 years on this planet. Bloody hell.

  23. Well, the nights are drawing in...and the clocks go back at the end of this month! Where did the summer go to? Soon be Christmas!!!

  24. has been given some more GNRI inside motion drawings.

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