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Everything posted by Covkid

  1. i think it is some kind of aligning peg on the couple head https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=TdL69SvE&id=21E6BE6F3D0F9B0C7DDAC2D1A59F674DF8905C25&thid=OIP.TdL69SvEQM0r1is6zcsVQgHaEK&mediaurl=http%3A%2F%2Fr3.masstransitmag.com%2Ffiles%2Fbase%2FMASS%2Fimage%2F2016%2F09%2F16x9%2F1280x720%2FDellner_Coupler.57eacdb475982.jpg&exph=720&expw=1280&q=dellner+coupling&simid=608042237413359740&ajaxhist=0
  2. Thanks Paul. I kinda guessed as much
  3. I believe the Redlands SDTs were formed into ten wagon sets with a belt running under each of the ten wagons to feed the boom wagon. Not sure if one set often could feed into the next set of ten, or whether they had to be shunted. IIRC these were sometimes used to deliver ballast to weekend worksites in the 1990s. They would be an interesting model but not sure how you could realistically depict the belt between the wagons
  4. Thanks for the info, probably best not mention NGG16 No 109, but is there any space at Glan y Pwll for undercover restoration work, should volunteers want to take 133 or 134 there ?
  5. It was the tender water dome that intrigued me. Would I be right in thinking this was over the water scoop mechanism, and is actually an obsolete fitting, so why fit it ? Were thre any "flat top" domes ? Thanks very much for your post
  6. I totally agree with John Isherwood here. Yes, the Bachmann Sulzer twos have issues, the 25 moreso than the 24, but they really are a curates egg. The mechanism is still a fantastic runner and the bogies look good enough for me. Yes there are issues with the bodyshell but I have to say that the bodysides between the bulkheads of the 24 are really not bad. Thre mistake many people make is to assune that the bodyside air grilles are identical on the 24 and the 25. They are not. The class 24 has cast alloy grilles which stand out proud, whereas the fabricated louvres on the 25 are practically flush save for the frame around. By Bachmann using this portion of bodyside for their 25 it would naturally be an error, but the large bodyside radiator grilles are also different, The class 24 again had cast alloy radiator grilles whereas the later class 25 had a steel mesh across the framed aperture. Frankly, this is what lets the SLW model down in my opinion.
  7. Not sure about the Anglia fleet fate, but I would have thought the 156 is a far better option that the 150 for retention. Not sure there are any 158s without homes in three years, and the Anglia 170s will surely be rehomed. It is just that the Rosco fleet news hasn't been released to the industry yet.
  8. AFAIK the only restrictions on 153s over 150s are the steps at the microcab end. If this end were semi permanently coupled the the non driving end of the 150 car then theoretically microcab would be unused and the steps could be removed, as well as the GSMR and TPWS kit.
  9. Yes. I am going to "copy" "Norton961" and do this http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/uploads/monthly_11_2017/post-20690-0-02163400-1509904418.jpg From the model of No 10
  10. Just read this post and was amazed at how cool the big ginger pussy was with trains belting round "his domain". My big ginger lad would be all over those noisy and irritating toys !!!
  11. Thanks to "mjcbasingstoke" in another thread for a very simple fix to my problem. Basically move the F2 function to F4 button by changing CV36 value from 8 to 32. This his text C&P'd from the Imperium decoder thread Have resolved my issue regarding remapping the lights. I presumed it conformed to MNRA rules so changed CV36, which is Function 2, from 8 to 32 which is for data for Function 4. So now function 2 switch is in fact Function 4 switch.
  12. Brilliant. I did it. That was pretty painless. Thanks again "mjcbasingstoke"
  13. Thanks very much for posting this. I have had the same problem and am going to follow your advice here. I was told by the guy at Dapol that F2 was non latching and would need to move the function elsewhere. Might I suggest you contact Dapol and ask if they can email you the manual to go with the Imperium. The chap I spoke to was really helpful and printed me some sheets relating to the DCC in Dapol models. Thanks again
  14. Those really do look nice. I am surprised there was only a driver's door on the driver's side of the vehicle, so did a bit of browsing. Here is a nice piccie of 9702 with one of the pressure vent cars behind it. https://www.flickr.com/photos/johnoram/8398838740 EDIT It looks like the whole rake apart from 9702 is pressurevents !!!
  15. Covkid

    Dapol Class 22

    Looks like a new batch of D63xx are in preparation. Five or six bodyshells in a display case at Chirk in various liveries. can't remember off hand but I think there were four green ones and two blue ones. The blue looked spot on, 100% better than the initial batch of these, and the BSYP version may prove to be a weakness for me !!!!
  16. Saw some 73s in a display case at Dapol HQ today. All three were weathered - two blue "E" numbered locos and one in InterCity livery. The paint jobs were very authentic and beautifully applied, particularly the three pieces grille on the lower bodyside of the InterCity one.
  17. Visited the excellent Dapol shop at Gledrid park this afternoon, talked to a chap and explained the problem. The problem is apparently with my controller, a Prodigy Advance 2. Apparently this is the only DCC controller not to be able to latch Function 2. He gave me such data sheets and recommended I remap the function to another key. This information was very much appreciated and whilst I was there I bought an Imperium decoder to fit. Thanks very much Dapol. Will have a play tomorrow whilst we are covered in ten inches of snow !!!!
  18. We have something in common !! My Great Uncle went to his grave on the "Invincible" in the same battle.
  19. Bit short of time today but had a go at fitting a Lenz Silver+ 21 pin decoder into my Dapol green class 122. Managed to get the front end marker / tail lights to come on as appropriate at either end, the saloon lights and the cab light at one end. The cab at the opposite end would light up when switched on, but then turn off straight away. I understand the model requires a minimum of 5 functions on a decoder to work successfully, but also read that the Silver+ does this. I havn't touched the dip switches on the ceiling lighting bar yet, but don't believge they would affect the cab lighting at one end. Welcome any thoughts and comments
  20. Yes and yes and yes !!!! It is a locomotive (mentioned in the TMC video) and is a Scottish prototype being announced at the big Scottish show. It is also a tank engine so reasonably simple an slightly cheaper, but also has the huge cute factor similar to the recent SE&CR loco announcements. It could spawn an awful lot of ScBLTs if you combine it with the Hornby 2018 announcement.
  21. I am guessing you wouldn't approve of this then Pete ? https://community.infinite-flight.com/t/air-canada-airbus-a319-retro-livery/137109 A modern European built aeroplane painted in a very retro colour scheme
  22. The pipework was fitted with drains, particularly on coaching stock buffer beams
  23. Am I right in thinking that those two Sundays in 1981 when BR ran an Edinburgh - Oban return with a deltic, used an EG Mk3 rake - as hauled stock ? EDIT Yes http://www.napier-chronicles.co.uk/55021_west_highlands_23.8.81_npc_2.jpg
  24. I think the charts are actually a little misleading because there are no timescales published. As the workshops at Kilmarnock and Wolverton are still welding large amounts of steel into the 30+ year old 150/2s I don't believe they are going anywhere in the next five years. Similarly, if the Roscos are planning on keeping the 33 year old 150/1s in traffic then the considerably younger 170s are also here for the long haul. Obviously everything has a theoretical final life so you could say those 170s are at risk, but maybe not until after their 35th birthday around 15 years from now !!!
  25. It was actually the DfT who dilly dallied with the TPE franchise, seemingly unable to pin the franchise renewal date onto the donkey's behind on the wall chart. Chiltern Trains needed more DMUs for their new Oxford operation, so in order to keep their assets earning the Rosco did a deal with TPE for the "soon to be off lease" 170s, and the rest is history. The DfT empowered DRS to spend well over a million each on a pair of rotten 37/4s and some Mk2 stock so they could switch a few 156s from Cumbria towards Manchester to release some TPE 185s to cover the work the TPE 170s evaporated from. DfT have form !!!!
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