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    Nth / Sth Norfolk or South Bucks - depends what day it is!!

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  1. The following quote is displayed on the wsr.org.uk PLEASE NOTE: Most webcams will not be streaming to the public on Monday 1 and Tuesday 2 July 2024 due to the private hire of much of the Railway. Sorry. [Posted 1 July 2024]
  2. Don't you believe it - We're having rabbit for lunch today! Have to admit that we're not cooking it - our neighbour has kindly asked us round to join them !
  3. Hi Monte Whilst you will no doubt get flooded with information and well-meaning recommendations here, I would seriously recommend that you and / or your friend visit either a retailer selling DCC systems or a model railway club that has a DCC layout. I appreciate that there may not be many of these close to your location! At either of these you will get the opportunity to see and 'play' with DCC and 'learn' the system first hand. I remember when I first started experimenting with DCC, I read dozens of articles and informative web sites but it was only when I visited a local club and got a 'hands on' introduction to how it works and to it's capabilities did I start to more fully understand what it was capable of. This was a few years back and DCC is still advancing and I'm still learning!!
  4. Again - thanks for this information, Paul. I wonder if 'micknich2003' happened to be on duty that weekend? The ECS and loco moves to cope with those additional services must have taken some planning and execution. Presumably the stock used was from the ECML services that were spare at the weekend but I guess they would still need to be moved to Hull and then berthed in the short term prior to being moved into Paragon for the Saturday morning. And then it would all need repeating again in the evening after the return of all the services from London! Looking at the picture again, It doesn't look as if there is any capacity at Paragon to cope with the regular more local services, even though it was a Saturday!
  5. and all loco-hauled stock (I think), with the exception of the Trans Pennine unit! Was there an event on somewhere?
  6. Hi Charlie The loco is Bachmann 32-787 Class 37 D6714. Thanks for your interest.
  7. Thanks Nigel. I guessed this might be the case! I've managed to get a reasonable stab at the function list and will stick with his for the moment. If I'm right and it is a SELECT, the re-blow suggestion is not an option, is it? Thanks
  8. Hi. Just taken delivery of a sound fitted Class 37 and was wondering how to identify the sound file so that I can hopefully acquire a Function List! JMRI tells me that the decoder is an ESU SELECT (LSS printed on the decoder) but my knowledge and experience of JMRI prevents me from getting any further! (The vendor thinks the sound file supplier MAY be South West Digital.) Any thoughts / assistance would be gratefully appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  9. Back in my 'yoof', I was an early member of the NYMR in the days when Mirvale and one coach could be seen struggling up to Goathland Summit. I then remember No 5 and No. 29 arriving and I've had a soft spot for No. 5 ever since. Having raised a query on here about the availability of this loco in 00 gauge form back in 2012, I was approached just before Christmas last year by 'Paul _sterling' of this parish. Paul uses 3D printing to produce bodies of No 5 and his offer includes using some of the cost he charges to support the rebuild No. 5 on the NYMR. So I thought that as Christmas was coming up and the pressy list was looking a little 'short' this year, we'd have a go! I have to admit that my modelling skills are nowhere near the level needed for a project like this, so having placed an order with Paul, I then set about finding a donor chassis. These come in the shape a Bachmann 32-079 56xx 0-6-2T and I passed this on so that Paul could adapt the chassis to fit. Having completed the body and chassis works, the loco then arrived with me for the application of decals and fitting of a sound decoder and speaker. The decals I acquired look slightly oversized to me, but as I said earlier my modelling skills are not up with the best and at least I'm satisfied with how it looks. I hard-wired a YouChoos supplied ZImo MS500R in the boiler barrel with a sugarcube speaker in the coal bunker - the YouChoos sound file being for a GWR Class 5600 Taffy Tank. Now before anyone jumps up and down, I think I'm right in saying that the loco was built by Robert Stephenson in Darlington to the same pattern as the Class 5600s they built and therefore as I'm not aware of any No. 5 sound projects I guess this is probably as close as I'm going to get. I'm told that the only thing that doesn't match in the sound file is the whistle!! Anyway, if you'd like to see it I'll attach a couple of photos and the link to a short video - I hope you enjoy them and if No.5 takes your fancy, then please do get in touch with 'Paul_sterling' and know that if you buy from him, you'll also be supporting No.5 on the NYMR. (I am aware that some attention is needed to the boiler handrail!!) Video - https://youtu.be/77j3K2uFeTw
  10. Thanks Jim. I can now see why there is a need for such a seemingly long diversion. At first look it seems very wasteful but slotting in with all of the passenger ECS movements and with such a short time available on the branch, it all becomes clear. Still, it made for a long day for you - I'm sure that the day off today / tomorrow is welcome!
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