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Everything posted by sem34090

  1. I need to do a bit more writing, for various reasons, but I like the sound of the Children's books, Gary. I assume railways wouldn't feature, so no 'Ollie' (The engine who always got Bulleid) or 'Gladstone the old engine' then..!
  2. Not the time for coursework? Probably best to be doing that than chatting to a bunch of men online (Just to make it sound a bit more dodgy... ) I always enjoyed History essays, but was better at English Language than Literature! Did a nice (according to the teacher!) piece on Dinorwig Slate Pits, and another on a heritage railway gala (I remember the opening line to that: " They buzzed like sooty flies around the iron throughbred..." - Sums up most trainspotters really! ) Trouble is that the mob model the 50's and 60's, when standards were beginning to slip! One must retain Edwardian standards at all times! Ahem... Actually, I seem to have become a bit 'pre-grouping' of late: following my watch giving up, and not always having my phone on me, I found myself buying a cheap pocket watch on the IOWSR with which to tell the time until I get myself a new wristwatch. That was 6 months ago, and I'm now getting used to it! Still raises a few eyebrows, and I don't keep it in the proper place (Keep it in my inside pocket: saves people nicking it!), but at least I can see the time when I've forgotten to put my glasses on! I do hope the friendly approach here rubs off elsewhere, but like yourselves, I doubt it will happen. Just so long as they don't end up with some of the posts from Castle Aching when that thread goes through its 'Artistic' phases or displays something other than railway modelling...
  3. Hi All, I thought I'd start a thread about the prospects for NER locos to be produced RTR. I've done this in the Hornby forum, as said manufacturer is the only one to date to produce a locomotive of NER origin for the RTR market, but the arguement applies to all manufacturers. I know Bachmann will be producing an NER designed loco (J72) soon, but I'm not having a thread in each forum! I am an avid fan of all things Southern, but even I feel that (as one of the larger pre-grouping companies) the NER is in need of more models, in much the same way as Scotland. I know of one vocal exponent on here, and I imagine there are others who are (like myself, despite the fact I'm unlikely to model it!) rooting for the NER to finally get an RTR model. I think most people are agreed that a J21 would be a good thing. The Southern has been blessed recently, which is fair enough: the companies have seen it as profitable, and there are good reasons for that, but I think (as a Southern modeller!) that the NER and Scotland need their turn now whilst we save up to pay for all the goodies. Finally, another thing; as a Southen modeller I have no interest in any of Hornby's announcements this year beyond some NCB wagons and being overjoyed for modellers of the NBR and also Scottish Railways in general! I have slightly more interest in Bachmann's (That H1 is beautiful!), but anything post 1923 (beyond the NCB wagons) is of little interest to me at present! I'll leave it there: discuss to your heart's content!
  4. Understandable that he left, especially as he was trying to promote a business, which is something I think should happen more on here, but it seems many respond badly to that. Shame also that, even in enjoyable pastimes and hobbies such politics can overtake personal enjoyment. There are a few people who, whilst justified in their views, need to reign it in a little bit, perhaps a certain exponent of RTR NER stock (A cause I support!) comes to mind... Not a criticism (I love said person's modelling), but to effectively insult every Southen Modeller on the basis that a manufacturer has indentified the Southern as more profitable than the NER is not exactly fair! Still, Gary, you ought to tell him to rename himself on his blog from that strange box on wheels! He says as a fan of Bulleid Pacifics, and possibly... even... Leader... RUUUN!!! Why else do you think I've (more or less!) stayed within the friendlier part of the forum?!
  5. Let's think... We have a few GNR, GCR, MR and LNWR layouts to form the central core, a few SER, LCDR, GER, SECR, (LTSR?), WNR (!) and NER to fill the Eastern side, a plethora of GWR layouts and LSWR layouts to cover the West, a helping of LBSC layouts to plug the gap, a few Met layouts to connect the GCR to the SECR and provide a Sheffield - Paris link... then a few Welsh layouts and a fair few Scottish ones to complete the picture! Challenge: name a pre-grouping company for which you have seen NO models from any individual, be that layouts, locos or stock... go on, I dare ya'. I've taken this too far, methinks...
  6. Anyone know what chassis the SEF G6 Takes (Besides their etched one, before anyone says that!)? Didn't realise that 'Midland' Alex had left RMweb, shame. I did wonder why I hadn't seen many posts from him of late...
  7. I thought you bought a kit to go with your scratchbuild? Maybe I was thinking of someone or somewhere else: I usually am... PLEASE NO CROSS-POSTS FROM CASTLE ACHING 2 PAGES AGO, PLEASE!!!
  8. Oi! Mister! If tha' N class is reely 31408, then whysit go' 31404 on the cab si-shee'? I mean, they's both Guildford ingines, bu' shurely shome mishtake there ter get the numberplates muddled up?
  9. Indeed it is! Another one to add to the list, then, the HPR. I have been rather taken by the Harton system, but I personally prefer the looks of the NER locos.
  10. I forgot all about GEM, but yes, they are still available, and I believe (in a vain attempt to get back to Gary and Oak Hill!), that the Managing Director of the erstwhile Oak Hill Railway company is the owner of a GEM LBSCR B1!
  11. I must've struck lucky with my built examples then! Looks like Finecast is the way to go then, should I find any 2nd hand examples cheap enough. The only SEF Kit I've seen 2nd hand recently is on a certain traders stand that goes to most shows in the south. It's an SECR P, and he's priced it (unbuilt) at £105! He states on his stand that he is unwilling to accept offers, but my bought example was only £55 completely finished as 1027 in SR Green, and the forthcoming Hattons one is £99. Am I right in thinking that a new kit from SEF is cheaper? More expensive than my example, but still cheaper than the Hattons one without wheels?
  12. Keep going, you'll run out eventually... He said, knowing full well the master of wit would produce yet more! Secretly, he found the Sheep puns rather amusing!
  13. Glad to see you like them! I'll have to look at the scaling on that: they seem to fit my R1, but maybe I used a smaller scaled one. I did do two versions, small and large, so perhaps I used the small one on mine. I'll try again! And I'll add some un-numbered ones for you as well.
  14. Psst, James... If yer make it Brighton, I'll buy it off yer when yer don' wanit no more... Would make a nice LBSCR Layout, or is this Bishop's Lyn? Not big enough for Achingham!
  15. I often wish I'd been around when K's kits were still on general sale: I have a few built ones at home and they appear to have been somewhat easier to manage than some modern kits. Most people seem to think that those who do RTR will only do RTR, and kitbuilders will all be experienced modellers, hence kits become more complex, and those like me who want to break out of having a mostly-RTR collection of locos and stock are either having to find alternative ways of doing it (See my other threads) or are being put off. In some respects, the kit producers could be shooting themselves in the foot by mostly producing complex, or costly, kits which becomes off-putting for those like myself who want to get their teeth into something simple and cheap, before progressing to more complex and expensive kits. I'd imagine many kitbuilders around today will have started with the likes of K's and progressed, but that intial stepping stone has gone!
  16. The paper does do a good job of that... You've given me an idea Simon!
  17. Ah, some light hearted puns! Puns are fine: we just don't want our lawyer friend to require anti-pun counselling! I just want one thread on the forum, one thread! Keep it within Castle Aching's Parish boundary...
  18. Well, the L is progressing, with the firebox done in rough. Not convinced about the front curves yet, but I'll post pictures later.
  19. Stepney! The Stroudley Variation...
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