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Everything posted by sem34090

  1. Yes Sir, Sorry Sir, Never again Sir. **Is promptly dispatched to Headmaster's office for use of a word not yet created.**
  2. Something to go with their military vehicles, but I'm rather more excited about the ROD Dean Goods: I will probably try and get hold of both for a little project I have planned. Good to go with the Bachmann ROD New-Tooling variants too... and it's pre-grouping!
  3. Oh deary me... It appears some false identity is being potrayed on this magical virtual, yet somehow very real, meeting place in the mists of the mysterious 'web'. I'm afraid Messrs N. Earholmer and E. Dwardian will be facing some very serious 'flack' if they turn out not to be a refined Edwardian gentleman and a kindly employee on the former LB&SCR at Paltry Circus. I am most upset! Good Day, O.V.S. Bulleid
  4. May I ask exactly what locos you have in your collection? It seems every new thread reveals something else new that has otherwise yet to appear! At the moment, I gather the following: LBSCR K Class 2-6-0 LBSCR E4 Class 0-6-2T LBSCR I3 Class 4-4-2T GWR Class 517 0-4-2T GNR Class C1 4-4-2 LSWR Class A12 0-4-2 (Very much a guess from a photo which appeared to show the chassis of one!) LSWR Class M7 0-4-4T What else?! I'm jealous of that little lot - I only have the E4, and my M7's all require backdating. One is staying in BR Black, another is staying in SR Bulleid Wartime Black and the other will be getting LSWR Drummond livery at some stage.
  5. At a guess it will have made use of some of the frogmore etched sides, to be found on the Dart Castings website.
  6. T9's and Mazak (rot)?........Anon?
  7. But, Mr (N.E.) Arholmer of Concrete Cowland, does our gracious host resemble anything close to the appearance implied behind his masquerade (I believe 'Profile Pic' is the commoner's terminology for such an image?) and nom de plume? I have reason to believe that he would, in fact be dressed rather differently to the high standards implied by said masquerade and nom de plume. Good Day, E. Missenden, OBE All further correspondence should be sent, with a £1 note representing each word, to: Sir Eustace Missenden, Loco No.34090 Brighton Railway Workshops, Brighton Correspondence recieved after February 1949 should be forwarded to Stewart's Lane depot, from June 1957 to Nine Elms depot, from September 1964 to Eastleigh depot, and from July 1967 to Cashmore's of Newport. Any correspondence recieved after March 1968 will be returned in a tin can immediately, thus signifying the demise of this particular Bulleid Masterpiece.
  8. Or, alternatively... MAKE IT LBSCR!!! Still, the idea of a Little Aching, Aching Parva, Aching By/On the Sea appeals. Also, it may be able to form the basis of an exhibitable layout, and we may therefore get to see a taste of the WNR at various shows - assuming, of course, that isn't the plan for Castle Aching itself!
  9. Will need to add all the other liveries in due course... Meanwhile, work continues on the L1, I've started to look for Manning Wardle Drawings, and I have now bought a book containing drawings of a variety of Stroudley locos.
  10. Oh. Does it involve D1's? A's? A1's? B's? B1's? B2's? B3's? B4's? B4x's? C1's? C2's? C2x's? C3's? D1x's? D2's? D3's? E1's? E1x's? E1r's? E2's? E3's? E4's? E5's? E6's G's? H1's? H2's? I1's? I2's? I3's? J's? J1's? K's? L's? Or am I completely wrong?
  11. My apologies for the great almighty BUMP here, but can anyone name the source of the transfers mentioned above? If nobody knows then I'll try and get some done up for myself, and will (of course!) post the file on here.
  12. Let me guess: At least one of your club accquisitions was a Finecast kit. At least one of your club accquisitions was a Stroudley D1. or My witterings have prompted you to do some CAD stuff, and you've produced a superior D1 than my own - currently undergoing a rebuild - one.
  13. I seem to remember someone saying that these were meant to be made at the London Toyfair? If so, will they be Tomorrow, Wednesday or Thursday? Just wondering...
  14. See, I don't really want to pay that much for a loco, not even a Stroudley one! Reminds me to finish off the CAD for that and the D1...
  15. I was thinking how 'special' 1 week events could be good. Perhaps 100, 125, 150, 175 or even 200 year anniversaries could be commemorated in this way. As I say, I'd really love to see Bognor - Littlehampton services run as a heritage service for perhaps one week, and the Bognor-Barnham shuttles. They are only short runs, and are operated by 40-year old stock as it is! If a heritage EMU was used alongside steam stock, I expect the service would prove MORE popular with the general travelling public, as the old stock would have 1st class, toilets, and decent seats! In fact, even if steam couldn't be run regularly, a heritage EMU service would probably be popular simply because of the improvement in standards for the normal travelling public!
  16. **Grumbles** Still annoyed I missed it on ebay. Not letting any of you lot sneak in on the things I'm currently watching... **Continues to Grumble....** Glad to hear that Kevin offloaded disposed handed the layout over to you though!
  17. The one that sold for £44-ish last night? That'd be the one! And pretty well exactly my plan too... Build the whitemetal body as my first loco kit, then fit it onto a Hornby chassis. After that I planned to build the chassis separately then mate it to the body once that was done. Good price, but a little out of my range at the moment. I have my eye on a few other things though, and I'm rather confident of getting them. Won't be saying anything beforehand though... don't want any of you lot getting in there and outbidding me! Not massive amounts of time left, and currently winning, so even more reason not to mention them! If I get any of them at the current price they will have been bargains.... I haven't got my eye on this one (Well out of my price range!), but think it may be of interest to some contributors here... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/LBSC-Kit-Built-0-6-0-Tank-Loco-Number-100-Black-Livery-Painted-/173108914507 I believe it to be an E1 in late condition (Marsh boiler?), in Marsh Goods Black. Only thing is, I thought by this point the first E2's had appeard, the first being No.100. It ain't arf 'xpensive tho, innit!
  18. I recently missed out on a K's terrier on ebay, as I really would like to do an accurate A1 for myself at some stage. Seems certain people (Whom shall remain nameless... Jim, Gary...) are 'wasting' the kits on excellent modelling projects...
  19. Over-Simplifying here.... You'd need at least three cab/bunker mouldings: Normal Bunker, Extended (IOW) bunker and Extended (Light Rly) Bunker, plus various coal rail mouldings. Two splasher mouldings (W/Wo Sandboxes) Four boiler castings (Stroudley, Marsh, Wainwright, Drummond) Multiple Chimney Types (Stroudley, Marsh, Drummond, IOW Cast) Two smokebox types (A1, A1x) Various designs of brake hanger. And so much more....
  20. At the moment teak liveries are out, but I'm working that out. I will look into all the others mentioned before too long.
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