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Everything posted by TheCuckoo

  1. The Star arrived yesterday, but the great unveiling won't be until the 25th
  2. I'm not sure if I should ask here or the DCC page but can anyone recommend a DCC chip for the Star? Something on the right side of £25 would be nice...
  3. I guess we'll find out... I've just ordered one (gulp!) Come on Santa - I've been a good boy!
  4. For what it's worth, I really want a Star. The bottom line is that despte the special offer on the bogie wheels (Buy 10 spokes, get 2 extra free!!), the moulded handrail and the lack of etched plates the model represents the class beautifully. Certainly it is to a standard that I could not achieve with my ham-fisted attempts to build a kit, and the paint finish and lining look lovely - again, far above what I could achieve with transfers etc. Is it perfect? No. Is it in the period I want? No. Is it cheap? No. Is it a good model of a class I have wanted for a long time? Yes. Is it on my Christmas list? Yes. Dare I hope for a Saint next year?
  5. Yes, annoyingly the photograph does make it look brighter than it looks as the model sits here in front of me.<div><br></div><div>Interestingly, the picture in "My Picture"/Avatar thingy is a photo of the real engine, not a model, in preservation. Perhaps they mucked about with the colour on the preserved engine too?</div><div><br></div><div>Thanks for the comment.</div>
  6. I'm sure this has already been done to death, but anyway... This is a picture of a Dapol City of Truro used as a test bed for paint colours before I embark on an upgrade/improvement to a Hornby Dean Single. City of Truro (Large Picture 1.3Mb) The thing thats bothering me is the colour of the Indian Red frames. Having Red/Green rod/cone confusion (aka colour blindness) means that judging shades of red and green are not my strong point. However, one of my strong points is working with brushed acrylics far more than working with enamels or air brushes. The colour of the frames is the important point. Please don't choke on your cornflakes about the *quality* of the paintwork - I know its terrible - just concentrate on the colour. That is Games Workshop "Dark Flesh" and is the closest thing I have come across from Vellejo, Humbrol or Games Workshop that matches what I think Indian Red looks like. Far brownier and warmer than the red on the Bachmann City which looks very maroon (and therefore odd) to me. I know this is all very subjective, but does anyone care to share an opinion?
  7. I was reading someone else's blog on rmweb and it inspired me to have a go at a little RTR-modification. This is the result: Modified Hornby 4 Wheel Coach (Large Picture 1.2Mb) The underframe is untouched, but the body has been reduced in height at the sides by about 1mm, the ends have been drastically cut down to a single arc, low roof style. The new roof is plastic card with rain strips from microstrip and oil lamps from brass washers and plastic tube. Ends were sanded smooth and then panelling reinstated with electrical masking tape cut into strips. Reglazing was using some plastic packaging I had lying around. "Clarabel" (the donor vehicle) was repainted into GWR colours using Humbrol and Games Workshop acrylics. It still doesn't represent any particular prototype but I think it looks a lot nicer now than before. I like to think of it as a piece of old broad gauge stock thats been inherited by the company and been converted to run on standard gauge. Well, thats my story
  8. Thats a lovely coach youve got there. I am currently practicing lining on a ratio 4 wheeler. The results are not pretty lol but I would dearly love to develop the skill of bow-pen lining. Though I have tried on the ratio kit, I've found that I can draw a finer line with a brush... but the problem is consistency - I can not draw a consistently fine, straight line with a brush. Anyway, once Id done that, I tried to draw pen lines on and they looked terrible - even though they were straight and consistent, they were far too wide and spoiled the whole look. I think youve done yourself proud so far, so keep at it.
  9. Really nice, Ian. I love the brake van. Which kit is that? I want one lol
  10. Thanks Mikkel - thats clear now. You definitely haven't over-documented the layout. In fact, I think it is to your credit that there is so much to document! I guess what Im saying is, a lesser layout would not have such richness and depth that you could elaborate on. With the Bay and the Depot there is a lot to talk about because you have woven such a beautiful tapestry. It is truly inspiring - it has given me a kick in the pants to have a go at something myself.
  11. The Bay looks wonderful (as does The Depot) but just how big is the scenic section itself? Is the fiddle yard seperate? (and if so, how big is that?) Apologies if this has already been asked but I cant find a reference to the dimensions of this beautiful layout. Thanks ray
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