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Status Replies posted by Jim49

  1. Bod+scalpel=disaster

  2. think I should get a revolving chinese restaurant table for modelling on, cos thats how I like to model, do a bit on one model, then spin it and on to the next model, do a bit on that, then spin it etc.

  3. Tortoise out of Hibernation

  4. is mystified as to why Dacorum Borough Council won't spend money to properly resurface its roads, but will spend a fortune doing patch repairs badly.

  5. Does anyone know where i've mislaid my 25way D-types?

  6. Change comes from within - not from the outside

  7. has rewheeled the Hornby 08. That was hell on earth.

  8. someone must know what the tune at the end of the B&R railway DVDs is?

  9. Working on the first item for my SWAG Module

  10. wants a "keep calm and fart quietly" T-shirt

  11. Wonders if politicians are banned from Rmweb, they only ever seem to talk about either sex or religion.

  12. Whenever RMweb has a lean time for interesting reading, anoraks discuss Daleks.

  13. now has three varieties of tit feeding in the garden, plus a woodpecker.

  14. has discovered that his phone can scan barcodes. An afternoon's fascinated scanning beckons.....

  15. has lost a filling from a second tooth. It probably happened when he was eating that caramel last night, in which case he also swallowed the filling without realising it at the time :-O

  16. Just so you can all have a laugh, I will be fixing a real toilet this weekend as the diphragm has given up...

  17. Can't afford new computer, have to stick with this P4.


  19. newcastleton is going to be at this years hawick show

  20. OWWW!!!! Hit by Mrs Boris again!!!!

  21. Why is it that on the past 4 cars I have owned it has always been the rear left tyre that gets a slow puncture?

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