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J. S. Bach

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Everything posted by J. S. Bach

  1. I don't mind spiders or snakes, I just keep a distance from them so as not to get bitten; infection from the bite.
  2. As far as I can tell, yes. My order was November last year. At some point (if and when it ever gets assembled), the tank will be painted a rusty jade-green color.
  3. Does that mean that she is big and fat?
  4. Speaking (typing??) of Telford, it appears that I have a connection to Telford, albeit a very tiny connection. Last year I bought an O scale water tank tower as the style fascinated me; so different from the usual round ones used here. Anyway, I stumbled across the package a couple of weeks ago (Yes, I know, another to-be-built kit!) and noticed that the maker (LCUT Creative) is located in Telford. Well, I did say tiny!!
  6. I want one, In ¼" scale. The motor, not the vest!!
  7. Well, I just ignored it and went on my way down-thread. EDIT: There is a lot of humor that does not successfully cross the Atlantic, in either direction for that matter. The Pacific too, come to think of it.
  8. I think that would depend on the species, especially the t....
  9. An early Night Owl from the Piedmont.
  10. That was a reach-back in time! Anyway, I thought that the saying started out as "If the foo ..........................."
  11. "8. I wanted to know which came first the chicken or the egg so I bought a chicken and then I bought an egg and I think I've cracked it. - Masai Graham" Totally wrong, the frying pan came first. Those other two were created just to fill said pan!!
  12. Agistment?? I had to look that one up: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agistment it is the first time that I have seen/read/heard that word!
  13. As I state in one of my tag lines: Never, ever take a laxative AND a sleeping pill at the same time.
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