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Everything posted by Denbridge

  1. Alan Gibson does etched rods at very reasonable prices.
  2. My last layout incorporated 8 gaugemaster controllers on a common return wiring system which performed faultlessly for 8 years until circumstances forced its dismantling. Most of that layout is now incorporated into another huge layout with more gaugemaster controls and still with common return wiring. Whenever I visit it still runs impeccably.
  3. Is it my imagination but im sure you used to have a loco (B1?), Running on Stoke Bank with churns on the running boards.
  4. Shifting milk churns or similar containers isnt difficult. You use the liquid within to aid momentum. I worked for a time in the Pub business and often moved 22 gallon barrels, including placing them on top of each other.
  5. There is a prototype for everything. Pictures have been posted of wagon doors sitting on top of coal bins, with the wagon contents being transferred to said bins. Also of wagon doors being supported by props while coal is transferred to both bins and lorries.
  6. This is a subject that regularly surfaces. There are as many instances of coal bins up against a siding as there are of them being set away from the line.
  7. Your shed has had more extensions than Brexit. Haha
  8. Pendon Museum once had a set of Swindon colour panels. They were lent to a manufacturer who subsequently binned them. So they were certainly not mythical. This is mentioned in "in search of a dream" the biography of Roye England and Pendon.
  9. It has been mentioned, a few times, that Retford may never be finished. Does that mean the layout will be dismantled? Such a terrible loss.
  10. Have you tried Alan Gibson? He provided me with some Jinty castings a couple of years back.
  11. Horsted Keynes on the Bluebell is numbered in the same manner as yours. Another example is Norwood Junction .
  12. It should also be considered that paints were far less durable in retaining their shades than modern paints. A loco that had been in traffic for a year or more, with perhaps just a revarnish would be a noticably different colour to one just out-shopped newly painted. This is sometimes also evident on preserved lines between locos of supposedly the same colour but painted a couple of years apart.
  13. Yes. The valve chests on these were between the frames. Ive just tried to find my copy of Bert Perrymans book on the Remembrance, which has works drawings, but its vanished. I'll have another look later.
  14. Ive visited several times. Ideally, you need to spend a whole day there. Even then it wont do it justice. If you have time, i would also recommend the behind the scenes tours. They are really good and the guides are very knowledgeable. They also speak excellent English.
  15. I still miss the annual MRC shows at Central Hall. Im showing my age haha.
  16. Having only recently been to Pendon, i cant entirely agree with your comments about signage. Indeed it was one aspect of the developing scene that really impressed me. The modellers recreating the exquisite signs and advertising boards around the village have done an incredible job. Some, such as Duck Stores are true works of art. We can of course class the whole of Pendon in that category, but the miniature sign writing is exquisite.
  17. To cause so much damage with what 'should' have been a slow moving goods train, suggests the crew had lost control of it on a down gradient. It may well have been 'looped' to prevent it causing further damage further ahead. Possibly a passenger train was in a station beyond the Box.
  18. I think you are pretty much spot on how many choose the era that we model the railways. My late Uncle and my father both 'spotted' pre 1939 and in both cases had little interest in the post war railways. Indeed, this seemed to be pretty much the given amongst most modellers i was privileged to grow up amongst during my formative years and whilst i do have an interest in post war steam, ive always modelled either Big Four or pre grouping.
  19. Ah, but the locomotives requested by the traffic department were not supposed to weigh anywhere near 130 tons. Mr Bulleid seems to have got carried away.
  20. I know it's terribly old fashioned, but you could always phone. You'll have an instant answer then.
  21. In addition, the Southern Railway didnt have drivers. They were known as Engineman.
  22. Anywhere up to 5 years or more.
  23. It doesn't matter one bit how good sound files are. The problem is that in small scales, it is currently impossible to transfer that into a realistic within the model. I'm not convinced it will ever be possible. The only realistic steam sounds I've heard were installed into Gauge one German steam locomotives. Even then I believe they also used speakers under the baseboard to create the sound.
  24. DCC sound is awesome in diesels. However I've yet to hear a 4mm steam engine that sounds realistic. The small speakers just can't deliver the wide range of sounds that capture a convincing steam loco sound.
  25. Sorry. Didn't make myself clear. On the maunsell moguls and the N15x, with the coupling rods at the bottom of their revolution the return crank should be set backwards, ie behind the axle centre line. In most locos using this gear the crank is ahead of the axle c/l.
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