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Status Replies posted by Jim49

  1. bit too much bear last night

  2. the correct way to wear a sabre.

  3. Christmas consumption is great right until you get to the post Xmas dump.

  4. Scotty, I need warp speed in 3 minutes or we're all dead.

  5. There is something nasty and sticky in the hearth

  6. is poking about hopefully with a hot soldering iron

  7. I was saying to Captain Kernow only the other day "there are other railways than the S&D", he wouldn't listen....

  8. A blob of congealed lemon curd

  9. What's in Santas sack?

  10. ring stiffness tester

  11. A nefarious lothario art thou.

  12. you got a jam jar stuck WHERE?!?!?!

  13. A LMS CCT for Brent perhaps ?

  14. promises to be good until lunchtime.

  15. What is it with these small new housing developments, that like to call themselves such nonsensical twee names as 'Badger's Grove', 'Foxglove Mews' or 'Meadow Rise' etc. etc. - you know the ones I mean - you can find them all over... Why are there no 'Blast Furnace Streets', 'Corporation Car Park Avenues' or 'Engineering Factory Roads'...?!

  16. I'm curious, if we don't believe in the Moderators does that mean that they will cease to be?

  17. is wondering if veg curry will be on the menu tonight :-P

  18. Every silver lining has a cloud! MrsJ has just offered to relocate my layout from the cold garage to the box room. But it's 8inch too long! I can't start again can I.......?

  19. Am I the only person not going to Warley?

  20. has seen his cholesterol levels increase sharply, and is now contemplating the idea of a prune and rhubarb curry diet.

  21. "Relax, don't do it / When you want to go to it..."

  22. Zombies exist! It says so in the bible! Long story...

  23. Its dark in the evenings, X factor, COme Dancing shite on the TV, and finally ' I'm a self-obcessed f@nny get me out of here' yep its layout planning season again!

  24. Dont think the landlord believed me when i asked could i build a 40ftx40ft shed in the grounds corner

  25. Is it me or is RMweb a little unstable at the moment?

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