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Everything posted by sem34090

  1. Thanks James, as I say, there is a broad church in this hobby, and one model won't suit everyone. I'd be honoured if you would try one of my prints!
  2. I whilst I, as a pre-grouping Southern Modeller, appreciate there is a need for NER locos, I agree with Andy that there is no need to go around in every topic that dares to mention the thought of a new Southern model to make your point. Perhaps set up a new topic for constructive discussion?
  3. Right, a few issues worth addressing here! First of all, I too find Shapeways' prices expensive, so generally use 'Imaterialise' as I have found them cheaper. In their equivalent of WSF, a bogie coach worked out at £35 rather than £65 on shapeways. People still seem to be hooked that I mentioned RTR Chassis, and think that I mean I will make every model with dodgy proportions to fit. I make the model to scale, then copy the file and start adapting it to fit a chassis. I would then offer both the RTR Chassis version and a version for a scratchbuilt chassis or even a 3D Printed chassis, An L&YR Railmotor is considerably larger than, say, an LBSCR Baltic Tank, and therefore costs more. Moreover, I don't know how much of a markup Simon put on that model. The E2 at £90 is also more likely to be in a higher-grade material. Finally, you don't have to buy it if you don't want to! I don't intend to make any money out of this in the short term at any rate. I've attached a rather poor phone shot of the HO D1, without flash, so you can make your own judgement. I didn't sand it, just crudely painted it and stuck on the only transfers I had to hand, though they are incorrect for the class. The ridging on the boiler was a design flaw on my part: at the time I didn't know how to add more than 24 segments in a circle.
  4. I will design it so that it is able to be printed in WSF, but will offer it in this and in finer materials. I now see that I fell into a trap! I'll make that an R (And R1) 0-4-4T then! I base all my models from drawings, normally either Railway Modeller drawings, Works Drawings, or drawings from several books. I will then try and find an RTR chassis that is the closest match, and make internal adjustments to suit. If I cannot find an RTR chassis to fit the body, I will then copy the file into a new version and offer a 'warped' version for an RTR chassis alongside a 'scale' version that would require its own chassis to be made. I understand that there are some, like myself, who don't really want to build a chassis, and other who would prefer an exact-scale version to fit a scratch-built chassis.
  5. They will be made to fit RTR chassis. I listed the locos I have already started research and basic CAD on, and you say the cost is cheaper than traditional kits: an LBSCR D1 in HO worked out about £20 (Including postage from Belgium), so in 00 would work out roughly £25 - £30. 4-4-0 Tender locos should work out the same. In order to make a bit of money, I'd price nearer to £40 for a loco, but I've got a few things to sort out before I start selling. All of the locos mentioned are on the eventual to-do list, and I have drawings for virtually every SECR, LBSCR and LSWR Tank Engine, along with Maunsell SR Designs and 'Leader'. A K Class is high up the list, and once I get my hands on some drawings it should progress quickly.
  6. Oh thank you Sir, thank you! I shall vow never to mention those two hateful words ever again... unless provoked, and that's a warning!
  7. You do for my (user) namesake! Didn't emerge I didn't emerge until 1949... IN INTERNET FORM ONLY!!! Besides, I'm rather fond of the rebuilds... now do I get excomunicated to Slough?
  8. Agreed, Mr Edward Ian Jameson...
  9. Oooo... pre-grouping Met, I can see it now: Station, Goods Yard, Metropolitan & DistricNO!!! NO, NO, NO!!! I really must finish the current projects within the next millenium! I wouldn't mix 3rd Rail and overhead on the same running lines. The equipment would be LSWR and LBSCR pattern respectively: anything else would be unusual, but that wouldn't stop me! Love the SUB, by the way Kevin!
  10. Neither do I, but I have a homeless Triang L1 Chassis! Might do an LBSC B4 instead... NO: Finish what I've started! The Peckett is likely to happen regardless, as I have a friend who wants one!
  11. I suspect I shall be cured of my affliction in time, however there is one small obstacle, given away by my avatar and username... I LOVE BULLEID PACIFICS TOO MUCH!!! And that's unlikely to change anytime soon!
  12. What a suprise! Suprised you chose the L over one of the others (I know you've done a C2...): Is that as a cop out in case you don't finish yours in time for November 11th this year? If so, you'll be pleased to know that (subject to refinement) it will fit a Hornby (Railroad Loco Drive, DCC Ready) A3 Chassis...
  13. Probably not good enough for this thread, but, We need some pre-grouping liveries on this page! Bilinton Class E4 0-6-2T No.579 sits at Salvington with a train bound for Brighton, all stations, via the Junction of the Findon branch to the coast line to the West of West Worthing.
  14. I suspect that is helping to stablise your condition, I believe known as 'Compulsive Wittiness' to those in the know...
  15. I, I, I model BR(S) in the 1950's besides pre-grouping. There. I said it. Now, excommunicate me if you so desire, and I shall never return! Or you can let me carry on. Choice is yours, Guvnor!
  16. I can't remember Blue Diesels, yet I model both BR(S) in the 1950's, South Wales Collieries 1900-1984 and Southern Consitiuent Pre-Grouping 1900-1923! That poll has proven very, very, interesting! EDIT: I can't spwell at this time of knight...
  17. You said I should focus on the LCDR, then promptly gave me SER suggestions! Well, after a point they are one of the same...
  18. Fair points there! Pray, remind me of your choice of career? I rather think you'd make a good lawyer... oh, wait...
  19. Dear, dear Simon, you appear to be having one of your funny moments again. Doctor W. Ho (TL, OBE, BBC, Hons.) will see you now. Ooops, now I've got the wrong thread... Hat, White Coat, Gone!
  20. Ooops. Am I bleeding your printer dry? Oh I am awfully sorry sir, may I mop it up for you? Oh, it's leaked onto the paper? Well Sir, All I can say is that's some rather handsome SECR insignia it has managed to form itself into! What do you mean it was meant to be British Railways, Whatever that is? No sir, this shop dates from 1910, so your printing press will be unable to print the insignia that you appear to require... Good Day!
  21. GET OUT OF MY THREAD, SIMON!!! Go back to wander the streets of Castle Aching until someone arrives to return you, ahem, 'home'. (Simon leaves, shouting 'Mustard, Mustard, Girrus All Yer Got!) He's like that sometimes, he can't help it, bless'm Carrying on, Will LBSCR Electrics ever make it to Paltry Circus? Or at least an LNWR Oerlikon? Kevin? Are you there Kevin?
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